replace with fc
replace with fc   replace with fc   replace with fc

 birthname   ahn eunbyeol ( 안은별 )


   ☆彡  MOMOKO ARAI  ;  新井桃子  her japanese name, given by her mother. she really likes it and was hoping to use it as her stage name, but momo from twice gained huge popularity and she had to give up in order to not be overshadowed just because of her name for the rest of her career. the name is mostly used by her japanese friends, her fmaily on her mother's side and her members from time to time.

   ☆彡   BYEOL  ;  별   the short and sweet nickname derives from her name, quite obviously. this is used by literally everyone she knows, to a point where it's rather uncommon for someone to call her eunbyeol. since byeol means star and she's quite the bright one, her members and friends always claim it fits her vibe.

   ☆彡   PEACH  ;  복숭아   momoko literally translates to ''peach child'', as her mom is an avid fan of peaches and thought it'd be cute for her child to be named after her favorite fruit. this a story that eunbyeol enjoys telling, and she also turned out to be a big fan of peaches, so her members started calling her peach. this is a really common nickname and has turned popular around the fanbase as well.

   ☆彡   YANDERE-CHAN  ;  ヤンデレちゃん  she has a really huge, almost creepy crush on mxm's kim donghyun. both as irony and as genuine fangirling, the words ''donghyun senpai'' come out of in a giggly voice more times than she'd like to. eunbyeol doesn't have any particular yandere-ish behaviors besides being quite possessive, but the abuse of the word senpai and endless rambling earned her the nickname honoring the game yandere simulator. this was started by her friend yuto (onf one), to which her members followed suit.


 BIRTHDATE   march 16, 2000

 BIRTHPLACE   seoul, south korea

 HOMETOWN   osaka prefecture, japan

 ETHNICITY   half korean, half japanese

 NATIONALITY  korean & japanese dual citizenship


    ☆彡   JAPANESE  ;  100%   she was raised in japan, so this should self-explanatory.

   ☆彡   KOREAN  ;  85%   though she has been in korea for 4 years and was born there, she tends to spend more time improving her dancing, not her korean. she can speak the language decently, but she has a lot of spelling mistakes and her pronunciation gets sloppy from time to time. 

   ☆彡   ENGLISH  ;  30%    barely knows the basics, no one knows how she passes her english classes in school. basically just knows how to decently pronounce simple phrases in english and say ''i love you'' to her fans. 



 FACECLAIM  loona's chuu 

 BACKUP  weki meki's lua

 APPEARANCE  eunbyeol has a small, cute frame from wherever you see it.  she stands at 157cm and 45kg, looking almostt weak in the eyes of those who worry about her wellbeing. she has an extremely cute, innocent-looking face. you wouldn't even imagine she's one of the oldest members. eunbyeol likes to take pride in her long, brown hair. she takes care of it more than anything else in this world, and achieved great results as it always looks healthy and near perfect. is trying to avoid dyeing her hair with all of her heart, but will probably have to give up eventually. the only thing she dislikes of her hair is that it's extremely straight and thin, so even if she spends hours curling it, it'll probably be back to normal in two hours.

 style  she loves pink. there's no doubt about that. most of her clothes are pink, and it's weird to see her wearing an outfit where it isn't the main point. has a cringe-inducing strong resistance to cold weather, result of her inability to stand any weather that's slightly hot, so you'll see her sporting shorts and skirts every single season. she only wears jeans on days when it's so cold it'd be stupid to wear a skirt, even for her. her style is very standard korean fashion, so she manages to look cute almost all the time. eunbyeol is also a makeup enthusiast, so much she used to do her friend's make-up in school to gain a few extra coins. cosplays as anime characters just for fun every once in a while.







loyal, daring, charismatic, considerate, empathetic, optimistic
absentminded, competitive, sensitive, outspoken
indecisive, compulsive, gullible, possessive, petty, childish


