yuna lebeau
            The Brains and The Brawns.


beginning of an end.

i was staring out the broken window. seeing the red rain pour for another day just screams humanties defeat. but for how long will we stay hiding? how long until we finally realize that we need to band together once again to take back what was rightfully ours? the avengers' death wasn't the sign of our defeat, it was a sign for us to start relying on ourselves. they've done their part in protecting our planet, now it's our turn to stand up and fight.

a knock on the door got me out of my thoughts.

i looked at the screen to see two familiar faces. i approached the door and slowly opened it and was greeted by the two men. one of them handed me a folder titled "new avengers". no words were needed, i was in and i am ready.

name: — "I'm yuna lebeau." she said. "i was part of the tech department of s.h.i.e.l.d before you know... it got destroyed."

"ah the youngster who made all those gadgets and always kept our artillery stocked."  james said while looking at her profile.
other names: — "you may have heard about this since it's my only other name in the lab."

living artillery — a codename made for her by her co-workers.

"anything else?" james asked.

"nothing else. please proceed."

nicknames: — "wait what's the difference between this and other names?"

nana — usually used by her parents at first but other co workers heard her parents call her this and started using this to refer to her while working.
lebeau — it just rolls off the tounge nicely.
ms. armory — she is also known for restocking the weapon supply in s.h.i.e.l.d using her powers. 
Missy evergreen — this was her first fake name when she was sent out as a spy.
brainy asguardian — she has the brains and the brawns aswell.

age: — "i am 20 years old but my colleagues think i'm younger than that because of my height." yuna smiled.
date of birth: — "i was born on october 14, 1997."
place of birth: — "here in new york."
ethnicity: — "i'm half korean and half american." she answered
language(s) spoken:

"I can speak english, korean, and chinese but if you need me to learn other languages then i can do that." yuna said.

"sure. i'll let you know beforehand." james replied. 


faceclaim — Kim Yerim(red velvet)
gallery — here

appearance — Nothing different from  this

style — closet

superhero look — 



yellow, white

energy, intellect, enlightenment, clarity
optimism, caution, joy, positivity


it originated from korea
it means "light of the lord."


tell me more about yourself, Yuna.
 the person who's been waiting for this day to come. 
positive + Smart, optimistic, hardworking, friendly, cooperative
neutral = alert, creative, strategic
negative - sarcastic, sometimes instinct kicks in and she becomes impulsive, stubborn, argumentative
"you know making me describe myself is kinda embarrasing." yuna couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"just say as much as you can if you're too embarrased." james responded.

"well, let's see... i'm
smart, i've been working with machines and crafting weapons my entire life. i have a lot of experience with computers, hacking, coding, decoding and all those good stuff. its kinda something i do everyday so i got used to these things. i'm also optimistic, i can handle stressful situations and work under pressure since i could just calm myself down and tell myself everything is gonna be alright. you could call me hardworking since i've always committed to my work and have been diligent doing it. that's why i always present new weapons i created to the board every week and hope that it would get their approval. i've been called friendly by my co-workers. they say i'm an approachable and kind person. i can say that i am since i've been helping them whenever they have a problem in the lab and i sometimes even treat them out to lunch whenever it was our break. i am very cooperative and can get used to other people, it may be a struggle since i might have different methods from them but i'll make sure that i'll cooperate with them very well."

"alright so those were the good things about your personality, anything negative i need to keep a look out for?" james asked.

"oh yeah, sure." yuna continued.
"i can make
sarcastic comments sometimes. i only mean for them as a joke or a slight roast to someone but some people mistake it for an insult mainly because of the tone of my voice while i say the comment. you know i've been sent to the field a lot of times right?" yuna asked

"yeah, i have your records right here. you didn't only work for the tech department of s.h.i.e.l.d." james said as he held out an envelope containing a lot of papers.

"well there were incidents wherein i
acted out of impulse. those were the times where i got angry cause i got hit or thrown out of a window. this side of me is a very unpleasant sight since other agents described it as a tiny woman going on a rampage." yuna tried to hide her embarrassment by laughing.

james' eyes widened as he read some of yuna's mission reports. "oh wow, well hopefully this won't trigger in situations wherein you need to use your head."

