
Hi, friends. I just wanted to stop in and say hi and let some of you know what's been going on.

If you follow any of my stories, namely Love Is Built On Pinky Promises (the one that I actually update), you probably noticed that it's been a while. I'm sorry about that. I honestly haven't even opened my laptop since the last time I updated, which was around the beginning of December, I think.

I've been working two jobs and that's kept me pretty busy, but I'm in the process of quitting one, so that should free up a lot of my time and I'll be able to start writing again. I want this to be the year that I finish my story. I'm sorry that updates are so infrequent. I'd like to update regularly, but it's just not possible right now.

I'm just taking a small break from everything for the time being, so I can get my life together lol. Adulting is really hard and I don't like it. >_<

Anyways, I hope you're all doing well and I'll see you in the future. <3 

Side note: March 9th was my 5 year AFF anniversary! And it was also Yoongi's birthday. <3 Coincidence? I think not!


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Seenaa #1
Pls take your time~ i know just how pain in the adult life is (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) i'll wait for youuu <3
I'll be there for you if you need me, you know that right?
take your time as long as you keep safe, don't mind anything that's been bothering you, everyone needs some time to heal, we know that the last month has been so hard for you and your family, just like Sehun quote: Let's live while doing things we like.
Congratulation on your 5th anniversary! Yeyy...!!!