  彡  slight hops instead of walking and a blinding smile? yup that's, ahn eunbyeol
 彡  she's so damn bright it gets rather annoying and intimidating
 彡  basically the mood maker
 彡 if someone's crying, she's the type to cry harder than that person
 彡 but then she does an impromptu performance of either e-girl's follow me or μ’s snow halation in hopes of making that person feel better
  彡  nico nico nii  galore
 彡 also the type to be extra when one of her friends is sick, going to the extent of cooking a whole batch of porridge and buying every single medicine ever
  彡  always trying to push past her limits and try new things
 彡 lights went out and we can't continue with the dance practice? okay, doesn't matter, get in positions and let's acapella the hell out of this
  彡  she's so positive it's getting ridiculous
  彡 ''oh? you were talking to me? sorry, i was wondering why snakes have no arms.''
  彡 spends 3 hours pondering about what ramen she shouuld eat
   彡 though she's indecisive, she'll also the type to chug a whole bottle of coca cola in one shot just because someone told her she couldn't do it.
  彡 ''namu, remember when you dared me to drink a whole bottle of coca cola in one shot? i can't believe you did that.'' ''no, i said you couldn't do that and you took it as a challenge.''
  彡 is basically 5 years old, will believe that pigs fly after 3 am if you sound convincing enough. also does random tantrums when she gets angry about stupid things
  彡  falls in love way too esily, often ends up with her heart broken while givin herself fake illusions.
   彡  though it doesn't show, she's actually quite the insecure one. it has been better ever since she debuted, but she still practices her singing at ungodly hours trying to improve.
  彡 ''kim donghyun is mine, okie? now that we've got that cleared out, stop looking at my man.''
   彡 despises sharing her stuff


eunbyeol was born to ahn jongsuk and chiaki arai, a young couple who met because chiaki travelled to korea and they just happened to click at a random karaoke night. chiaki intially planned to be in south korea only for the summer, but her plans changed after she met jongsuk, and ended up completely moving to korea. chiaki basically left everything she ever knew just to be with him, which resulted in her family frowning upon her and cutting any sort of contact. but she didn't mind, because she believed they were soulmates. putting it in a sad, harsh way, eunbyeol was deemed as a mistake. she wasn't supposed to happen, and it absolutely wrecked he plans of the couple. they got married when chiaki was 2 months pregnant, and at the start it wasn't so bad, but a marriage caused by panic and recklessness is never a good idea. eventually, their love started to fade, and the marriage barely got through five months after eunbyeol was born. chiaki felt stupid for leaving everything behind, but she couldn't stay with someone who didn't click with her.

both of them decided to split up in sort of good terms, and reached the conclussion that chiaki should stay with the baby. she had left everything to live with jongsuk, and she had no business left in korea anymore, so she decided going back to osaka would be the best option. however, she had no job and couldn't afford her own house, so she moved in with one of her childhood best friends, yuto's mother. her husband was kind enough to let her and eunbyeol stay with them while chiaki got a job, and they moved out after 6 months to a small apartment. eunbyeol didn't really remember much of her father, so she didn't seem too affected by it. she likes to describe the first years of her life as happ. her mom struggled to keep up with the rent, but she was always taken good care of, and her mom always had time for her. she could't have fancy toys or anything, but she always had yuto around and it seemed like enough.

when eunbyeol was 5, her mom got married to one of her long-time friends she had lost contact with, his name being hisanobu mori. this time, she was actually sure it was true, sincere love, and turns out it indeed was. what eunbyeol remembers most is her jumping around with yuto on the ceremony, and moving into a big house after a week of staying in yuto's house, since apparently her mom and brand new stepfather were in a place named hawaii. hisanobu treated eunbyeol like an actual princess and always thought of her as his daughter, and eunbyeol, now grown up and slightly more mature, could never be more grateful about him coming into his life (same with yuto's family). eunbyeol then remembers being taken into a large room with mirrors in every single corner, making her feel slightly intimidated, but she never imagined the effect it'd have on her.

the start of her ballet classes also signified the start of eunbyeol's passion. though at the start it all hurt, and she fell more times than what she'd like to recall, but she found herself waiting for her classes to come. when she danced, she felt a certain type of joy she had never felt before, and it eventually became the center of her life. eunbyeol was an outstanding dancer, and that didn't go unnoticed by her teacher. at one point, she was also enrolled in jazz classes, as well as contemporary dance and rhythmic gymnastics. she first grew interested in kpop when yuto showed her some videos of girl's generation, claiming they were the new queens of the whole world. since then, she kept watching more videos and learned every single choreography of groups like snsd, super junior and dbsk. it came to a point where she wished she could be like those girls dancing on the screen of her computer, and set it as a goal to bring as much brightness into people's lives as they did. and so, amongst endless dancing competitions, her love for performing grew bigger and bigger.

when yuto told her he was auditioning to jyp, eunbyeol decided to follow suit. her parents were rather worried, but they saw how much eunbyeol loved performing, and decided that letting her audition would make her happy (and yuto's mom  and chiaki are the biggest yuko shippers out there and didn't want them to be separated). the first time eunbyeol met her father after the divorce was when she moved to korea. they had spoken before, but jongsuk was a busy businessman. she needed somewhere to live until she was assigned into a dorm in the company, if she got accepted, so he was more than glad to have her over, as if it could help them have some ''daughter-father'' bonding. eunbyeol had quite the gurdge against her father, but she didn't have much options. it took them a while to actually get comfortable with each other. after she moved to the dorms, their communication was surely reduced, but at least now they talk intead of pretending neither of them exists.


