TAPE 957
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NAME Choi Gin
OTHER NAMES Mad Dog - it's almost his official name in the gang. People call him this because he seemingly goes completely mad when he fights, no remorse, no mercy. 
AGE 18.
DOB 01.21
BIRTHPLACE Tokyo, Japan.
HOMETOWN Tokyo, Japan.
APPEARANCE here. Gin stands tall and straight. His posture is always as close to perfection as it can get. His dirty blond, brownish hair always sits somewhat messily, but somewhat stylishly. He has a few scars scattered all over his body from fighting so much. the only scar visible on a daily basis is the one he has under his eye, shaped like a hook. He usually dresses in whatever's comfortable and easy to move in. This includes sweatpants/shorts and loose t-shirts in summer and sweatpants and sweatshirts in winter. As far as colors go it's either black or dark blue.
MEASUREMENTS 184cm & 63kg.
CHARACTER SUMMARY The boy that aggresively dances at T-25 parties without being drunk; Newbie, but an impressive monster; dead eyes that only light up when he's gettin to beat people up; Kick-Boxing..
PERSONALITY  Result-oriented; extroverted; quick-witted; quick-thinker; active; practical; strong-willed; adventurous; confident; bold; direct; original; perceptive; self-sufficient; independent; decisive; easily annoyed; easily bored; stubborn; reckless; rebellious; reserved; emotionally stunted; insensitive; Risk-prone;
To say that Gin has a wall built around himself would be quite accurate. That does not mean he limits his actions though. He only limits himself when it comes to people and forming relationships. He smiles at you and goes along with all the adventurous ideas you have, but he does not let you get past a certain point. That is why our smily Gin has many acquintances, but no actual close friends in the gangs. It comes easy for him to have fun at parties thrown by the T-25 guys, even though he does not take part in intoxication. The casual conversations and simple relationships come easy to him, but anything beyond that is extremely hard. He is emotionally stunted in a sense that empathy and compassion are things that he has a hard time feeling. He would rather keep his distance and not relate to anyone, than have the feelings, he has repressed, resurface. 
He carries himself in a confident manner. He is quite playful and kind when it comes to interacting with other gang members. He will help any of the boys out, no matter how much he might dislike them, because he thinks of them as one family. He might be new, but he has a strong desire to belong and he wants to make resistance and the other gangs his home, without disclosing too much of himself. That might be wishful thinking on his part, but he's young and still full of hope. 
He has a pace of his own, faster, quicker than others. That's why sometimes people find it hard ro keep up with him, be it in conversations or actions. This trait comes in handy with his fights. Some might say that the strategy of letting your opponent show his hand and observe him is the right way to go, but when it comes to Gin he does not really have to do that. He charges in and judges his opponent from the response. This might be a little reckless of him, but his quick mind supplies him with quick and right conclusions and solutions. This also predisposes him to easy boredom. There has to be something happening in his life. He lives fast and is always busy. If he dos not have anything to do he makes something for himself to do. 
Everyday, he has a million ideas in his head. sometimes these ideas come and go too quickly to be realized. One must not assume that he is dumb just because he has not completed his education. His street smarts are pretty impressive. He is also very sociable and a pretty good conversationalist. He has fallen in love with philosophy and makes to read as much as he can about it.
He is playful alogn with being extroverted and sociable. He likes talking in circles and riddles. He loves mind games and is pretty good at playing them. His playful nature makes him a little flirty, but he is mostly viewed as that kind dude who, in other people's opinions, belongs in a good family. 

Born in the cold winter of Japan, Gin was hardly a joyful addition to a family of one, now two. His mother, young and inexperienced, shunned for getting pregnant as a teenager, had fled her country and decided to start over, but she was way out of her depths. Life was harsh for them both; being a single mother was no easy feat, so the woman - girl - would find her way to older men who could support her financially and she switched through them quickly. As a result, Gin was carried from house to house, never having a true home, as they were all homes of strangers. his mother did settle down, though they both would have probably preferred it if she had not. The man she married, after nearly a decade of wandering with a child on her hands, turned out to be no good. Stuck in an abusive relationship, she saw no hope of escape or life getting any better. 


