Getting my tooth removed

So, for the past four days, I've been in utter pain. Why? Because I found out yesterday from my dentist that one of my teeth on the bottom is dead and will have to be removed. Here's the thing though three years ago my dentist drilled into my tooth in order to put a filling in, but, for some reason, it didn't work and he never fixed it. Years later, my tooth ended up getting infected and it just so happened that four days ago, my right side of my mouth felt like it was in a vice. My dead tooth still has roots in it and it's giving me a severe migraine. My right eye hurts, and my right temple hurts, not to mention my right ear hurts. 

So, anyway, my dentist referred me to an oral surgeon that is in my neighborhood. So, I went in to talk to them, and lo and behold, they had a cancellation and I'll be able to get my tooth removed today in the afternoon. I'm nervous because I've never had a took removed before, but they said that I would get a needle in my mouth to numb it. My brother said I would feel a little discomfort because the oral surgeon will remove the tooth, but after that, I should have no problem with my teeth. 

I would've preferred to be knocked out, but it's going to cost at least $600 and I wasn't about to waste my money on that. So, I've had needles in my mouth before with my dentist. I'll just have to let the oral surgeon know that I'm nervous.

The good thing is that my tooth is not an abscess. An abscess would've been worst, but at least I took care of it before it got REALLY bad. And I wanted to take care of this tooth before my mom and I went on our vacation in the summer. Not to mention, that I'll be happy for my birthday next week. 

So, just wanted to let you know that I'm still around, but dealing with a LOT of things. I haven't really been on the computer for a long time as seeing when my tooth starts getting painful, I have to get off the computer, relax and take aspirin.

I'll let you know how everything went when I come home tomorrow.



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I hope it goes well! (^ヮ^)b In my experience, having just one done isn't bad at all. Especially if you get a good oral surgeon.