So I've been thinking.... I think I may start a blog...

So I jsut recieved the best news of my life...

I'm taking Korean classes this summer at a community college but then,

THEN I get to go study in SEOUL!


I'm so excited!!!!!!! :DD



And as I was thinking about this...

What If I Start A Blog??


It could be about how I prepared to go,

How I got there,

What I did there,

And anything else I may want to put there...


But I'm not sure...


What do you guys think??


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Woah! Congrats... you should do that... it would help me in the future if I ever got the oppotunity... lol jokes! Haha... I can still dream can't I! ^^
Anyway, I hope you have fun and do well with learning korean.. I still can't pick up the basics *sigh* oh well.. try try and try again as they say.. *off to learn some korean... or japanese*
OMG, your so lucky, going to Korea!! I am going to Korea until next summer!