Surveys, Surveys, Surveys

Can't be bothered to write at all and I'm into surveys right now so yeah pretty much...


When was the last time you cried?


Are you a very emotional person?
-Yes I think I am

Do you ever feel left out? When?
-Haven't felt that recently but before I did

Are you an introvert or somewhat outgoing?
-I'm outgoing

Do you ever have short/quick, angry outbreaks?

Do you hate anyone? Who and why?
-I do hate people because of things that they have done to me and stuff but I don't hate anyone in particular at the moment

How useful do you feel to others?
-Feel quite useful

Do you think you’re depressed? Why?
-Not really but I do have bad thoughts and times that makes me sadder than usual

Are you ever picked on (adult or child)? By who and why?
-I've been bullied as a teenger by the ''popular'' kids and it was over reasons like my weight or my dickheads -,-''

Do you ever avoid mirrors because you were disgusted with your image?

Has anyone close to you died recently?
-No, not recently

Do you ever feel left out or get ditched by friends?
-Not recently

How many good friends do you have?
-I have a good amount of good friends! I would say a nice medium size group or so.

How many enemies do you have?
-I wouldn't consider anyone my enemy that I know of, right now

Are you single?

Do you want to find love?
-I'm in a relationship already

Are your parents divorced, or are there any odd family arrangements?
-No, they are happily married

Are you labeled in a specific clique?

Pain & Suffering
Is there a loaded gun in your house? Do you have access to it?

Have you ever inflicted pain on yourself? How?
-This one time I tried to scratch my wrist area with something but fortunately it was that sharp that could hurt me that much so no, not really!

How many personal ways of dying have you ever thought about?
-A good amount but fortunately never did them!

Do you ever feel angry enough to kill somebody?
-I don't think so

Do you ever feel guilty about miniscule things you’ve commited?
-Don't we all?

Do you cut?
-No, I've never cut myself

Do you ever really intend to end your life?
-I wanted to, in the past but I'm over it

Do you dream at night? If so, what about?
-A good amount of things, both good and bad.

And ect…
Do you ever starve yourself?
-Yes but it wasn't that bad or severe, it was more of a few hours of starving or I'd sleep it off kind of thing

Are you bipolar?
-I would say my mood changes faster at times but overall, no I am not! I mean I do get emotional here and there, especially when I'm overthinking stupid or if I'm going through my period but other than that, no not really! 

Do you like gore?
-Not really

Are your actions usually misconstrued by others?
-I think they have been but then I try to be as clear and I do explain myself I guess

Do you write poetry? Are you any good?
-I used to and I guess it was good if the teacher wanted to publish the poem in a book lmfao

Do you draw morbid things quickly?

What are you afraid of most?
-A good amount of things like losing people I love and death

Do you feel hopeless (about anything)?
-Not that much about anything right now

Is your life repetitive?
-Yeah I guess it is, right now

Do people around you irritate you?
-At times

Have you ever cried in public for no reason at all?
-Not for no reason but I have cried in public

Do you take any medications? What?
-No medications

Why do you wake up in the morning?
-I wake up mid-day since that's the time I wake up lol

When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group of people? 

When I was a host for an event

When you were a kid did you ever look up “” in the dictionary?

Obviously lol

Who is the worst driver you know? How about the best driver? 

I don't know about worst but my dad is definitely the best

Honestly, have you ever said a racist joke? 

I don't think so but I don't recall

Is there anything written on the shirt you’re wearing right now? 

Old No.2 Brand

Are you shorter or taller than most of your friends? 

I'm the tallest friend all my friends have

Honestly, do you double dip? 


What is one thing you really don’t like sharing?  

I honestly don't mind sharing food but I just want the other person to eat in a hygenic manner, if they are gross and eat disgustingly then nah I ain't sharing or Imma give them all my food

Do you have a favorite flavor of gum? What is it? 

I love Hubba Bubba Strawberry

Have you ever been hit on through text message?

If Facebook is included then obviously everyone has, isn't it?

What was the last junk food you ate? 


