Keep at 150 x 225

Name Kwon Seoyun

Other NAMEs 

— Sage Kwon / Her English name that she used in Canada


— General Nicknames / Yunnie, Seo-Seo, Sagie
— Seoyu / Called by Seungcheol due to the fact that when they first met, he didn't hear the n at the end of Seoyun's name so called her Seoyu for a couple of years.

— Page  / Her English name rhymes with page, and also she is always seen with a book in her hand. She is called this by her members and fans.

— YoonKwonSeo / Steming from the fact that she took taekwondo when she was younger, her fans re-arranged her nanme to make it sound like taekwondo.


Birthdate November 21st, 1995

Birth place Vancouver, Canada

Hometown Vancouver, Canada (1995-2003)

Daegu, South Korea (2003-2014)
Seoul, South Korea (2014-present)

Nationality South Korean

Ethnicity Korean


— Korean  / Native, 97% / lived in South Korea for the past 16 years, so is fluent in the language and is her go-to language.

— English / Fluent, 86% / Born and raised in Canada. She doesn't jump at every opportunity at the language, only when she is required to. Since the majority of her father's family resides in Canada (including her deaf grandparents,) her family would often visit them in Canada and spoke English. Plus, Seoyun would learn the language in her free time.

— French / Proficent, 44%  / Was a required language in school in Canada, knows enough to get around in France.

— ASL / Semi-Fluent, 53% / Her grandparents were deaf, so Seoyun was raised learning American Sign Language.


FACECLAIM Dreamcatcher's JiU

BACKUP Sonamoo's Nahyun / DIA's Eunjin


— Seoyun's hair is currently brown that flows down just below her s, and her hair is originally black. She is one of those people who can eat really well but still looks skinny. (Similar to SNSD's Sooyoung.) Her skin color is on the paler side, but will occasionally get tanned when she's in the sun for a long period of time. She has no visible scars or birthmarks, though had a couple of moles scattered throughout her body. She has a couple of stretch marks on her inner thighs, and doesn't care if anybody comments about it. She also have the two traditional earlobes piercings, along with a cartilage piercing on her left ear. Other than that, she looks exactly like her faceclaim.





Personality traits ISTJ, Scorpio, Ravenclaw

— (+) Introspective, Conscientious, Briliant, Versatile
— (-) Bad-Tempered, Judgmental, Culpable, Smartass


—   When you first take a look at Seoyun, you would think she doesn't want to be here. But, that's not true, she's an introspective girl, always in deep thought, especially with the extroverts in the groups. With this, she is able to think logically when making decisions, and it takes a long time when officially making decisions. She is also conscientious, always striving to do what's right, and is very hurtful is she isn't. She is also attentive to mostly every detail and people, especially with the younger members. Seoyun is generous, always willing to help whether its for charity or just helping the staff. She is not afraid to lend a helping hand. Growing up, Seoyun has been a brilliant girl. She is very book-smart, and uses difficult words that most people don't know, she's almost like a walking dictionary. As continued in the negative side, she likes other people to know how smart she is. She always has a book in her hand, and would read it whenver she finds time to. Seoyun is versatile, being able to adapt into new situations and settings very comfortable and easily. She can understand situations and environments easily. Seoyun is always ready and excited to learn new things.

— Seoyun being bad-tempered is obviously a problem, as she doesn't know how to take criticism as that well, but she's also working how to not be too sensitive of how other people view her. She is the most like this when it's the morning and night, she gets very cranky and easily offended when tired. Even so, Seoyun is kind of a hypocrite when she is being judgmental of other people. She sometimes judges other people's personalities and opinions. From an outsider's perspective, people would often think that Seoyun does not like the people she's with. Though, that's not really true, as she is just judging people based on their actions. She is clearly shown when she is judging something, so it's easy for people when identifying when she is. Whenever someone does something wrong, she's kind of selfish and culpable, thinking that it's her fault. With this, she feels bad that she disappointing people. She is insecure of herself at times, and always worried whether or not her or the people she cares about fails. Coming back to Seoyun being a brilliant person, she tends to be a smartass; a know-it-all. She loves to have people being aware of how smart she is, and it gets annoying after a while. As she is not aware of this, hopefully she'll become aware and tone down of her pushing her knowledge to other people. 