  ☆彡  a big fan of anything regarding pokémon, and even has a a collection of plushies. her faovirte one though is  a skitty yuto gave to her, which she named yuko (yuto + momoko).

  ☆彡  when she's angry with her friends, and they ask her why, she tends to respond in japanese instead of korean so that they won't understand her. obviously doesn't apply to does who know japanese. in said cases, she just ignores them. 

  ☆彡  has no shame in fangirling about kpop groups whatsoever. her favorites include vixx, nct, boyfriend, super junior, snsd and f(x). knows so much kpop dances it's getting creepy.

  ☆彡  however, she's the actually biggest fan of seventeen and is a passionate joshua-biased. her favorite song in the whole world is pretty u and there's not a single hint of exaggeration in that sentence.

  ☆彡  watches anime, but isn't that much of a connoisseur. vocaloid, however, is one of her favorite things in the world and would kill to hug gumi.

  ☆彡  some of the cosplays she did include hatsune miku, rin tohsaka, kaori miyazono, maka albarn, naho takamiya, and at least 3 different characters from love! live. basically, just easy cosplays and school-girl concepts because that's everything she has time for.

  ☆彡  has a weird addiction with kaomojis. if her texts don't have one, then it's probably not eunbyeol.

  ☆彡  currently studying at sopa

  ☆彡  would sneak into anime conventions from time to time if she had any free time as a trainee, and would normally go in a cosplay.

  ☆彡  her favorite food is sashimi. don't even ask her why, she just loves it so much it actually hurts. same with anything that has to do with peaches.

   ☆彡  though she loves ballet with all her soul, jazz became her favorite dance style. she thinks it's more dynamic and that it suits her image.

    ☆彡  used to have a hamster named momo when she was in japan, but it passed away a month before she went to korea. she still celebrates its birthday and cries while doing so.

   ☆彡  she has an awful quantity of idol friends, but it's just because she's a social butterfly who was at the right place in the right time. amongst her other acquaintances (not particularly close, but can hold a nice conversation), there's stray kids' hyunjin (classmates), pentagon's yuto (introduced through the other yuto), im youngmin, lee daehwi, park woojin, and some twice, got7 and day6 members she admired when she was a trainee.



eunbyeol and yuto go way, way back. their mothers were extremely close friends, and as mentioned before, eunbyeol and her mom lived with them a few months before moving onto their own apartment. little yuto wondered why he had to spend time with a literal baby, considering their almost 2-year , but as eunbyeol grew up, they started getting along quite well. yuto basically lived in eunbyeol's apartment after they moved, and they shared their passion for dancing. considering eunbyeol's easily infatuated personality, it was impossible for them to spend so much time together without her developing feelings. she crushed on yuto since she was 11 years old, said crush only fading after they became trainees. yuto also had some mixed feelings towards eunbyeol for a good while. though neither of them ever confessed, they just knew both of them were feeling something else besides a simple friendship. it never developed into something official, because they valued their friendship way too much. with both of their feelings sorted out (slightly, yuto still feels a weird sting whenever eunbyeol rambles about donghyun's beauty), they now keep a really tight relationship. yuto claims eunbyeol would probably die without him, and he's 100% right. eunbyeol is normally really protective of others, so having someone being that way to her events things out. though they can't see each other often anymore, they still exchange late-night texts every single day and yuto tries to take care of her as much as he can. friend activities include impromptu ballroom dancing, yuto teaching her korean, boy and girl advice and angry japanese yelling in phone calls at 3 am to annoy both her and s.


being a fellow member of the jyp-turned-brand new squad, eunbyeol has known namu for a good while. mockingly dubbed as the tsundere & yandere duo, you could say they have a pretty close relatioship. though eunbyeol was always with yuto or bang chan, and namu was always with daehwi, they were normally put into the same team for evaluations and showcases. eunbyeol and namu work rather well as a team when planning performances, and have grown used to each other's presence. though eunbyeol isn't normally someone people seek advice from, eunbyeol just knows namu's struggles by now. after knowning each other for so long, it's impossible not to be mindful of each other. she leaves the advice for namu to the more mature members, and instead she tries to act as a wholesome cheerleader for her. showers namu with compliments 24/7 and basically hypes her up a la suga with j-hope. they've shared a lot of experiences together, and they appreciate each other a lot. can be normally seen planning hidden cameras for the members and laughing loudly about literally anything.



