>.< ggrrr...

I came home from the dentist because I had my braces tightened.... and I took a tricycle home. When I got to the court on our street (I have to go and walk to my house for like 200-400 steps) while I was walking their was this guy, he looks like an addict!! Sheesh... then he said..

"Hi ate..."(Hi noona) I was like WHOA THERE!!! Noona?! Did I heard it right?! NOONA??? N-O-O-N-A?! In my mind I was like

"DUDE! Your like in your late 30s, me I'm 12 years old!! , I'm NOT even HALF your age~ and your calling me noona?! GORILLA!!"


I just walked away and made my 'WTF' face....If you guys encountered this kind of person, Just walk away and don't look back. 

As for me I wanted to scream at him those words in my mind but, I'm not stupid~ xDD


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Doesn't that happen a lot here in Philippines???? But sometimes I even end up telling them to F*** off [[I only speak English since I'm Bisaya too and I can't speak Filipino]]
LOL. Diba ginagamit ang "ate" para sa "respeto"? xDD
That's what I learned. (Since I'm Bisaya anyway and tagalog has another way lol)