Hates and Likes XD

Things I like and hate about You Are My Wings and It Won't Change... Even If I Am Born Again [Sequel in short]

YAMW like:

+ Has most views

+ Best story out of my three fanfics [readers really like it]

+ I think I did well [shameless XD]

YAMW hate:

+ unrated as M [LMAO]

+ I didn't develop the story very well

+ I cut off too many good scene [sounds like a film director]


Sequel like:

+ Rated M [I'm a ert]

+ Get to write more about their lovey-dovey scene

+ I love writing about YS's cuteness [YAMW was so intense I didn't get to write much]

Sequel hate:

+ least views out of the three [reason from some readers ----> because it's rated]

+ Jinx's behavior [I hate him now even when I'm his creator]

+ I'm still lacking in writing love scene =.=


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Hahah yeah it's your fault! lol. I really love rated stories.. keke im a ert too. Hi five! :D
adeloveskyu #2
I don't like the part when u hate my jinx now coz it's entirely ur fault!!! Rated, I love it since u r the one whose teach me to be y *still ur fault* ahahahahahahaha... U'll gain more viewers, subscribers and lovely comments for this sequel *it's quite new, my God's sake!!!* Hwaiting dongsaengie ^.^b Love ya..