when eunbyeol's first day in jyp came around, she was feeling a bit lost, which wasn't quite fitting with her character. yuto had been socializing, but for some reason eunbyeol refused to tag along. at the cafeteria, she met bang chan after randomly bumping into him. they spent their lunch break talking, and it's safe to say that eunbyeol felt like it was love at first sight. chan was the sweetest person that eunbyeol ever met, and he soon became her first friend in korea. they were really close, and eunbyeol always came to chan whenever she was feeling conflicted. however, at one point she believed that chan liked her as well, and thought it'd be a good idea to confess. turns out, she was just hopeful, and chan awkwardly told her that he was flattered, but that he was too focused on becoming a idol and he only saw eunbyeol as a younger sister. a normal mature person would've been understanding, but we're talking about ah eunbyeol here, so she just ran away while crying. she stopped talking to chan and felt like it was all his fault, and the other felt like it was better to leave her alone for a while which only made things worse as she felt like he didn't care. about a month later, eunbyeol realised she was being petty and stupid, and decided it was time to approach chan and solve their problems. she apologized for exaggerating, while chan just told her it was okay. they were akward for a few weeks, but then went back into their close relationship. though they don't have much chances of contacting each other, eunbyeol sends cheering up messages for chan and they keep sending each other old-fashioned letters through hyunjin.


 Stage name    BYEOLBIT ; 별빛  literally meaning starlight, the company thought it'd be a fitting stage name for her. momoko was out of the picture for reasons already stated, and eunbyeol seemed a little too simple. thus, they came up with byeolbit, which just somehow fits her personality and the vibe she wants to give on stage, so she's a big fan of her stage name (and she's also a great vixx fan, so there's that).

 position   lead dancer, vocal


sings like jung yein

dances like myoui mina


 trainee years    3 years ('13-'14  jyp, '15-'16 brand new)

 trainee life   she was always regarded as one of the top dancers in jyp. despite being one of the youngest , her name always brought a sense of fear into other dance-focused trainees. however, her singing kept her from being one of the aces. she had a high-pitched voice that was really hard to correct, and it was ultimately the reason why she was cut out in an evaluation. this completely shattered all of her confidence, and she spent at least two weeks crying because of how much of a failure she thought she was. when she got to know that a lot of cut out jyp trainees were auditioning to brand new music, she gained back her spirit and decided to try it again. in brand new music, she focused on improving her singing and had presented an enormous amount of improvement. she's still a strained vocalist and struggles with voice control, but granted, she used to be awful. overall, eunbyeol had a great time meeting so many people during her years as a trainee, but her singing was always her biggest struggle, as well as trying to adapt her more ''sophisticated'' dance style into stronger genres such as hip-hop.


 ☆彡 was featured in weekly idol's masked idol, with the name shiny shiny peachy princess and don't even ask why she decided that was a good idea. basically imagine her as wjsn's dayoung.

 ☆彡 gave some ideas for the choreography of mxm's diamond girl 


  WAS BYEOLBIT A PAST COSPLAYER?  somehow, the pictures of her cosplays leaked and everyone instantly recognized her. this was taken with positivity, and was even considered cute by fans.

  BYEOLBIT'S KIM DONGHYUN POSTER  at a vlive broadcast, the members show the dorm around and her poster of donghyun besides her bed appeared in the broadast. this one received mixed reviews, as some found it cute and some others found it creepy.

  ARE ROOKIES BYEOLBIT AND U DATING?  pictures of her with yuto became quite the hot topic when they debuted, and since there were so many of them, people immediately assumed they were dating. however, both brand new music and wm came forward and claimed the rumors were false, clearing up the fact that eunbyeol and yuto were very close friends. this was sort of a big deal, but it was mostly forgotten after a few months.

replace with love int   replace with love int   replace with love int

 birth name  kim donghyun ( 김동현 )  

 occupation  idol, main vocalist of mxm


donghyun is known as a rather outgoing person, and is probably the type to approach others first and start a lenghty conversation just by being his cheery usual self. is a very sensitive child, and sort of a crybaby. 