"yeah i hope so too. let's see what else am i bad at... oh i can be
stubborn sometimes. its hard for someone to change my views or stand on something. it would take a lot of arguing and some good reasons for me to change my stand. something related to this is me being argumentative, when my plans and strategies cross others i tend to argue that my plan is better and if things get really heated then an arguement starts. they kinda need to reason out with me if they want their plan to be used instead of mine."

"i can sense that you have pride in your plans." james said.

"guess you can say that." yuna replied.

"well, anything in else i need to know about you?" he asked.

"well, i'm always
alert. i constantly keep my ears and eyes out especially in the situation we are in. another trait that helped me in creating those weapons was being creative. i take some time to think about how this weapon would look and how it would function, i even add some little trinkets to it to make it have more aesthetic. finally to the last part, strategic. like i've said before, i can think of many ways on how to deal with the situation even under pressure. i make sure that the plans i make have no holes in it."

"well that's it for this part of the interview. let's move on to your background. you don't need to reveal any information you think is too personal if you don't want to." james said.

background — "before all of this, the war, the queen, life was great. i had grew up in new york, went to school and made a lot of friends. it was scary living at new york at first since a lot of the fighting happens there but me and my family got used to it. it was cool to find out that my mom and dad were part of s.h.i.e.l.d aswell. i found out about it when i was 8 years old since they were talking about it during breakfast and they let a phonecall about their next mission out on loudspeaker for everyone to hear. i was proud of my parents, they were helping out just like the avengers were. oh i forgot to mention, my mom and dad also possessed powers, and apparently i got both of them. my mom was able to enhance her physical capabilities while my dad could create any weapon. they were one of the top agents of s.h.i.e.l.d, or atleast that's what they told me. when i was a kid, i wanted to be like them, fighting crime, taking down bad guys. my powers showed when i was 10 years old. then the incident happened. my parent's went out for a mission one day, i said goodbye and wished them goodluck. i went to school and went to all my classes. i went home and was excited to tell them that i aced my math test. i saw that they weren't back, i thought that it was normal since there were times where their mission took days or maybe even weeks. they would usually call over my grandma to take care of me while they were away on long missions. a knock came from the door and i opened the door and expected to see my grandma but it was someone else with a s.h.i.e.l.d uniform. he told me to go with him and he brought me to your headquarters. that's where i met maria hill. she was the one who told me what happened to my parents. they died during a mission that's why they weren't able to call my grandma. i remember crying the whole night back then. from that day on, i lived with my grandma and continued school until i was 16. my grandma knew about my abilities and said that it would be a shame if i didn't put them to good use. she wanted me to follow my parent's footsteps and i agreed. i went to your headquarters and signed up for the training. i was listed as part of the technology department which was kinda dissappointing since i wanted to go out on missions but i couldn't complain since i was officially part of s.h.i.e.l.d. i made weapons and showed them to the board for approval and also restocked the weapon supply. this was my job for atleast 2 years until they finally gave me my first mission. you can just read about that in my files. so, yeah i was part of the tech department and was also given missions from time to time. that was my life in s.h.i.e.l.d."

"when the queen invaded earth, everyone wasn't prepared. i did what i could to survive. i tried to find my grandma but she turned into one of those things. i had to put her down. i was roaming around to see where i could make some shelter and ended up in one of the abandoned houses in an rural area. there were some people too who occupied other houses but they didn't last long since they turned into those things as well. i turned the house into my own base. installing all kinds of weaponry in the floorboards. i even placed a sentry on top that would only shoot those things if they were in the area. things weren't great, everyday i would wake up to the sound of the rain, i would just stare out of the window and wonder when humanity would make its next move. then, this came along. you have no idea how thrilled i was when you and fury approaced my door offering this program. i didn't hesitate and followed you guys here and here we are now." yuna ended her story.

"you've been through a lot haven't you." james said.

"not as much as you james. we could all use some peace and quiet here, so i hope that this works." yuna replied.

