I can't believe it!

So, yesterday I had to do a quiz for my Sociology class online. Now, mind you, that I had to take this stupid class last time and I failed the class. I got to try out again.

Well, anyway, I did the quiz, and I couldn't believe it. I got only 1 wrong out of 10. Huh? How did that happen? Last time I had this class, I got a 40%, which means that I failed. But, I instantly got an A on my quiz.

I was shocked because I didn't think that I would get a good score. I didn't even bother to read the stupid book. I just wrote down the main things in the chapter and used that to find the information in the book. We're not supposed to use the book, but what the hell, it's online. She can't see if we are using the book. Anyway, the teacher is an idiot anyway. 

Just wanted to say how happy I am to start off with a good score in my Sociology class.

Of course, just because I got a GREAT score, doesn't mean that I'm going to like or love the class. I'm just happy to get a good score. I don't want to take this stupid class over for a 3rd time. 





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Congrats :)
Congrats. :D
Congrats Raven for getting such a good grade!