what to do

I am lost..

I don't know what I am..

I am actually frustrated

I can't understand my desires & I guess there is no desire for anything anymore

I wish I could end this

I have no courage.. I am tired

there is no meaning in anything

I can't continue.. life is miserable.. but I can't kill myself.. living is a real burden to me

I am not what I wanted to be & I can't reach those old desires anymore..

I am empty now.. no desire.. no wish.. no dream.. nothing

I can't enjoy being alive and I can't kill myself.. what should I do.. this is real hell

everyday is like this.. and I'm forced to live.. why.. why am I here


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I used to be like you and i know how hard it was. Private message me if you need someone to talk with, okay?
Hey dear
Please don't get so sad and hurt. Maybe you need some time alone. Replan and rethink for your life. Go for a trip or maybe hang out with close friends. You can even talk with your siblings just to share your problems /stress.
Set new goals for your life. And try to find happiness in your life. There must be some thing...
Please don't be so negative. Cheer up sweetheart...
Hey buddy plz don't get disheartened... Life is a struggle but it's beautiful too as we have our loved ones with us in our bad times too... And the most important thing is faith...If you have faith then god will definitely help you...Don't ever give up...we all have difficulties in our lives... But we have to fight for our dreams... I know it's not easy but we have to... I can understand your feeling as i am going through the same... So be strong buddy...