10 It was yet another night of absurd behavior in Gin's life. The man he was supposed to call his father screamed at him for something he probably did not do and he had to just stand there and take it. He was good at handling the screaming, but he did not see the fist coming. It was the first time the man had hit the boy. The target of his physical violence was usually Gin's mother, the poor woman never let the man get close to her child. A moment later she was between them, taking the beating herself. It did not matter whom the man hit, as long as he got his satisfaction. 

 Whenever this happened, Gin would hide behind the couch, so as to avoid being detected. He did not want to leave them alone and, peeking from behind the piece of furniture, he watched them. This night seemed to be no exception; The man would throw a few fists around, pull his mother's hair, slap her a few times and then proceed to do whatever he did other than beating her. Yet the man did not seem to stop. He got angrier with each hit. He did not seem to be satisfied with Gin's mother on the floor, quietly sobbing and begging Gin to stay where he was. Fists clenched tight, Gin stayed put. He trusted his mother to get through this, because she always did. The man continued to hit and he continued until the woman no longer breathed. only after her body had become bloody and unrecognizable did he seem to feel better. 

 Fear is a strong emotion and it controlled the 10 year old boy. He stayed put behind the couch, shaking and trying his best to keep himself hidden. However he no longer needed to hide as the man injected himself with heroin and no longer seemed to be there. Gin did not know what had shifted in the man that night, but he knew exactly what he needed to do. The now dumbed out man kept a gun in the master bedroom, so Gin went to retrieve it. He took it carefully, even wrapped a cloth around it to keep himself clean of it. The act was filthy after all. He walked back to the living room and grabbed the man's right hand, carefully wrapping his fingers around the handle. He though for a bit as to how he should place the gun and then decided to put the muzzle right under the man's tilted back jaw, the handle facing upwards. Gathering all his strength, Gin pressed down on the man's finger and consequently the trigger. The gun went off, splattering the man's brains on the wall behind. 

 After that everything was easier. Calling the cops, crying his heart out for his miserable mother. Life would go on. 


Orphanages and foster homes were never satisfying. Gin made no effort to connect with anyone and he did not feel like he belonged in any of the homes he was placed, no matter how kind or rough he was treated. So he ran and found refuge on the streets, where he had no bed to sleep in, no roof over his head. This felt more like home than anywhere he had been before, maybe except his mother's arms. 


17 Now Gin was successful, or as close as a kid like him could get to success. He had a job, he had a roof over his head, he had a girfrield, whom he loved. He did not need anything else. Sure there were flaws in everything listed above. His job required of him to get beaten up and beat other up; His apartment was one basement room; and he had to try and hide his relationship, because the father of his lover was a big shot in some yakuza he did not want to get involved in. Of course no secret stays hidden for long and the flaws catch up with him, when his "father-in-law" walks in on him ing his daughter doggy style. He feels extremely embarrassed to be first seen like this by the man he should be trying to impress, so he flees the scene as peacefully as he can. 

 Surely, the man was pissed, but he did not expect to be cornered by a bunch of his men after one of his fights. Gin fights well and he fights dirty, but he is no match for around 15 armed men, who also fight well and dirty. He is beaten until most of his body is bruised and he is stripped of his manhood, defiled, just like the man thought he had "defiled" his daughter. He is warned to stay away and he has learned his rather undeserved lesson. 

 The next few days are hard. That night and the day after, he lays in his room curled up and crying for his mother, because everything is just too much. His phone continues ringing and he knows exactly who is calling and what they'll say. He wants to hear none of it. On day 4, he feels more like himself, or more in touch with reality. He can't swallow any of this, he needs to reaffirm himself and the best way for that, he decides, is to eliminate the head of the snake. Another 4 days and he has a well thought out plan and a plane ticker he does not remember where to. He executes his plan, his lover's father dead and flees the country. 


18 Gin is now part of a gang. He has recovered most of himself, except his will to live. He is not actively suicidal, but he has gained self-destructive tendencies he did not have before. He becomes more and more reckless, only working on improving his physical abilities, so he can up as many people as he can. He fights and fights, until he can no longer hit, but he keeps overcoming that limit too, meeting new physical obstacles and working hard to overcome them as they come


 - complete health nut. does not drink, does not smoke, takes no drugs. Eats as healthy as he can, plenty of protein for his muscle. 

