I just finished my test for chapters 1 - 3 in Sociology. 

I got an 88%. It's still pretty good. With 50 questions and getting only 88%, that's pretty good. I only got 7 wrong. I checked and now I'm at 424.67% overall. 

What makes me happy is that last time I did this, my overall score was only in the 200% range, which was VERY terrible. So, seeing this makes me happy. I need to get to 572% in order to get out of the F rut and into a D. A D is not a good grade, but if I can get a D this quickly, it means that I should be able to get my C by the end of the semester. I know in April, I have to do 2 essays, which I'm not looking forward too, and a bonus essay. So, I'll have to look at all that at some point.

Just wanted to share my happiness. 

At some point, I'll start on my Chapter 4 and see how everything goes.

Of course, now that I finished the test, guess what that means?


I can watch the 2018 Winter Olympics Figure Skating tonight!!!!


Tomorrow is the opening ceremony. Of course, the Opening Ceremony had already taken place in Korea, but here in America, we'll be seeing it tomorrow. I just can't wait to watch the Figure Skating.


I want to say thanks to the many of you that have congratulated me on me doing well with my tests. I don't get much from my dad, but I get a LOT of support from my mom, but whenever I post about me doing well on my quizzes and tests and see everyone telling me "Congrats" or "Fighting" it makes me smile. I want to share my happiness.





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