Meeting the love of my life, Wu Yifan.

So on Monday night, I was writing this blog post, recapping about the insane weekend when I get a WeChat notification from the fanclub that Kris's flight back to LA was leave Tuesday afternoon AND I DRAFTED THIS SO FAST. That meant I had one last chance to see him again and hopefully redeem myself. And what do I mean by redeem myself, lol just keep reading.


I got in contact with Meigeni Express on twitter who wanted to arrange a group to welcome Kris to Minneapolis/Minnesota. Meigeni Express and KrisBar were both basically in charge of this group, giving us updates about his arrival and what not. They wanted to give him flowers but after searching and realizing Minnesota florists didn't arrange the type of bouquets they had in mind, I shyly volunteered to arrange the bouquet myself and everything said it would be a good idea, especially since it was coming from a fan.


A local radio station was giving away VIP Kris tickets on twitter and I MADE EVERYONE I KNEW WHO HAD A TWITTER ENTER. I even had my bestfriend's fiance join lol. I'm at work, freaking out because they're going to announce the winners and I can't check my phone and at this point, I don't think I'm going to win these VIP tickets at all. My bestfriend on the otherhand, she's not a Kris fan but she was going with me to see him and she REALLY wanted me to see him up close. She's like, "I have good vibes, I think I'm going to win these." I go to the bathroom and I check my phone AND IT'S BLOWN UP because SHE WON. So here I am, crying in the bathroom BECAUSE MY BFF WON ME VIP TICKET TO GO SEE KRIS. LIKE NOTHING HAS EVER WORKED OUT SO PERFECTLY BEFORE. NEVER.


Friday comes around, I wake up to go buy flowers and I start arranging them. After some trials and errors and making sure we didn't have daisies in the bouquet, this was the final product!

So I get to the airport later that evening, my legs are shaking as I arrive with my flowers and my love letter. We're all standing at gate 4 and the airport is just PACKED because of the Super Bowl like it was insane. As we're waiting we take pictures for the fansites and fanclubs and I'm told to stay in front of the group so that we can ensure Kris gets the flowers. We're all staring at his gate that is opening and closing, anxiously waiting and again my legs are TREMBLING like crazy because I have loved this boy for 6 years. He was the reason I started following EXO, he was my bias and even after he left, I had my faith in him and never once turned a blind eye. Heck, I even got a TATTOO representing him. So, I really was more an excited to see MY idol.

Then suddenly as we're all concentrated on this door, we hear a "Hey" from BEHIND us and we turn and IT'S NONE OTHER THAN KRIS WU YIFAN. What had happened was there was a miscommunication and Kris was actually coming out of gate 14 NOT 4. When he gets out and realizes there's nobody there, one of the girl from the fanclub assured him that he has A LOT of fans waiting, we're just at the wrong gate so he walks down 10 GATES TO COME SEE US. When he finds us, instead of greeting us instantly, he just watched us for a bit from behind, AMUSED.

So I went from being in the front to being in the very back and I'm like ", how am I going to give him these flowers." He's so tall it wasn't hard to spot him and I'm a tiny asian girl, 5'3 on a good day lol. I decide I'm going to head towards the entrance, maybe when he passes by I can give him the flowers. So I turn the corner and from the corner of my eye, I see someone sliding up beside me from behind a pillar and I turn AND KRIS TURNS TO ME AND WE'RE BOTH NOT EXPECTING ONE ANOTHER SO I FREEZE. All the words I had prepared to say to him vanish and all I manage to do was hand the flowers out towards him and say "HEY FLOWERS." (WHAT AN IDIOT I WAS) Kris looks from me to the flowers before he nicely declines. He must've thought I was Chinese because he said sorry in Mandarin. A fansite was able to capture the exact moment he turned to me and I know it was that moment because she literally crossed me to get this picture moments before and us three were the only ones in front at that time.Anyways, I'm not tryna push it so I put the flowers down and continue walking beside him but also giving him space. Eventually everyone comes crowding again and I didn't want to be a part of that so as he's slipping into his car, I go off to the side to watch everything. His car starts pulling away and it comes to a pause RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME as it's waiting to merge into the other lane, he looks at me and I freeze up again and go "I LOVE YOU." (...) and he smirks, then the car pulls away. I'm shaking afterwards & feeling like an idiot because I sounded like one.


The day of the performance comes, I rush downtown in the HORRIBLE weather and it's mayhem everywhere because I can't find the stupid radio people and time is getting closer to his performance and I'm starting to have an anxiety attack. JUST THEN, I spot my friend next to the stage, behind the barrier and I literally push through everyone to get to her. Homegurl don't play. I get there, I also have two other VIP winners who I found along the way and the security tells me to wait so they can verify us really quickly first. I'm like, cool okay w/e, as long as I'm here. Then I notice someone walking towards the door about 6 ft away then I realized IT WAS KRIS and HE WAS LOOKING AT ME (I was wearing a hat with his name on it that I'd embroidered) and I FREEZE (again) before stupidly shouting "KRIS I LOVE YOU." He gives me a small shy smile then enters the building and I'm like well , the both times he notices me I ing blew it. He's going to remember me as that dumb girl who keeps shouting at him LOL.