likes — min. 10 
— making new weapons
— fighting(fight me bruh fight me)
— anything sweet
— sunny weather
— she idolizes the avengers
— people with powers, she finds it really cool seeing others with powers
— she likes it when people compliment her for doing well
— korean pop songs
— technology
— computer-related things
— frappes
— snow
— keeping things in order
— tba
dislikes — min. 5
— noisy environment
— illogical people
— people who have a wicked sense of humor
— sour foods
— heavy metal
— people mistaking her for a child due to her height
— being called a child(she will break you)
— cheesy pickup lines
hobbies — min. 5
— sketching concept art for her weapons before creating them
— creating the weapons 
— testing out those weapons
— practicing her powers
— simulating large scale fights using a machine she invented. this is how she has been training while she was at the abandoned home.
habits — min. 5 
— cussing
— playing with her hair
— playing with other peoples hair
— snapping her fingers when she comes up with an idea
— says "ya" a lot(when someone bumps into her, when she drops something, when something happens.)
— sometimes mixes up korean and english when talking to someone.
trivia — min. 10 
— ambidextrous
— has replicated captain america's shield, tony starks armor, the black panther suit, and many more weapons.
— her favorite weapon is her pair of dual ranged shotgun gauntlets.
— she saw how the avengers were killed by the queen.
— really likes fighting, grand-scale fights are things she often simulates in her machine.
— sometimes she has dreams about the day she saw the queen and how she killd the avengers. 
— her personality changes once she gets smacked hard.(hot-headed)
— she could walk up behind you without you realizing it. she is known to scare people because of this.
— she sparred with most of the members of the avengers and has bested them.
— s.h.i.e.l.d said that she had immeasurable intelligence due to the tests she took.
—can deal with magic users

you will change the future.
 the lebeau family. 

james lebeau | deceased | father | honest, loyal, smart
the father of yuna who was also a s.h.i.e.l.d agent. he was the one who accidentally put the phone on speaker when the mission was being relayed to them. he always thought about his daughter having his powers but saw that she had both his and her mothers powers. he claims to be the funny one between him and his wife.he died during a mission when yuna was only 11.

kim lana | deceased | mother | funny, caring, kind
yuna's mother who she goes to everytime she had a nightmare as a kid. she raised yuna to be a kind and friendly kid and watched her grow. she does a lot of things like taking the whole family to different places in order to spend time with yuna since she and her james have missions that would take days,weeks and sometimes even months. she unfortunately died on a mission along with her husband.
kim yewon | deceased | grandmother | strict, funny, thoughtful
yuna's grandmother who always speaks korean even though she can speak english. she would come over to her house whenever yun'as parent's were on a mission. she is the grandmother who would always feed her daughter sweets and bring her to the park everytime they had free time. she lived with her grandmother when her parents died on a mission. when the queen invaded earth, she was turned into one of those horrific creatures, yuna didn't want her grandmother to live as one of those creatures so she shot her down.

techy friend | peter parker | deceased | heroic
yuna met peter when the avengers came back from a tough mission. peter's web shooters were both destroyed during the mission and yuna gave him another pair she kept in stock. he was surprised that she had replicated his web shooters. they became close when he knew more about her powers and how she could create different weapons.

sparring friend | steve rogers | deceased | heroic
steve was the trainer at the time when the agents were called for training. since yuna had abilities, she was going to spar with steve. yuna managed to best steve and he appluaded her for her hardwork. tony was watching and started to tease steve for being beaten by a little girl. they became sparring partners then. yuna idolizes steve for his righteous and brave persona.

self-proclaimed mentor | tony stark| deceased | heroic
tony met yuna in the tech department of s.h.i.e.l.d. he saw her creating a new weapon out of thin air and was instantly interested. he helped her design new weapons that would be good for future use. he claims to be her mentor every time someone from the avengers walks in. 

co-worker | amanda smith | deceased | clever, friendly, hyper
amanda and yuna became close when yuna was assgined to the tech department. she was the one who thought of the code name "living artillery" when she saw yuna restocking the weapon supply. she admires yuna for her hardwork and determination for creating new weapons and presenting them to the board. amanda works with yuna on several projects.

genius friend | megaera croft | 35-46 | intelligent, complex, secretive
yuna and megaera would get along pretty well considering they are both geniuses and like inventing. but there would also be some conflict since they would have different plans and different opinions.

living Artillery.
 the brains and the brans in one. 
superhero alias —"i think i'm gonna go by the code name made by my colleagues, living artillery."
powers — "yes finally the fun part."
(1) Physical augmentation
-yuna can enhance her physical capabilities and others so that they can reach high level mastery and control instantaneously, even reach a level of power that is usually beyond their limits alone.
-enhanced speed
-enhanced strength
-enhanced durability
-increased regeneration
(2)weapon creation

-yuna can create weapons from nothing or by shaping the existing matter or energy, she is capable of creating virtually any weapon.

