Just a rant about my life.

My least favourite phrase is: "I'm hungry," this is something I hear from my brother quite often.

He would appraoch me sometimes in the day or night and say," I'm Hungry."

Now why is this irritating to me? 

Let me give you some back ground info,

He's F**KING 16!!!!!!

He is able to do thing himself but is undecisive AF. It's no like he's incapable making his own food but is either too lazy to start or doesnt know what to make.

I coddled him to much as the older sister in the relationship but its becoming difficult to deal with him. Its like a big drain in my life, I have to spend time just to help him figure out what he wants and doesn't.


Now before anyone says." You should step back, it would be benefitial to him and yourself."

Its not that easy! I've done it for some many years, its just something that comes natural to me. Not to mention hes in a constant state of internal distress, all it takes is one wrong move for things to ago extremely wrong.


I just... I'm trying to re-examine myself on the things right now but its so stressful trying to find balance when I'm left emotionally drained.


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winglinanon #1
A good tip is you ask him before he asks you. I am hungry can you microwave this for me? Or ask him to put a pie in an oven for 15 minutes..... that's how I trained my brother to make his own food and even make mine.
OMG I UNDERSTAND YOU!!! My brother is 15 and he refuses to prepare his own meals even if ALL HE HAS TO DO IT PUT IT IN THE MICROWAVE. He claims 'he didn't know it was there' KFMWLDFJQRE I'm so done with having to baby him. My mom seems to think that he's still a baby because he's irresponsible, and so just tells me that I have to take care of him, cuz ya know, I'm the older one. -_- And I'm just there like wHYYYY?!?!? He does it sometimes when he has no choice but to, he KNOWS HOW TO DO IT, so why?!?!?! He should be able to take care of himself by now?!!?!?!?

Oh the struggles of being the elder sibling.