update on my health

So yesterday at around 10am I was showering and I felt dizzy and pass out. I busted my lip and hit near the side of my eye.  Note I haven't eaten in 5 days (only liquids) bc if oral surgery (couldn't open my mouth). I was rushed (parents telling me not to close my eyes) the hospital and where they did alot of tests and put me on iv (basically water for dehydration, 2 bags) They release me at 5pm almost 6pm. We're getting a follow up today and they're going to check so I didn't damage my eye. I just want to let you guys know. I really want to update today but my health comes first. I hope you will understand.


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Rest well and take good care. May u get well soon
Rest well author nimmm :'( Your health is more important :'(
Its okay...
Your health more important than updating...
Take a good rest authornim...
Rest well
Heol!!! :( Rest welllll :( yeah health comes first, take care and get well soon, fighting author-nim!!