(I got blisters from this... but it was SO worth it)

The performance happens, I enjoy it front row, belting out his lyrics. (I also noticed he sang his lyrics wrong but w/e lol, no one else seemed to have noticed besides me and him)  I'm so proud of him like, Kris shut down that place. I was talking to the radio people before we went out and they were talking about how the Kris giveaways were their most insane giveaways EVER because everyone was blowing up their phones, calling from overseas and everything. Like, do not doubt the power and popularity of Kris. 


Sunday game happens. Now I'm freaking out because JESSICA JUNG is also here for the game and so now I have two celebrities I LOVE, IN MY CITY and I'm itching to go out to run into them but I decide no when I see the traffic on TV lol. 


Monday comes. I suddenly cancel this blog post because I still have one more chance to meet Kris.


And at last, Tuesday

I had a meltdown the night before so I wrote Kris a new letter, containing more honest feelings. Like I always knew he was going to be the first member to leave. I saw it in his eyes, how he was always searching for greater heights and I knew that eventually the world of kpop was going to be too small for him.

We eventually narrow his flights down to the 2:40 for LAX and the fansites tell us that Kris usually arrives pretty late so we're like okay, he's probably not going to come for another hour or so. WRONG. I got there, realized Kris's staff was sitting directly behind me and I noticed them standing up to go to the entrance and the two fansites getting ready so I tell the girls that I think Kris is coming. We're all a little surprised because it was quite early, it hadn't even turned 1 pm yet. 

One of the girls who was chinese approaches his staff and asks about Kris's arrival because there was a few of us who wanted to send him off. She tells her that Kris is coming and he's on his way and he would be arriving soon so when he does arrive, for us to remain calm and quiet. 

Not even two minutes later and Kris's car pulls up and his cousin comes out first so we all go outside to greet him. Kris walks out and he greets us and we hesitantly give him our gifts and letters that he takes one by one. We asked about his new album and if he was coming back. He replied with smiles and his staff was so friendly as well because they stepped aside to let him walk with us and Kris is seriously, so sweet. He was walking so slow to buy us more time. 

I was so nervous walking beside him, I almost forgot I was going to give him the hat I embroidered. Good thing I didn't and I pulled it out to give to him. When I called his name, he turned to me and I died because lol all the times I've called his name were at some sort of screen so never did I ever think that the real person would REPLY to ME. He thanks me for the hat and we continue walking to the gate. I ask him if he was feeling better because he had gotten a cold over the weekend and he turns to me as he says, "Yeah." (dies again)

We get to the check-in point and he turns to us to bid us goodbye and I'm thinking this is it... he's really leaving but then he turns around and waves. He walks a bit more, turns back around AND WAVES AGAIN. Kris continues doing this throughout his check-in and he literally keeps checking on us, waving until he absolutely couldn't anymore. 

When he's finally gone, my legs are still shaking and my heart is racing because never in a million years did I think I was ever going to meet him and talk to him. He was so chill, so sweet and I still can't wrap my head around it. He was so kind and patience and seriously, so cute as he kept turning back to wave every ten seconds. 


Kris means the world to me. Like I said, he's the reason I began to follow EXO. The moment his first teaser dropped, I fell in love and I was like, this boy is going to my life up, I already know it. After he left, I never once doubted him. I knew that he had all the skills to accomplish all those dreams swirling in those eyes of his and I put all my faith in him. If you were to put me in a room with DBSK, EXO and Kris, no hesitation I will always pick Kris. 

I would joke around saying "can kris love me back already" or "when will kris love me back" and for 6 years I've been saying that. Even my twitter friends were hoping that in 2018 Kris would finally notice me and the funnier thing was, on New Years I literally shouted, "THIS YEAR IS THE YEAR I'M GOING TO MEET KRIS" not knowing that it was going to really happen in a matter of WEEKS. 

I think someone from above was really looking out for me because everything fell into place perfectly. All three times that I saw him, I was either right next to him or very close and although the first two times, I blew it by looking and sounding like an idiot, I was able to redeem myself before he left, thankfully LOL. 

So yeah, 2018 is the year that Kris finally loved me back. I met the love of my life, my idol, my inspiration, my muse and I can't wait until the day I get to see him again. 



Dreams do come true.


- M.M




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pbandh7 #1
OMG THIS IS THE COOLEST THING EVER. Like you're seriously so lucky and you sound so down to earth that I can't help but be so freaking happy for you. If any of this ever happened to me with either Jongin or Yixing I'd probably punch myself in the face just to make sure I'm alive and breathing. Girl, I truly got so happy reading your story! Miracles do come true and I firmly believe in that. You sound just like me plus you're an EXO-L AND A HARDCORE KAISTAL SHIPPER. Can we please be IRL friends?

Ps. "Make it to me" had me crying UGLY TEARS today (and yesterday). Ugh ❤️
Congratulations.. I can feel the excitement oozing from ur story
Wow that was so lovely and I am so happy for you dear! I tried going overseas to see him (Hongkong and Singapore) but failed. Guess its not the right time yet T__T Really, congratulations!!!