Are you Happy?

Are you happy?

I don't mean the sadness or the unfairness you felt. I mean 'are you happy about where you are right now?' and I mean 'are you happy about the situation you are in?’ Because to become really happy, you can't just complacent with the short and surface happiness. You really must be okay with how things are in your life to be really happy.

So, try to answer the question again. Are you happy?

I am writing this blog because I am just about to turn 22 and I become too 'okay' with things right now. I wrote this not because I am not happy. Because I am happy and I don't like the fact that I am happy. I am Asian and female. I am the youngest in my family so naturally, family problems aren't my burdens. I am telling you this because, to be able to relate to me, I thought you must know some basic facts about me.


I am happy. Maybe if I asked myself in 2 or 3 years back, the answer would be different. I was eager to finish my college degree with normal grades. To be honest, I barely passed. My grades are lower than what I expect but I was happy. I really thought grades doesn't matter and my life shouldn't be about grades. I still do think the same. So, I got the degree in early 2017. I finished the final exam in late 2016. I got my first job a week after my final exam.

Even though I am not doing some sort of great things like winning a gold medal at Olympics, I thought I was doing great on my own scales. And then, time passed. Nothing has changed since then. Except for the raise in my salary since it's been a year at work. I felt like I am sitting peacefully in my comfort zone and I don't even feel embarrassed about it. Sorry, I lied. I do feel embarrassed. I am writing this partly because I am embarrassed.


Am I too easy to please?

Ask yourself again, are you easy to please? A basic thing like getting a degree and a job please you? A basic thing like getting a boyfriend/girlfriend please you? Or a basic thing like getting good grades on test please you?


Try to make a list of twenty things that you are not happy about.

Can you?

Sorry, let me clarify things. I didn't give you a week time to rant about small inconvenience in your life while you lie down on bed. I am talking about right now. If you are unhappy, really unhappy about something, that thing would pop up right now. You can add to the list. If you didn't reach 20, or didn't reach 10 or didn't even make it to five, let me tell you. Congratulations, you are happy.


I am not some philosopher that is always deliberating or thinking about life, theories or concepts. I am just some girl who doesn't want to waste a life I was given by my parents and Gods above.  SO, little advice here. Do things that make you feel worthy, proud and happy. I am not talking about buying things or eating food which is always guilt attached. I am talking about the things like seeding, like investment that will gain you fruits later on.

Learn things. Experiment things. Fly.

You got one life. ONE.

Don't go wasting it.


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Nice :) Your words are so true
Woah we're at the same age and you are already finish your degree and start working while im stuck at home with barely doing anything. Hahah not to worry anything im happy with my life ;)