 - he spends his free time, meaning time spent away from training and fighting, reading books he borrows from others. 

 - Favorite music - deep lyriced rock or senseless electronic music 

 - He speaks Japanese, Korean and English. All of them learned from interactions with various people as he only attended school before he ran away from his last foster home. 

 - is a no go for him at this point in life, for obvious reasons. As mentioned before he likes harmless flirting, but as soon as things get past that, he backs off. His uality is not determined. He had never been strictly straight, gay or anything. He believes that what matters when it comes to this is personality and at that point gender has no importance. Casual has never been an option either. 

 - Very low alcohol tolerance as he does not drink it. He used to get drunk with his ex girlfriend, she was a first for him in many things, and he knows from then that alcohol is not his friend.

 - He quickly climbed up the ladder in the gang of resistance as his physical abilities are formidable and he works hard - obsessively- to better himself in that department, thus he now is pretty famous around the gangs, 

 - in most of his fights he goes mad. he fights loud and rough, bold, but calculated movements. At first he might seem like a dumb fighter, all brawn no brains, but that is also an advantage to him, as he is more than that and that impresion gets his oponents to get over-confident. 

 - The complete 180 he pulls from the kind and smiley, seemingly harmless "how is he even in resistance" boy to the mad man who just wants to get his hands bloody and beat someone to death stuns 'em all.

Resistance - here Gin is more open than with other gangs. He has some acquaintances he can interact with on a daily basis, people he could maybe call friends. He's respectful to the authority and others and that really comes in handy. 
Flowers - these are the people Gin actually tries to avoid. They stand with some principles, as he likes to sugar coat it, that he can't associate with. To him flowers boys are aliens, so he keeps his distance.
Godlings - as far as godlings go, he rarely has encounters with them, but not because he actively avoids them. He sees them as more of a shadow in the gangs than actual participants and if he just goes on about his day he does not seem to bother them at all.
Sears - these guys he thinks are somewhat arrogant most of the time. As sears is a gang for people that are smart, they seem to look down on others, but they also seem short sighter sometimes. As Gin puts it, they are not the only smart people around and they should acknowledge it more, but he sure found a few acquaintances there who lend him his philosophy and psychology books.
T-25 - this is the gang Gin has most fun with. Evne though he does not drink and do drugs, as most of T-25 do, he finds hanging out with them at their parties to be one of the hgihlights of his day or week. He really does not understand why people overreact to their habits, though he sees those habits as unhealthy as well, but people seem to make T-25 guys seem subhuman and that he really does not like. Some of the nicest guys he has met are from T-25 and he appreciates them.
REPUTATION Getting a clear image of whi Gin is, if you ask around, is pretty hard. For those that only know him from casual encounters, daily life and no fighting, he is someone who should not really be in resistance. Sure, he's kind and treats everyone nicely and that would not want to make you mess him up, but he's too soft for his own good. Now if you ask those who have seen him only in fights and nowhere else, they would tell you that he's a mad man, they would advise you not to get near him, to avoid him as much as you could, as they can not imagine a situation where Gin would be kind. If you ask those who know him a little better than both mentioned before, they'll tell you that he's just Gin, which does not really tell you much either. 
LIFE IN RESISTANCE Gin has only been in resistance for the last 9 months, but he got himself an impressive start. Now he is a part of the spine and lives his life however he want to, really. He does not mind the orders as long as they go along with what he wants and all he really wants at this point in life is to beat people up, because it is the only emotional relief he has as he is otherwise stuck. He has made a few acquaintances as you can't really survive in resistance otherwise, but he has no close friends. 
transcription of tape 957.
You have one voicemail, press 1 to-
I'm so s-sorry, please, forgive me 
forgive me, please, I'll do anything, just don't leave me 
I know what to do, Gin
Let's run away together. We can go wherever you want, please 
Come with me, let's go, just don't ...
Just don't leave me 
elle / Kurrokochi / 4/5


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