
Nakai mira





NAME Nakai mira
other names Pattypats - this is what her grandpa has called her since she was little. This is because she used to say it herself. 
birthday + age 06/04 + 16

face claim hirate yurina
backup face claim twice - sana

appearance mira stands at 165cm, she is the average height for a girl and likes that about it. she sports a bob and bangs as her signature hairstyle. her hair is black and smooth, falling right in place as she likes it. she weighs 47kg, just right for her ethnic background and height. she has pale skin, which bruises easily due to her clumsy nature; she is always bumping into tables or tripping over her feet. she  always wears sunscreen and big hats so she can shield her skin as much as she can, as she neither likes getting tan nor wants her skin to burn. she has the physique of someone who flatters around freely, her steps make no sound and when she walks, it feels as if she is just floating around. 
fashion mira usually wears summery dresses and summery hats in summer, but as september rolls around, she brings out her high-waisted jeans and skirts she so well enjoys. she likes oversized tees and sweaters. because she gets cold easily, winter comes a little earlier for her and she absolutely loves that. closet

WHO ARE YOU, mira ?

PERSONALITY Istp, the jester+ optimistic, energetic, creative, practical, spontaneous, rational, relaxed, unshakeable(never panics in crisis), has her priorities straight; - stubborn, insensitive, easily bored, private, reserved, reckless, afraid of commitment; 

Mira is your typical girl, her life is as normal as it gets. she lives in a small town with her grandfather and loves her life. everybody around her loves her and she is perfect at what she does. perfect grades, perfect manners, perfect hygeine. she will be a perfect wife and mother someday. she brings lunches to her grandfather, who still works as a fisherman, and his colleagues and the elderly of their town love her.  also they all view her as the kind of weird that comes with artistic, but lovely tendencies. 

unfortunately, this is just the image she wants everyone and herself to believe. she wants to believe that she is content with her life as it is now. she wants others to believe that she is effortlessly perfect, has nothing to hide and that her good natured behavior is how she truly feels. 

in fact, she can be quite venomous. she is beyond polite when she has herself in control, but she sports a sharp tongue and quick wit that could hurt anyone's feelings. she has created the perfect image for herself and now she is bored with it. everybody trusts her, except maybe a few who doubt that anyone as perfect as her can exist and they are right. she is nowhere near perfect and she knows that. 

she is a force of nature. she will get whatever she sets her sight on. for long it was the approval of everyone around her. for long she wanted to be the best at everything she did and she was. now she is just bored with how easily she gets everything she wants. 

despite this, she does not really know what to do with the things she gets. she has always had abandonment issues because of the way the parents she does not even remember knowing left her. she is afraid of commitment, which is why she barely has any friends and the only actual friend she has is the one that actively seeks her out and clings to her. though, she has to admit she likes it.
things to note -At the age of 5 (assumption, because she does not remember anything before) Mira started slowly going blind in her left eye. she has been to as many doctors as her grandfather could afford and none of them can really tell what's wrong. Their guesses always seem to be around physical trauma to the nerve connected to the left eye. visually, the eye looks normal, but if mira does not get enough rest, the eye might start straying. nobody but her grandfather knows about this and she gives lots of importance to rest and proper care for her now completely blind left eye. 

- she loves to read supernatural fiction and historical books. is completely obsessed with history.

- she has an old nokia, because she does not believe that she needs a smartphone and would not want to ask her granfather to waste his money on anything she does not need. plus, the nokia is in a really good condition, she takes extra care of it.

- she is not exactly friends with the group of teens that decide to explore the house, she just knows about them and they know about her and she happens to be on her own investigation when she comes upon them and decides to stick with them.

-she is not really close friends with anyone other than hyesoo, but she prefers the company of some of her classmates. 

- she learned both sign language and braille, just in case anything goes wrong. i.e she goes completely blind or maybe loses her hearing. "better safe than sorry" she tells herself to excuse her paranoia

-she has a pet cat, that she picked up when he was just a kitten and she was just 12. she named him mardo, a random word that came to mind when she first laid eyes on him. 

-she does not adhere to any particular religion, but she believes that the world is full of things that can  not be explained and that there is something bigger than any of them combined. 

- she likes to work with the town administration on putting together festivals and she loves to perform at them, be it playing the gayageum or dancing.

