I just finished my Chapter 3 quiz of my Sociology class and I can't believe it, I got a 100%. Which is a perfect score. How did THAT happen? Last time I took this quiz I didn't get a perfect score. So, far, my quizzes are doing GREAT!

Chapter 1 - 90%
Chapter 2 - 80%
Chapter 3 - 100%

At the moment along with two of my discussions, I'm at 336.67% which is MUCH better than last time. Though I'm still in the F range. But, I still have a test for chapters 1, 2, & 3 to do which could help or hurt my percentage. 

I wish that my mom and I can go out because of my GREAT scores, but she's sick at the moment. My dad got her sick. And, I've been busy with work this whole week along with going to school on Tuesday and Thursday. We get no time to do anything. So, maybe once she feels better we might be able to do something. I need to get her out of the house because she's going to stay sick because of the way my dad sneezes and coughs in the house. 

So, anyway, I just wanted to express how happy I am with my quiz and I'll have to do my test on one of the three days. The test is due on Sunday, so I want to do the test before Sunday. Hopefully, I'll do good. (crosses the fingers).




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It is okay we can always do better. I too cant believe i got my computer science paper 96/100.
Congrats to you Raven! Your grades seem to be getting better and better!!!
And I believe too that your mom needs to get some fresh air instead of staying in the house.