Do you prefer sweet or sour candy?

Oooo I like both but I guess sour lemon candies are my favourite

Did your last kiss mean anything to you? 

It was with my boyfriend so yes obviously

Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do?  

Yes, I think we all have fallen in this category

Is it awkward when you run into your exes? 

Of course, mission avoid avoid avoid!

Is there one person you look at and automatically smile? 

My boyfriend and my baby brother are some people I would say I behave like that with

Are you a morning person or a night person? 


Who do you blame for your bad mood today? 

My boyfriend

Who’s the last person who you went out to eat with? 

My close friend that knows pretty much everything about me

Are you comfortable hanging out with your friend’s boyfriends/girlfriends? 

Yes they are my friends too

Have you ever fallen asleep with the last person you kissed? 

We sleep at the same bed at times so obviously lol

Anything happened to you in the past month that made you really mad?  

Just a really bad day where my boyfriend pissed me off and a few friends were drunk and just behaved stupidly with me so overall they just made me so mad that I didn't speak to them for a few days at all

Are there any people who don’t like you? 

Yes and I don't give a lmfao

What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? 

Go to class and chill I guess

Do you remember names or faces better? 


Waiting for something? 

Not really, no

Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite ? 

I don't like having best friends but I do have close and good friends for sure

Have you ever kissed underwater? 

No but I would like to try that

What did you do today?

Went to a meeting, chilled in my room, read books,went shopping,took a stroll around by myself then with a friend and played a few pranks on someone lol

Do you believe in long distance relationships?

No, it's just not for me

Do you get attached to people easily?


Is there something you want to tell someone but can’t?

Yes but I will do when I meet them face to face

Last thing you bought?


Last time you were drunk?

I think it was last month ago but I want to be drunk again so very very soon I think

Have you ever cried over a member of the opposite ?

Obviously everyone has!

Do you know someone who likes you?

Yes, my boyfriend

If you were paid 1 million dollars, would you kiss someone that was the same as you?

If it's peck then yes but if it's like a proper kiss then no

What will you be doing in 3 hours?

Probably going to sleep

How often do you straighten your hair?

Never, my hair is straight

Are you satisfied with your life as of now?

Kinda, can be better

Are you planning on seeing any movies in theater soon?


How old is the person you’re currently interested in?


How long do you have until your birthday?

11 months

Is your best friend single?

I don't have a best friend but only 2 of my friends are taken so that's a good sign I guess

Who was the last person you cried in front of?

A friend

Are your toe nails painted pink?


Do you have a nickname? 


Are you a ? 


Name one thing about your body you love?

I have an hourglass figure with flat stomach and define abs that I did nothing to work for, my genes gave them all to me

Have you ever purchased condoms?

Yes, it was so embarrassing at first but now I don't care

Have you ever got into a fist fight?


^ Be honest, did you lose that fight?

Haven't gotten in one

Do you plan on getting drunk today?

No but I will be in 2 days when I go out clubbing

What do you see yourself doing with your life in 5 years, 10 years?

I don't really know.....who knows but I guess I'll be married between 5-10 years I guess

What has been an embarrassing moment for you?

My skirt fell down and everyone saw my underwear ><

What is your biggest goal in life?

To just be truly happy

Do you still have feelings for your ex?


Do you think you look okay without makeup on?

Yes, I often don't wear makeup cause I can't be bothered

Ever skinny dipped? 


Gay rights are human rights, right?

Yes, of course

List 3 of your hobbies: 

Listening to Music, Writing and Cooking

Do you think you would make a good parent someday?

Yes I do think so

Your first kiss was _______, (describe it.)

sweet but weird

What is your ideal vacation?

Tokyo, Japan

Do you have a favorite movie?


Is there a song that makes you cry?

Yes there are a few

Did you cry today?


What are your views on open relationships? Do you know what an open relationship is?

I don't agree with open relationships, I don't like them at all but if both parties are happy then go for it. An open relationship is basically two people that not only commit to each other but they are allowed to mingle and do things with other people if they have the chance to so definitely not for me!

