Got a good grade

So, I did a quiz today for my Sociology class and I got 9 right out of 10, which is pretty good.

Not only that I'm at 660%, and when I finish my test tomorrow, and if it's pretty good, I might be over 668% which would put me at a C. 

Last time I did this, I did poorly, but now I'm doing much better. 

Now, I just hope I can do better on my Geography tests. I always have a problem with studying for tests. I can study, but when I get the test in front of me, my brain goes blank or everything I remembered gets jumbled up. I've had that problem since I was in elementary school.

But, I'm happy that the grade so far. We'll see what happens tomorrow.




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All the best to you. You can do it
I can relate when you said you'd blank out on tests. Gosh..I'd still blank out after hours of studying. You did a really good job! It's all about the improvement! Keep up the excellent work and don't give up!