I was checking on my #BHAH Sekai fic and I just realized that average words counted for every chapter was 3K plus akshdkjhfjd WHOA I THOUGHT THE RECENT UPDATE WAS THE LONGEST ONE BUT I ONCE WROTE OVER 4.6K WORDS FOR A CHAPTER AND IT'S THE 4TH CHAPTER!! I'M SHOOK. WHY WAS I SO DILIGENT BACK IN 2015?!!!! LMAO XD 


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Lol, I know what you're talking aboutXD My chapters' lengths jump around a lot too... but usually I just get carried away and they become unnecessarily long - and once one chapter is over 5k or 6k, the next one will also have to be longer and it goes on until you're suddenly writing 10k chapters (this is me)

And starting a story with a 10k chapter (still talking about word countXD), is a bad decision, I tell you. Don't do it - it's a hell once you need to write over 10k for every chapter which is like over 20 pages... yeah, this is me tooXD