Have you ever had a ual gay experience? 


Do you believe long distance relationships can work?

If two people want it and work for it then yes for them but for me, no it definitely won't work!

Do you believe that “Money can’t buy happiness?“ 

No! There are so many things people can do with money and if someone has lots of money and aren't happy then do freakin' charity work and/or pay for others' bills or foods or whatever they want for them so both parties involved are happy

How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?

I had a very relationship when I was growing up but now I am okay with her....I do wish we were close like other mother and daughter duos but we're not so oh well, it's better like this than fighting and arguing 24/7

Do you know who your father is?


Do you believe in Karma as "what goes around comes around”?

Of course

Do you think aliens are real?

I think there are aliens

Do you swim well?


Have you ever had a emergency surgery? 


Have you ever dated a guy after your friend did?

No, never break the girl code!

What age did you start drinking?

On my 18th birthday

Is your mom your best friend?


What was/is High School like for you?

I hated it at first since I was in a new country that I didn't like the experience of and I was being bullied but later on, I got used to it and got happier and happier later on

Who was the last person to compliment you? 

My friend

Do you believe that ghosts exist?


Do you have any scars on your body?

My left elbow

Name the one person you can count on?

My friends

The Letter A:

What is your age? 20

What annoys you? Right now my boyfriend has annoyed me lol

Do you have any allergies? Not that I know of

The Letter B:

Do you know anyone named Billy? No

When is your birthday? February 2nd

Who is/are your best friend(s)? Don't have a best friend

The Letter C:

What’s your favorite candy? Sour lemon candies and Meiji candies

When was the last time you cried? Today

Have you ever been out of the country? Yes

The Letter D:

Do you daydream? Yes

What’s your favorite kind of dog? Not sure about favourite since I ain't really a dog person however I like Lady and the Tramp's Lady and that breed is American Cocker Spaniel

What day of the week is it? Wednesday

The Letter E:

How do you like your eggs? Omelette

Have you ever been in the emergency room? No

What’s the easiest thing ever to do? Sleep for a long time and skip classes and relax I guess?

The Letter F:

Have you ever flown in a plane? Yes

Do you use fly swatters? No

Have you ever used a foghorn? No.

The Letter G:

Have you pet a goat? No

Are you a giver or a taker? Giver but I can be a taker at times

Do you like gummy candies? Yes

The Letter H:

How are you? I’m alright, could be a lot better

What’s your height? 5'9′’

What color is your hair? Light brown

The Letter I:

What’s your favorite ice cream? Cookies and Cream

Have you ever ice skated? Yes

Have you cheated the IRS? No

The Letter J:

What’s your favorite jelly bean? Don't really like jelly beans

Do you tell jokes? Not that much, I'm more of a teasing kind of person I think

Do you wear nice jewelry? Not much of a jewelry person

The Letter K:

Do you want to kill anybody? No

Do you want to have kids? Yes

Where did you have kindergarten? At a rich private international school

The Letter L:

Are you laid back? Yes

Do you lie? Not that much but I do if I have to

When is the last time you sent a hand written letter? Oh geez years ago

The Letter M:

Ever talked in a microphone? Yes

Do you still watch Disney movies? When I'm in the mood for it, which is right now so might watch one lol

Do you like mangos? YES!!!!

The Letter N:

Do you have a nickname? Yes

What’s your favorite number? Number 2

Do you prefer night over day? Yes, more of a night person

The Letter O:

Are you an only child? No

Do you wish this was over? Wish what was over? The survey? Not really

What is the closest orange object near you? Orange juice

The Letter P:

What’s one fear you are most paranoid about? Losing people

Do you think you are pretty? Yes

Do you play any instruments? No

The Letter Q:

Are you quick to judge people? Yes I think so

Do you have any quirks? I don't really know much but I googled types of quirks and one of them was constantly listening to music so yeah that I guess

What do you keep quiet about? I don't really keep anything in except a few things like the fact that I'm a fanfic writer

The Letter R:

Do you think you’re always right? No

Do you watch reality TV? Not recently, no

What’s a good reason to cry? When I'm being emotional over things....

