01-07-18 Update

Hello everyone,

It's been forever since I've posted, literally a year+ . I hope everyone is well. There are a few things I wanted to update on.

+ First, this is not an offical ' I'm back ' announcement, only because I am still pretty busy in my everyday life and I can't commit enough time right now for regular posting. Take this as more of a ' coming soon '. January will be busy, but I'm hoping after that I'll be relatively free to make a return here, with many, many more stories. I am overwhelmed with the amount of prompts my brain has fired at me in the time I've been away.


+ Second, I wanted to apologize for leaving unfinished work during my extended absence. I have quite a few stories that I am steadily working on when I can find the time and I hope to be able to share them with you in the near future. As for any unfinished chaptered stories I have posted, they too will be continued.


+ Third, thank you so much for all the upvotes, subs, friend requests, comments and recs! (I had quite a few people send links of posts/blogs I've been recc'd on) This means the world to me and makes me want to get back on here as quick as possible!

Thank you always for your continued support! You will hear more from me soon.

Lette xo


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