Background Kwon Seoyun was born on November 21st, 1995 in Vancouver, Canada to her parents Kwon Dongkyu and Kim Yikyung. She has one brother; Kwon Yunho. Yunho is 2 minutes older than Seoyun, making them twins. Seoyun's family had a wealthy business in Canada that went bankrupt. Soon enough, Seoyun and her family moved back to Daegu, South Korea when she was 6 years old.
Seoyun's parents eventually got a divorce when she was in the first grade, where her and her brother lived with their dad, while her mother still having joint custody. Growing up, her father has always raised his kids in a middle class healthy lifestyle. He would make them work out every morning before school. He also raised them to be more educated, resulting in the kids to be more grown up and fit than the other kids.
Seoyun was in taekwondo and modern dance ever since she was in the second grade. There at modern dance, she had grown to love dance and music. But unfortunately, her parents were not really into the whole entertainment industry, they wanted to kids to grow up well educated and cultured.
Seoyun was first introduced of the idea of becoming an idol by Yunho's best friend, Choi Seungcheol who was becoming a Pledis trainee in 2010. He saw potential in Seoyun of becoming an idol. So, Seoyun auditioned for Pledis Entertainment along with Seungcheol. He was accepted while Seoyun was rejected. Although she was sad, she kept on auditioned until she finally got accepted into Pledis in mid 2012.
Her and her parents kept going back and fourth as to her becoming a trainee, but her parents eventually gave in and let her moved in with her aunt and uncle in Seoul when she was accepted as a trainee. So, Seoyun trained as  Pledis trainee up until late 2015, where she eventually figured out that Pledis had no plans for her so she terminated her contract and went to train for Moon Entertainment in early 2016 in hopes to debut faster.
[Continued in the Trainee Background]



— Coffee
— Music
— Taekwondo
— Ariana Grande
— Cold Weather
— Learning New Things
— Helping Out



— Flashing Lights (doesn't have epilesy, it just makes her uneasy)
— When People Are Late to Things
— Avacados
— Really Sweet Things
— Sappy Romance Movies
— Abuse in Any Form
— Mushrooms



— Correcting People's Grammar
— One-Upping People
— Chewing on Her Cheeks
— Cracks Her Nuckcles
— Twitching Her Eye When Angry



— Doing Taekwondo
— Writing Her Dreams in Her Dream Journal after Waking Up
— Reading Non-Fiction Books
— Doing Coffee Art
— Looking at Baking Videos on Instagram



— Atychiphobia : Failure
— Hippophobia : Horses
— Naviphobia : Boats
— Hemophobia : Blood
— Taphophobia : Being Buried Alive



— Tying a Cherry Stem Into a Knot With Her Tongue
— Putting Her Leg Over Her Head
— Doing Coffee Art, But Really Basic at It



— Allergic to Mushrooms
— Blood Type is O
— Idolizes Ariana Grande and Hyuna
— Ambidextrous, But Uses Her Right Hand More
— One of The First Members to Wake Up Early
— Favorite Drink is a Shirley Temple and Iced Tea
— Favorite Fruits are Cherries and Bananas
— Favorite Color is Navy Blue
— Favorite Food are Mandoo, Pizza, and Smoke Meats
— Despite Being from Canada, She Doesn't Like Maple Syrup
— Collects Stuffed Animals and Keeps it at The Corner of Her Bed
— Was Originally Trained as a Rapper in Pledis, But Pledis Wanted Her to be a Singer Instead
— A Sleepwalker Sometimes When She's Stressed or Sleep Deprived
— She Can Play Piano, But is Very Mediocre at it
— Has Been Studying Physics at Ewha Woman's University Since 2015



— Instagram: @sagekwon95






— Father : Kwon Dongkyu / 53 / Doctor / Attentive, Strict / 6-10 / fc: Lee Youngha
Despite Seoyun growing up strictly by her father, she is still close to him. They haven't talked much since Seoyun moved out of thehouse back in Daegu, but once in a while, he would check-up on her. He and Seoyun is closer than Seoyun's relationship with her mother.

