i just wanna punch my stepdad's friend

he and his friend were drinking talking about nonsense last night.

my stepdad went to bed at 9 pm then at 10 his friend went upstairs to take a shower

then all of a sudden he keeps asking my stepdad if he can have a chit chat with him.

he kept asking for the next 3 minutes and finally SHUT THE UP!!!!

this morning my dad went to find him but he was gone.

so im guessing he sleepwalk somewhere until my stepdad got a phone call from the hospital (just now while i was typing this lol).

that dude is just a burden >.> plus he lives in the back part of our house,jobless.

could have been homeless if my stepdad didnt offer to let him live with us.


i need my ing sleep at night and privacy during the day time until he lived with us.

motherer,how can i fangirl when theres gonna be a dude thats gonna give me weird looks while im spazzing?!?!

sadly the internet modem is in the living room and the stupid cord isnt long enough to go to my room to my laptop ughh -.-

i will not give up pesterind both my mom and stepdad getting me wifi so i can do what fangirls do in my room


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