- she also likes to put on private dance shows, with no audience, at the old shrine. she likes learning traditional dances of many different countries, which is a part of her obsession with history.
Soundbytes "hey! wait for me! ...am I lost?!" "oh, i did not see you there... so embarrasing" "all gummy smiles and pristine clothes; perfect as usual, mira"

history the first time mira saw the town of oceanview was when she was about 5. it was the day her parents left her to stay with her grandfather, promising him that they would come back soon and not saying anything to her. her first memory is her parents fighting in the car as the sign welcoming her to oceanview came into view. for as long as she can remember she has been an oceanview girl and she never dreamt of being anything else. her grandfather was the kindest person she had ever met, though her standards for such might be a little skewed, and he raised her with great care and great lessons. ever since her arrival at oceanview, her life has been perfect. for the first year or so, mira did not speak. slowly she was brought out of her shell and she started talking again. the reason for this was unknown, since she simply did not remember anything before her arrival in oceanview, but her grandfather suspected that something traumatic had happened before. when his son sent a letter, saying that they would not be coming back for mira, the old man was quite relieved.  
lifestyle mira lives a simple life. she wakes up early in the morning, makes breakfast for her grandfather and herself and then rides her oldschool bicycle to school. she spends the day at school attentively listening to the teacher and taking extensive notes. she basically learns her lessons at school and only has to spend doing homework for an hour or two. she bikes back home and does her homework, before setting out on a walk. she takes her book of the day with her and greets everyone she meets on her way to the old shrine small distance from the hiking trails. by evening she comes home and heats the food for her grandfather and herself. they eat in silence or tell pleasant stories along supper. she practices playing her gayageum as much as she can before going to sleep at 11pm and dreaming of memories her brain has opted to forget and she will not remember in the morning.  her day also includes her cuddling and feeding her cat, mardo amongst all the other things she does. 


WHY DO THEY WANT TO GO ?  life at oceanview is pleasant, but admittedly boring. mira is the always curious little child and the gossip she hears from the edlerly women at the market excite her. 

what do they think is happening ?  for now, she does not believe anything. she wants to keep her mind open and not let her excitable nature get in the way of discovering what is actually happening.

who is the young man that comes from the house ? what mira knows is that the man is polite and no matter how much anyone has tried to learn more about him, he remains a mystery. this excites her even more. surely there must be something hiding behind the exterior of politeness that the man puts up.

what would their parents say about them investigating the house ? parents? mira is not sure of anything they would say, though she assumes it would not be anything nice. when it comes to her grandfather though, she believes he would encourage her, but warn her to be safe. 


nakai kenshi - a 68 year old man, who still has the strength to work everyday of the year. he is the man who made mira into what she is and she is extremely grateful for everything the man has done for her. he is the only family she has and she is extremely proud of him. 

Kim hyesoo - hyesoo and mira first met in elementary school. hyesoo was immediately fascinated, being the curious child she was, because she had never seen the girl before. In the town of oceanview, everybody knew everybody, so even before the start of elementary school, hyesoo had made sure to befriend everyone her age. she approached the quiet new girl and instantly clicked with her. As they grew up, they continued down mainly the same path. hyesoo was there when Mira found her cat, mardo. actually she had been the one to hear the mewls of the distressed kitten. they are like opposites of the same coin. while mira is polite and does well in everything, hyesoo is a troublemaker that makes life exciting for everyone around her. she does not have perfect grades and she gets into a lot of trouble, but she is loved by the townspeople just as much as mira is, because of how unappologetically real she is(mira is maybe a little envious of that). mira is always there to cutely, with a smile, apologize for whatever mess hyesoo has caused and hyesoo is always there to keep mira company. 


comments well I hope you like the application. I really did not want to change the color, cause I think it suits mira so well and I am not that good at tweaking with aesthetics :D I hope you like mira and choose her, though I think I'd love to read this story whether mira is in it or not ^^ so I made the changes ~~ I hope things are cleared up now ~~
suggestions as far as suggestions go, I'm totally toast :D  if anything comes to mind, I'll add it in. 

movie score 1.foster the people - are you what you want to be 2.talking heads - once in a lifetime 3.blonde redhead - for the damaged coda 4.akmu - dinosaur 5.blur - sing 6.Nirvana - come as you are 7.wham - wake me up before you go go (i seriously wanted to put this as mira's soundtrack)



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