 their story 

when donghyun's first day as a trainee in brand new music came by, eunbyeol had been skipping training for a week because of a slightly sprained ankle. thus, she missed the whole ''bonding'' process that was going by with the rest of the trainees and no one even bothered to tell her. so when she was back and she saw, and i quote, the cutest, most perfect boy she had ever seen in her miserable life, saying she was utterly shook is an understatement. donghyun was the first one to greet her, and though she wanted to be her usual extroverted self, all she could muster up was an awkward ''ohayo'', suddenly forgetting that korean even existed. the boy just laughed, muttered a ''cute'' and went back to the rest of the boys, leaving poor little eunbyeol in awe.

from then on, they just shared small conversations and formal greetings, until they were paired for an evaluation. eunbyeol wanted to die and crawl into the floor, but had to just smile sweetly and go ahead with the performance. during the two weeks they had to prepare, it's safe to say that they grew close. they both have matching personalities, and even if eunbyeol was mostly dying of how much she had to hold back on fangirling, donghyun just got more charming the more she got to know him. eunbyeol was afraid of liking someone again after the whole bang chan fiasco, but it was bound to happen. even after the evaluation was done, they still kept talking more and for now they have settled as good friends.

eunbyeol is so in love with donghyun that it physically hurts her. when she's with him she feels like all of her crushes before him were basically nothing. she's a blushing mess whenever she talks to him, and she trusts him wholeheartedly. her possessive, jealous side is constantly triggered by literally any girl who mentions his name, but that's just her nature and wouldn't go on a murderous rampage. on donghyun's side, he definitely holds eunbyeol to a special place in his heart. he admires how passionate she is about performing, and thinks she's one of the cutest girls he's ever come across, both in looks and personality. his heart tends to skip a beat or two when he sees eunbyeol, but it's not something he pays much attention to. everyone feels the slight tension coming from them, but donghyun still claims that she's just a friend, and that fact keeps her from doing anything. she doesn't want to get hurt anymore, so she just settles for a cute friendship and admiring him from afar.

 their ending 

 i'll leave it up to you but please protect the hearts of these two sensitive bbs.

 cute things 

 ☆彡 ship name declared by eunbyeol is hyunbit. everyone else just calls them senpai and yandere-chan.
 ☆彡 the evaluation they did together became an iconic event among the trainees. they started with a generic duet of some that almost had people yawning, but suddenly the music changed into troublemaker's now and everyone was rather surprised to see acoustic boy and kawaii peach princess perform the most iconic duet of kpop. this was all donghyun's idea, and eunbyeol had a hard time trying not to blush while performing.
  ☆彡 everyone shipped them like crazy after that one performance.
  ☆彡 eunbyeol has donghyun's contact in her phone saved as ''senpai ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡''   while donghyun simply has her as ''peach dongsaeng''.
 ☆彡 on the day of mxm's debut, eunbyeol cried so much it was unrel. she also watched every single episode of produce 101 and raged at mnet doing him so dirty (is proud of daehwi and woojin though).
claims that donghyun looks like b.a.p's daehyun aka her b.a.p bias.

 comments   hi there! this is actually my first app in like legit almost 2 years and i want to cry because i finished in three days. i'm so excited for this fanfic you don't even know. sorry if the app turns out crappy, i guess my skills are a little rusty. there are probably a lot of typos but i swear i'll fix them tomorrow! i just want to finish this while i have inspiration lol. she has no pre-debut appearances because i didn't really find one that made sense, but if it's obligatory i'll try to squeeze one there! overall i hope you like my child eunbyeol and i'm sorry for the weird english. my mexican self is still trying to improve.

 password  i'm good at coming up with names, but not so much for meanings. my friend's dance cover group is named second wall and i find it really cool though! i once saw a post of pretty korean words and one of them was mirinae, which means wahter of the silver river and it might make no sense whatsoever but it sounds cute.

 WISHLIST   the girls having a noraebang night, people teasing eunbyeol about the evaluation™, the girls have a game of truth or dare that gets messy



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hey!! do you maybe want to collab?
hi rainy! i'm in love with your app. seRiously, this is gorgeous, i love the colour schemes.
aaaah chuu, a whole cutie (and my babe lua as a backup? you're killing me) <3 also i love that she's mixed! and icb there's a pinterest page just for her clothes, you put so much effort into this that i want to cry--
not only am i infatuated with your app, i'm in love with byeol too i mean she's so!!! frickin cute!!!! and precious, i just wanna protect her with my life. the background's well-written and i didn't include this in namu's app but she's a hugeee seventeen stan as well.
i love her relationship with namu!! thanks for including her.
donghyun!!!!! two lil squishies, i love t his. they're so cute omg, #otp. (and yes, i've been wondering for months why donghyun looked so familiar, he does resemble daehyun)
okay, your app is literally 100%. everything's good to go! byeol's accepted <3