— Mother : Kim Yikyung / 55 / Social Worker / Strict, Introspective / 5-10 / fc: Choi Myunggil
Seoyun and her mother do not interact as well as those mother-daughter relationships. Her mother kind of disowned Seoyun when Seoyun had wanted to become an idol, and wouldn't talk to her for months, but now, they are getting better at being there for each other.

— Twin Brother : Kwon Yunho / 22 / Law School Student / Attentive, Caring / 10-10 / fc: Yook Sungjae
Seoyun's brother is really overprotective over Seoyun. Ever since Seoyun was born, Yunho had been wanting to protect her form everything bad in the world, it's a brotherly instinct. By this, the two siblings are really close and can depend on each other.





— Close Friend : Brooke Hopkins / 21 / College Student / Assertive, Witty / 9-10 / fc: Jessie Paege
Brooke is Seoyun's friend from the Canada. The two were childhood neighbors. The two met when Seoyun lived in Canada, and hit it off right from the start. Though, they had grown apart when Seoyun moved to Korea. During the summers, they would often visit each other and catch up.
— Friend : Lim Nayoung / 22 / Idol / Reserved, Thoughtful / 8-10
The two had orginially met when Seoyun was a trainee at Pledis, where they had become good friends. Because of their close personalities, they had gotten along with each other than other trainees quickly. They haven't spend enough time together now that they're more busy, but would find time to hang out.
– Groupmates / Rose /  8-10
When the idea of Rose had rung into Seoyun's ears, she wasn't on board from the start. She had always thought she would debut in a small-members girl group, not a 12 member group. But overtime, Seoyun had given into the idea. She is more closer to her unit.





—  Pet Cat : Bijou / 1 / Axious, Friendly / 11-10

Bijou means jewel in French. Seoyun shares the 1-year old cat with her brother who is currently living in Seoul. Bijou has separation anxiety, so she clings onto Seoyun as much as possible when Seoyun visits her. Bijou doesn't really likes to meet new people, but overtime she would come to love everyone.

— Little Brother Figure : Kim Samuel Arrendo / 15 / Idol / Easygoing, Polite / 7-10

Because of Samuel's young age when he was training at Pledis, Seoyun felt the need to protect him. Seoyun had always wanted a younger sibling, so she considers him as one. Once in a while she would check up on him, seeing if he's doing okay.



Stage name Sage (새게)
pLOTLINE 001 (008) {002}


Vocal twin WJSN's Seola (Gugudan's Sejeong) {CLC's Eunbin}

dance twin CLC's Seunghee (Gugudan's Sejeong) {CLC's Seungyeon}
rap twin {WJSN's Exy}

talking twin Red Velvet's Wendy (Kim Chungha)


Trainee years 4 Years (3 at Pledis, 1 at Moon)

Trainee life Seoyun was first a Pledis trainee before she was a Moon trainee. As all trainees do, Seoyun trained really hard. She would train throughout the nights and day, sometimes only having small meals whenever she's really hungry. Although she had some spotlight with being on live shows and concerts, she felt underappreciated between the other trainees. She left after 3 years of training at Pledis because she felt she wasn't going anywhere. Although, she kind of regretted leaving since she would've had a chance to be apart of Pledis Girlz that would've debut under Pristin.
She then went to audition for Moon Entertainment a few months after leaving Pledis and got in. Seoyun was thinking whether or not to still training. Fortunately, she decided to keep running to her dream and not give up.
When the idea of Rose came up and Seoyun would again be one of the contenders for the members, Seoyun didn't know if she would like to be a member of the group. She was very worried, as it is a big-member group and she didn't know if Rose would debut or disband. Seoyun ultimately decided to take the risk and she joined the group.



