I was happy back then. Laughing out loud with my friends. Trying to made them laugh with my jokes. And I also remember my parents... they are so proud of me and treasured me like a gem. But while having fun something caught my eye. It was you and you're looking to me. I can saw the loneliness and sadness in your eyes. I can't help myself to approached you. As I approached you... You hugged me tight. 


After being with you for almost a year. I can sense that all of my friends started to walk away from my life. And my parents can no longer treasured me and just treated me like a trash. How ironic isn't? Just because of you I lost my family. Because of you I lost my path... I lost the light and your darkness blinded me. I clearly lost my mind. You started to tortured me and all I can feel now is nothing. I am totally numb and hopeless.


I want to run away from you but I don't know how. It seems I'm already paralyzed. I can't take it anymore. You are now standing in front of me while wearing a creepy smile that scares me. 'L-let me end everything.' I said and while holding a knife. 'Go on kill me. You know what will happened to you right?' I nodded my head and closed my eyes. If this is the only way to end this I will gladly do it. I stabbed myself with a knife... I saw red liquid covered the silver knife. And I can feel my blood coming out from my body. This is the end. I smiled weakly as my body slowly fell on the floor. 'You are now free.' you said and slowly vanished. 'Damn you Depression you beats me.' I said before darkness eats me.


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Please do not hurt or harm yourself in anyway. Depression is really scary and I know that it's not easy to fight it alone . Sometimes , it felt like it's the end of everything, sometimes it felt like no one really understand . Worse getting all trapped up with no one to turned too . It's a battle within yourself . I wish I can give you a real hug to let you know that you're not alone. There's hope just as long as you don't give up. It's not easy but it's not impossible. All you need is some moral support , time and chances . Please kindly seek for help if you need . You can always go to social support group, counselor , therapist , Phychiatrist and etc for support and treatment . With consistent self care and a healthy life style , it will help you to feel better. Try to find a reason to live and believe. Have a goal and set a purposed in life. I think once you have an aim , you will fight to be better in every way. Try to do some exercise , go for a walk and just breath in some fresh air. Don't lock or isolate yourself. It'll only make things worse. Try to eat food which contains lots of serotonin. It will help to produce happy / good feeling . Bananas can help to boost your mood too. Life is beautiful and that it's worth fighting for. Please do not give up hope. Give life a chance. There are people who care for you even thou it might not seems like it . Multiply your faith and know that you're amazing . It's not your fault to get sick . Sometimes things can just happened to anyone. Try not to give in to negativity. I'l be cheering on you. Stay strong . At the end of the day , you'll realized that you're much stronger than you were before