Is death really is an escape!?!

There are times when I just wanna die...i just wanna end all the pain...the fear...the loneliness...the sadness...i just wanna end it all...but then as much as I'm scared of living I'm more scared of dying because I don't really know what happens after that...i don't really know if death really is an escape from all of this...

Are those that committed suicide really happy there.!!?? Did the pain really end!!?? Did it really go away.!!??

We all doesn't really know because there's no proof of that...non of them ever came back to tell us that it ended...that they're happy and in a good place...

I feel like there's no escape from this for me. ..there's no where to run to because as much as I want to run away from all of this., I definitely don't want to run into a an unknown place(death)...


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Give life a chance. I think life is worth fighting for . As long as you're still breathing , still alive, there's hope and chances to turn things around for the better .
JayTOP #2
It's been a loooooong time since I have been on this site...someone whom I loved who had a huge impact on my life, who died recently, actually brought me here. It's ironic that I find a comment about death right after...I think life is very mysterious how we work as a human we think, what we feel, what we's a mystery...we don't know why we feel a certain way until we learn a lesson that brings us the answer to our troubles. Some things we have an answer for, and some things we don't have an answer for...this is the way of life..unfortunately, I cannot tell you what you want to hear..but I am here to to help. Running away is easy, but life..that, my friend, is the hard part. It's up to you to choose if you want to hang up your gloves or if you want to go a few more rounds. I pray you stay with us here and continue fighting, it will get better...not when you want it to, but when it is meant to.

Namaste sweetheart. Take care.