— 2013 / 17TV S3 / Appeared on one of the live shows as a Pledis Trainee.

— 2013 / Like 17 Show 3 / Preformed "Mannequin" and "Call me Maybe" with some of the Pristin and Seventeen members.



— Seungcheol x Seoyun Dating Scandal / After Debut / Ah yes, a classical dating scandal. But it is known to the public that the two had known each other for over ten years. The two had been seen hanging out, even showing some skinship, and netizens uploaded the photos of each other online. Rumors started circulating that the two were together.


Backup Jeon Wonwoo / Kim Mingyu


PERSONALITY traits ENTJ, Leo, Griffyndor
(+) Assertive, Logical, Reliable
(-) Ruthless, Stubborn, Stolid


PERSONALITY — First things first, Seungcheol is really assertive and eager to get work done. He has confidence that he and his group will do well, and would not give up until they are. He is also logical, taking things into consideration logically and reasonable. He takes time to think about a decision before making up his mind. And finally he is reliable, being about to be trusted. He keeps promises and can be very faithful to people that he loves.

— Seungcheol can also be ruthless, as he is very eager to get things done at the right time, almost to the point where he becomes insensitive of others. He can also get really stubborn, as it would become almost egotistical of him of not thinking of others. And finally, he is stolid, as he genuinely cares about his friend's emotions without thinking about his own. It come down to the point where the emotions would eventually bubble up inside, where he would become restless.


Love story As mentioned before, they had met around 13 years ago, when they were both 9 years old. Seungcheol is Yunho's best friend, so Seungcheol would often come over the the Kwon's house to hung out with Yunho.
Their relationship was a brother-sister relationship in the very beginning. They had re-connected when Seoyun became a Pledis trainee. From there, they just clicked instantly. Seoyun feels like she can open up to Seungcheol about anything and everything, they're like best friends. They help out each other a lot. They will always know that they have each other.At first, Seoyun had one of those "brother's best-friend" cursh on Seungcheol. But, as she got more older mature, that crush had quickly faded.

Hopefully overtime, they'll become really close. Seungcheol would cheer Seoyun on during Rose and such. After schedules, Seungcheol would take Seoyun out for a meal where they would talk about life. Seoyun would realize she has feelings for Seungcheol once again, but Seungcheol is still not sure if he has feelings for her.

To Seungcheol, Seoyun is just a friend, hanging out sometimes, not realizing that he has feeling for her. He feels like a brother to her, as Yunho would not be around and Seoyun needs protecting But to Seoyun, she had a crush on him when they were kids, but didn't confessed yet, worrying that it would ruin their friendship. At first, Seoyun had a bad impression on Seungcheol cause he looked like he didn't give a crap about anything; just only cares about his education. But, as they got to know each other better, Seoyun started having a crush on him. It was not one of those stereotypical high school crush, just more mature. Though, Seungcheol is protective of Seoyun, and will do anything to make her happy. 


Status Close friends


— Their ship name is SageCoups

— Bijou is not very fond of Seungcheol, which makes Seoyun laugh at

— Yunho is very overprotective and anti about the possible relationship

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Comments Hello, I hope you like Seoyun and good luck on the story!

Scene requests — Overprotective!Yunho after seeing the rumors about Seoyun and Seungcheol
— Seoyun waking up the members in some bizzare way
— Seoyun teaching the members ASL

— Special Stages

Password — "Blooming like a rose, hello we are ROSE!"

— Pretty like a petal, hello we are PETAL!"

Coded by Yeojachinguu


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