Today is my birthday!

Yeah, today is my birthday! Today, my mom and I are going out to get my cake, ice cream, and balloons. We're also going to spend some time out of the house. The sad part is that she got sick, I think from my dad. 

I had gotten today off from work, which I was a little surprised. But, I'm happy because I finally get a birthday off from a job. Usually, I have to work on my birthdays. But, this time I get it off. 

Also, wanted to give you an update on how I am feeling since I got my tooth out. I'm doing better, the pain stopped and so did the blood. I still can't eat on the right side, so I have to wait until it's completely healed. But, I'm happy that it's done with.

Just wanted to come by before I go out and let you know that it's my birthday, but also that I'm doing much better. I'll let you know how everything goes today.




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Happy birthday! Even though it's late. :)
OMG happy birthday!!
Happy birthday Raven!!!
May God bless you and may all your wishes come true. And the most important part, be healthy and happy always.
Happy Birthday! :D
Happy birthday! ヽ( ⌒∇⌒ )ノ
Happppyy birthday!!
Happy birthday to you!!!!!
*holds a cake and wears a party hat
Hope your parents recover soon and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Happy birthday, and I hope your mom will get well soon. Have a great day! ^-^
kawaii_anime1004 #11
Happy Birthday :)!
Happy bornday :)
Happy birthday~