ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ▪ㅤcharacter name is in the dormitory


full name

major(s) taken

major(s) taken


basic info

full name: write here
- here, explanation
age (international): write here
birthdate: write here
birth place: write here
hometown: write here
ethnicity: write here
nationality: write here
- here (fluency) ; explanation


face claim: write here
back-up face claim: write here

appearance: include height and weight
style: links and pictures are appreciated

inner self

personality: you can write in any format, as long as you explain to me well your character.

background: same as personality.

- include likes, dislikes, fun fact, daily schedules etc. put as much as you want.


tumblr_p2jzzs2nSc1x1p4h1o7_250.png tumblr_p2jzzs2nSc1x1p4h1o7_250.png tumblr_p2jzzs2nSc1x1p4h1o7_250.png
character's quote
roommate. name, age, occupation

i will assign your roommate, so please include the interactions between you and them, what do you think about them vice versa.

tumblr_p2gixslR021x1p4h1o6_250.png tumblr_p2gixslR021x1p4h1o6_250.png tumblr_p2gixslR021x1p4h1o6_250.png
character's quote
relation. name, age, occupation

description on interactions.

snu basic app

major: write something

minor: write something

sport team: write something

clubs: write something

jobs: write something

snu basic app

tumblr_p3wnqxjYkw1x2yc1yo5_r1_250.png tumblr_p3wnqxjYkw1x2yc1yo5_r1_250.png tumblr_p3wnqxjYkw1x2yc1yo5_r1_250.png

love interest name: write something
back-up: write something
age (international): write here
major(s): write here

personality: please write it so that i can understand the character as if you're creating one.

love story: write something

trivia: write something

track : VAVA – 我的新衣


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