L.O.V.E survey

L is for the way you look at me…

  • The kind of person you’re first attracted to: I think guys who are quite sociable and talkative are the ones I get attracted to since I'm quite bubbly and guys like that are easy to form a connection and get close with besides if they smile and laugh a lot then I think it's just extra charm and bonus that is a huge advantage! If they're manly tall guy with a good size muscles and a very sharp jawline then oooooo me likey likey lol but looks aren't that important for me tbh.
  • Do you believe in love at first sight? 
I do since it happened to me 
  • How do you show someone you are interested? I am quite shy and quiet around them at first, which is the complete change since I am normally loud and talkative andddd I get quite playful and teasing them I think lol, I think?
  • Is there such thing as a perfect relationship? 
Nope! There is no such thing as a perfect relationship but makes a relationship great is when two lovers not only love,support,trust and are happy with each other then they communicate both conversations and disagreements in a manner they both are happy with and stick with each other through ups and downs then yeah that's perfect enough for a relationship to last! 
  • How do you know when someone thinks you’re attractive? I mean I say I like some features of a guy but then I compare people I have liked to my type and they are quite different from my idea of my type of attractiveness and from each other sooooo I don't really know lmfao
  • How do you know it’s right? 
I know I'm happy with just that person when I'm alone and I feel giddy giddy and lovey dovey when I'm with them plus I can't stop being happy just by thinking and talking about them haha
  • Could you date someone who has been only your friend for a long time?
 Hey if it happens, it happens besides who says a friend can't turn into a lover?
  • What do you wear to attract the opposite ? 
Bodycon dresses, crop tops and shorts are my go to, lol but I wear them regardless of whether it's for anyone or for me! I wear them on a normal basis anyway, it just works for me since I got an hourglass figure with a flat defined stomach and long legs with a ....I got amazing genes pretty much so that's how I got lucky with the body lmfao
  • What makes someone y? 
The way they act all cool and manly I guess? Lol?
  • Are you uncomfortable staring into someone’s eyes who likes you? 
If I like them too then yes at first but later on, I can stare back but if it's someone I don't really like or am comfortable with just as a friend then I don't think so
  • Do you come across as confident, y, friendly, subtle, or innocent? Normally I'm quite confident and friendly but I do get called y and innocent by others too lol
  • When someone catches your eye, do you try to make eye contact or avoid it? 
Make it but then look away right after lol
  • Your favorite colors of eyes in the opposite : Brown I guess, I don't really mind lol
  • What makes you y?
 I guess girls, including me, are y in bodycon dress and well I dance a lot and I guess I dance ily unknowingly or something since I get hit on a good amount in clubs or parties lol xD ....I don't really know haha....

O is for the only one I see…

  • Describe your significant other or crush. 
He's an average height guy with a cool personality that likes socialising however prefers to be alone in his room, listening to music and playing his online games on his laptop. He talks however he's more of a listener and he isn't really that loud unlike me....we've kinda like opposites attract with similarities in some things.
  • When are you the most happy in a relationship? 
Just being with him makes me happy, we don't really have to do much...just chill and watch a movie is happy enough for me!
  • Do you believe in soul mates? Have you found yours?
 I do but I am not sure if I have! Let's see how things go
  • How many people have broken your heart? 
I mean rejection and all hurts but now that I'm 20 and have gone through things in life, I think I will say 2
  • Would you ever cheat or have you ever cheated? 
Never! I don't believe in cheating and have never cheating, if I don't want to be with him then I will just tell him straight up and leave!
  • Have you ever loved someone who didn’t love you back? 
Yes, God that hurted me a lot....
  • Have you ever given someone your entire heart? 
As soon as I like someone, I give them my entire heart 
  • What kind of things do you do to show someone you are theirs? 
I give them my 100% in everything and don't flirt with anyone and move away from anyone who tries anything with me! I am completely faithful and loyal and want my partner to know! I also like to do things to make them happy e.g. cook for them so they can eat well.
  • Is there ever a happily ever after? 
Yes I believe everyone will get theirs one day
  • Do you want to grow old with someone or be single? 
Grow old with someone
  • Are you a hopeless romantic? Yes, can't help it lol
  • What’s the most romantic thing anyone’s ever done for you? 
Not had anything done for me, unless you count a stranger buying me a rose on a night out coz he won a bet
  • What are you like when you’re in love? 
Want to be around them for a good amount alone, I talk about him on and on, get sensitive hurt at stupid things that isn't really a big deal, I test them to see if they care about me or not by disappearing in parties and making him find me and (I know it's stupid lol), Want to communicate with them a good amount, want to do things for them and want to be lovey dovey with them haha! 
  • Describe your dream person. 
I don't really know what to answer for this.....I mean it's hard since I thought I would never go for someone who is my opposite like my current boyfriend but here I am dating him so..I don't really know, I guess he has to be someone who loves me a lot, takes good care of me, maintains communication, commits to meeting me 2-3 times a week (I need time alone or with my friends too lol) and is completely honest, faithful and always there for me then that's great enough! 

V is very, very extraordinary…

  • What has been the weirdest date you’ve ever been on? Don't think I've ever been on a weird date
  • And the very best? 
Walking around the beach, talking in the silent peaceful night for 2 hours
  • What’s the most money a boyfriend or girlfriend has spent on you? 
I mean tbh I don't really know but it's not that much since I rarely get gifts(not really into that) and don't want much money spent on me so the most money spent on me is definitely by my current boyfriend since he gets me food at times and well he got a rose and a gift set in Valentine's day so yeah....£50-£100 throughout the 5 months we've been together I guess?
  • And the most you’ve spent on them? I don't really know either hahaha so the same amount as above I guess?
  • Which one of your relationships was the shortest? About 2 months
  • Which was the longest? 
2 years 
Are you friends with any of your exes? No
  • Do you wish you were back together with any of your exes? 
Hell no
  • Do you ever have dreams about your exes? 
  • If you want to get married, what age? 
Yes and around 26-28 is the perfect age that I want to get married
  • Are you open or closed because of past hurt? 
I’m still open although I do wish I am more closed at times since I fall in love quickly lol
  • What is your philosophy on love? I love you without how or when or from where, I love you simply without any problem or pride...I love youin this way because I don't know any other way of loving
  • Who do you secretly yearn for? 
There isn't really anyone tbh but I guess my boyfriend?

E is even more than anyone that you adore…

  • The reason you love your significant other or crush. 
I don't really exactly know to be honest....I mean he's got a great smile when he laughs, he's funny, I like that he's ertive too, he's into the same music I am, he's sociable, he talks at times even though he's more of a listener, he's lovable, he takes care of me, he pacifies me when I'm angry/crying,he has a cool personality,he doesn't get angry at all.....these are some but there is one define reason I guess
  • Would you change yourself for someone you loved? 
  • Would you give up a dream for someone you loved? 
If they loved me then they would accept my dreams so outta here if you restricting me on getting my happiness
  • Would you quit a job for someone you loved?
If they loved me then they would let me do the job I loved but if it was a job then yes I'll quit but if it makes me so happy and it's a great job that people don't see an objection about then no!
  • The thing you love about relationships: 
Being loved, someone caring about you a lot and spending quality time as well as the love making haha
  • The thing you love about being single: 
I guess being able to have flirt around and mingle with whoever without restrictions

  • The person who’s on your mind right now: 
This is on the topic of love so my boyfriend I guess


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