The Letter S:

Are you a social person? Yes

What is your favorite season? Summer

What states have you lived in? I'm not from America nor have I ever went there but do intend to go to America one day

The Letter T:

What time did you wake up? 1:50pm

When did you last sleep in a tent? I don't think I have ever slept in a tent

Do you like tomatoes? Yeah I can handle them

The Letter U:

Do you listen to Usher? No

Describe the underwear you’re wearing? It's a tight white underwear

Do you have an umbrella in your car? I don't have a car

The Letter V:

What’s the worst veggie? Lady fingers and bitter gourds are just disgusting

Do you like movies with violence? In an action movie, of course

Where do you want to go on vacation? Tokyo, Japan

The Letter W:

Ever been on a waverunner? No

Do you wish on stars? No

Where do you work? No where, right now

The Letter X:

Have you ever had an X-Ray? For my arm, yes

Have you watched the X-Games? No

Do you own a xylophone? No

The Letter Y:

Do you like the color yellow? Yes

What year were you born? 1998

What did you do yesterday? Went to another city to travel and chilled at home

The Letter Z:

Do you believe in the zodiac? Not anymore but I occassionally look at it if I'm bored or my housemate,who is obsessed with it,shows me or talks about it

Ever been to the zoo? Yes

Has your bank account ever been at zero? LMFAO I'VE GONE TO MINUS SO YES TROLOLOLOLOLOL!

► Name ➔  *Shhhhhh*
► Birth place ➔  Hong Kong
► Hair color ➔ Light Brown
► Age ➔ 20
► Eye Color ➔ Brown
► Birthday ➔ 2nd February
► Gender ➔ Female
► Lefty or Righty ➔ Righty
► Single or taken? ➔  Taken
► Happy? ➔ Overall, yes but we do get angry at/annoy each other and argue like all couples

► Are you in love ➔ Yes
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ Yes
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ I ended it
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ I think I have but I don't really know
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ No
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Yes
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Yes but it wasn't secret at all
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ I think so
► Do you usually spend Valentine’s Day alone? ➔ Yes but this year was the first time I celebrated, same for my boyfriend
► Short or long-term relationships? ➔ Long, of course

► Love or lust ➔ Love
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ Lemonade
► Cats or Dogs ➔ Not really into both but I'll say dogs if I really had to choose
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ Many regular friends
► Television or internet ➔ Internet
► Pepsi or Coke ➔ Coke
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Wild night out
► Day or night ➔ Night
► Text or Call ➔ Call
► Make-up or au naturel? ➔ Makeup

► Been caught sneaking out? ➔ No
► Fallen down/up the stairs? ➔ Yes
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Yes
► Prank called a store? ➔ No
► Skipped school? ➔ Yes
► Wanted to disappear? ➔ Yes
► Spent all your money? ➔ Yes
► Met a celebrity? ➔ Yes
► Been really ill? ➔ Yes
► Gotten high? ➔ No

► Smile or eyes ➔ Smile
► Light or dark hair ➔ Dark
► Shorter or taller ➔ Taller
► Intelligence or attraction ➔ Attraction
► Hook-up or relationship ➔ Relationship
► Funny and poor or rich and serious ➔ Funny and Poor
► Mac or PC? ➔ Mac
► Chapstick or lipstick? ➔ Lipstick
► City or country? ➔ City
► Driving or walking? ➔ Walking, can't even drive lol

► Last phone call? ➔ My friend
► Last song you listened to? ➔ Boom Boom-Seventeen
► Last thing you ate? ➔ Waffles
► Last thing you drank? ➔  Water
► Last place you were? ➔ A place that sells waffles and crepes
► Last kiss? ➔ My boyfriend
► Last picture taken? ➔ Yesterday
► Last outfit? ➔ Black shirt and Black leggings
► Last purchase? ➔ Waffles
► Last argument/fight? ➔ Had a small one with my boyfriend today


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