Pabo day...


I thought today was gonna be a in day...Apparently I was WRONG >_>

The morning was okay but it got worse during morning recess.  As I was eating with some of my friends, two of my other friends came later and one of them said that we couldn't practice dancing in the chorus room during lunch since this chorus group was coming.  Which totally because I wore my baggy pants and vans for nothing DX

Next was fourth period and I had P.E.  It was totally in cause we had to play soccer when the grass was wet and everyone kept slipping!  I slipped when I kicked the ball X_X I feel awkward when they pick me first for teams since I don't like to try when playing soccer so I feel like I let them down Y_Y

Then in Chorus we had to sing with Mid-Pacific and their from Oahu.  Buuut there's like only two eighth graders and the rest is like fifth grade and below.....Oh and I didn't know why we couldn't practice dancing during lunch because they didn't come 'till like ten minutes after the bell rang and we could've set up the chairs >_>

When school ended, our chorus teacher wanted us to sing this one song real quick but that song is like fricken long!  And when we were halfway through it...They freakin stopped us >_< And we were like complaining that we didn't want to do it and most of the students had to ride bus so she let us go.  I was about to tell her that me and two other friends of mine couldn't go to the chorus performance tomorrow because we have to go to our friend's memorial.  Buuut when I asked my friend(kauaikoala) if we were going to tell her she said no and just not show up tomorrow.  HAHA. 

Soccer practice: Coach made us run 'cause we were being lazy.  Got tripped fell twice.  The second time I got tripped fell, I got kicked in the back and toe :L

Crappy-ish day but atleast I don't have school tomorrow ^^ Happy day~

Oh and during P.E, I was talking to this boy that looks like Lee Kikwang from BEAST and he lifted his shirt up infront of me X_X But I looked away after he did haha ;P

Over all it was just...not good.



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u shood have been like "damn, _____ u has abs" bwahaha, jk, grody~!!!
Lol the school's Kikwang