(1)hand-to-hand combat mastery
(2)hacking mastery
(3)a lot of knowledge on computers
(4)proficient inventor
(5)proficient tactitian
(6)immeasureable genius level
(7)hig level accuracy
(8)weapon mastery
(9)capable of driving a variety of vehicles

(1)dual ranged shotgun gauntlets
-The gauntlets' offensive function is rooted in creating pulses of raw kinetic energy. They emit flashes of light resembling explosions or flames, and are capable of knocking enemies back great distances. yuna can shoot projectiles as far as 150 meters using the gauntlets. one of her inventions.
(2)captain america's shield
-she uses this for both its offensive and defensive functions. yuna has been using this ever since her first mission since its been quite useful blocking projectiles.
(3)glock 26 gen 5
-its a very efficient weapon both close and somewhat long range. its also easy to hide.
(4)miniature shock grenades
-yuna throws a handful of these and even with their small structure, they send out massive amounts of electricity that knock out the target.
(5)barrett m82
-when tasked to become a sniper, yuna uses this weapon to accurately snipe down the target.
(6)various melee weapons
-yuna is proficient in using many weapons that are for close combat.

weaknesses — with all these amazing feats, yuna is still human, she is just more durable than the rest. she can withstand a lot of damage but she does have her limits. anything that kills a normal human is her weakness.
questions, answers.
 questions prepared by: james miller 
what do you think about your team?
"my teammates sure look like they've gone through a lot. i hope i get to cooperate with them well." yuna said.

what can you contribute to the group?
"well, i've got weapons. we will literally never run out of ammo and weapons. i also have the machine i created which simulates grand scale fights. we could use that to train for fights since the queen has a massive army by her side."

can you give me a scenario that you can solve? or finish?
"when your teammates are being mind controlled, its best to knock them out and go for the manipulator in order to turn them back to normal. i've got shock grenades that would keep them unconcious for hours. it'll give me enough time to find the possible cure to revert them back to normal."

do you have intel about the queen or anything important about her and her army?
"i might have seen some members of the black order when the queen and her army invaded the planet. i think i saw some of them. i just hope my eyes were just playing tricks on me." yuna said.

have you met the queen in person?
"i've seen her from a far. that's the closest i've been."

why are you joining the new avengers initiative?
"this is humanities next move and i want to be part of it. it's also getting kinda boring at home." yuna chuckled

would you be able to handle enemies who possess magic?
"i think i can. i've sparred with wanda and strange before so i think i'll be able to take them down."

would you face an entire army alone to distract them from your team sneaking in to get to the queen?
"i'll face an army any day. don't worry, i'll survive. i've got some weapons up my sleeve."

how would you face the queen?
"i know i won't be able to face her alone, so i'll need my teammates help to take her down. i still need to know whatelse she can do so that i could be prepared."

love interest's name
            the love interest.


mi amore.
      little quote here

add a story here! could be how their interview started, or a prologue for your character! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas

metus. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, nulla. Aenean dictum lacinia tortor. Nunc iaculis, nibh non iaculis aliquam, orci felis euismod neque, sed ornare massa mauris sed velit. Nulla pretium mi et risus. Fusce mi pede, tempor id, cursus ac, ullamcorper nec, enim. Sed tortor. Curabitur molestie. Duis velit augue, condimentum at, ultrices a, luctus ut, orci. Donec pellentesque egestas eros. Integer cursus, augue in cursus faucibus, eros pede bibendum sem, in tempus tellus justo quis ligula. Etiam eget tortor. Vestibulum rutrum, est ut placerat elementum, lectus nisl aliquam velit, tempor aliquam eros nunc nonummy metus. In eros metus, gravida a, gravida sed, lobortis id, turpis. Ut ultrices, ipsum at venenatis fringilla, sem nulla lacinia tellus, eget aliquet turpis mauris non enim. Nam turpis. Suspendisse lacinia. Curabitur ac tortor ut ipsum egestas elementum. Nunc imperdiet gravida mauris.

name: — any male applicant.(she is being single)
facelaim: — who's the face claim?
backup love int.: — james miller is taken as backup btw lmao
personality —

first meeting —
interaction —
status —.


username — KezMER
nickname — JEAN
active rate — 9/10
comments — welp i hope i did this right.
suggestions — None. goodluck!
scene requests? — 
the new avengers fight the queens
yuna unleashes her secret weapon.
(mechanical versions of the previous

password — theme song


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