I Talk About Fanfiction in General.

Or Maybe How I Got Into Them.  And then theres always Fanfictions in General Can Be for Later.

I don't really know how i got into fanfics. I'm more of a novel person. Well, actually, i do know how i got into them now that I think about it. I think the first one i ever read was this fanfic  for this really weird series called The Clique back in like what, 7th grade? 8th grade? Then it just got ty. *shudders* Then one night i stayed up till 3AM looking for jongkey fics. met this girl who wrote a really awesome one at http://biiesh.livejournal.com/ titled "Flat 49" which is still incomplete to this day. T.T Then I stayed up till 4:30AM to finish studying for that APBIO test. Which I got a 97% on. booyeah. I've met a couple aspiring writers along the way. They started with fanfiction but they didn't let the 'kpop' keep them in the box and i  give them kudos for that :) <3 I look for well-thought out and capturing writing, but hell. I'm into crack fics too. who isn't? Writing fanfics is an easy way to start writing. Perhaps your characters are already there but a big part of writing is the character development. Without it, a writer loses alot in the growth process Although  is like... ... what is up with that?  xD Yeah.... so in conclusion, i like them fanfics.

tell me your story ;)


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