

日本語 < japanese >12%


sense of direction-2%


thirst 💦999%


HEI says.

" if i buy this, i'll be lit, rich with no dollah。"
" if jaehoons don't do my homework justice, i'm going to sue him。"
" i was born earlier. call me noonars。"
" me and jaes aren't dating,," "but we do belong to each other。"

" that's a great idea! aside from (literally everything), i think it's good。"
" i'm going to do this myself, out loser。" /fails.
" if i'm going to get drunk, i'm dragging you to hell with me!。"
" wait a minute. you hate mayonnaise? but why? even people who are lactose intolerant can eat them。"

" i'm single。"
" who's yoonoh? a new girl?。"
" shut up. i'm smarter than you。"
" i'm not writing . it's a fanfiction. in other words, it's a fic. get it right loser。"

" talk , get hit,,, loser。"

birthdate. 14/02
age. twentyone

birthplace. daegu, south korea
hometown. busan, south korea

faceclaim. rv yeri
backup. kim yerim

height. 164cm
weight. 47kg

Appearance. n/a
fashion. red is her madonna. tends to force clothes onto jaehyun cause she knows he won't dare to reject (or so he tries to). won't go outside without something red (handbag, scarf, choker, glasses, hairties,, anything). prefers comfortable clothings, but would go at it for fashion's sake. 


pos. active, lionhearted, dynamic, vivacious, liberal, passionate,,
neg. frank, can be cynical, self-centred, dismissive, arbitrary, argumentative, 
neu. anticipative, whimsical,  

etc. the kind of girlfriend whom everything feels sorry for (as in.. they feel sorry for the boyfriend). she's always all over the place and tends to cause trouble in general. has a natural instinct to do the opposite of what's being told.  is brave beyond words and loves all sorts of thrill (she lives for it). pretty hyped in general despite being a salty potato chip. if she does anything to you, you better be expecting something in return. doesn't take no for an answer. calls everyone a loser and denies being in a relationship with jaehyun for some reason.

+ has a crush on mayonnaise and chocolate
+ literally dips everything into mayo and chocs
+ type to gain weight easily and then s on the heavens for doing so (a real foodie at heart) 
+ takes pictures of her food
+ has an affinity with her belongings (a hoarder) (finds it hard to throw away things)
+ is silent and refuses to talk/eat when angered
+ glares/stares a lot
+ has the same birthday as jaehyun, so on valentines day, they go all out. literally spends midnight to midnight together. 
+ an okay cook. her specialties include soups, rice and soups, and more soups. (also salads).
+ a sailor at heart (bless them ears who swallowed such swears)
+ takes online classes for university (she's taking a
literature degree) 
+ has already published 2 books (though they're not very popular)
+ book number 1: a typical high school romance where the lead is a male instead of a female (she based this on jaehyun) and until this day (this books was published just a year after she graduated), the gang makes fun of jaehyun,, saying he's the protagonist of a shoujo manga (though it's a novel)
+ draws pretty well as well
+ has tried translating her novels into mangas
+ contemplating on publishing those lol
+ second novel is a detective conan style book with a pair of twins as the main protagonists. a whole lot of crap happens in it. (would you like to be the model for this??)


 " no comment。"
" well, hei's in charge /the real leader lurking in the shadows/。"
" no idea。"
" we're dating。"
" call me yoonoh. no one refers to me as jaehyun anymore. " /cue hei calling him 'jaehoons'. " she's different。"
" i agree. that is pretty horrible。"
" maybe not。"
" we're going. as in me and hei are going。"
" no time。"
" i'd rather not。"
" you're going to get in trouble" " i know you know。"
" no idea。"

birthdate. 14/02
age. twentyone

birthplace. seoul, south korea
hometown. seoul, south korea

faceclaim. nct jaehyun
backup. jung yoonoh

height. 184cm
weight. 63kg

Appearance. n/a
fashion. a jeans type of guy. pretty avid follower of the colour blue. sometimes, hei would come to his house to make a mess out of his closet and pull out some 'couple' clothes for him to wear (mostly red) (she's the one who keeps feeding red things into his wardrobe).


pos. solicitous, courteous, suAve,  earnest, forbearing, prudent,,
neg. complex, deceptive, 
passive aggresive(???), athletic, semi-dominant
¿¿, placid, restrained, 
etc. in friendly terms, jaehyun's the elder brother-like figure in the group who takes a step back and 'looks after' the others. in less favourable terms, he doesn't care a about what they do, as long as he is excluded from such trivial matters (please leave hei from this list. he sacrifices a whole lot of for her). he is extremely well-mannered and highly versed in social antics. this includes sweet talking all your mothers and their mamas. he tends to keep things to himself and bottles it all up. in the end though, only a volcano would erupt (hella scary when mad).  in terms of games and outcome matters, he tends to come out as the under dog. has wild luck and despite his intelligent appearance, he is more hard-working than anything. 

+ his birth name is jung jaehyun, but changed it to jung yoonoh after high school (though all his school friends still refer to him as jaehyun)
+ one friend from high school made up the english name 'jeffrey' for him (anyone up for that?)
+ smells like fresh linen and a hint of lavender.
+ the broom and pan that cleans up hei's mess.
+ his favourite season is winter

+ is literally immune to the cold but his hands tend to be a bitter melon
+ fluent in japanese, chinese, english, and ofc korean
+ has good memory, but not quite photogenic
+ is doing medicine at the number one university @south korea
+ tends to be popular with girls, as he gives out the 'first love' vibes
+ perceptive and takes hints as if he has a third eye @ back of his head.
+ a fantastic cook (and househusband in general)
+ likes to take walks at the park during his lunch/breaks
+ more of a homebody
+ shops online
+ can't study in the library (only goes there to borrow books)
+ multitasks like no tomorrow
+ has a diary (very secretive about it, even hei doesn't know) (has been writing on one since primary school)
+ likes plain food
+ hates condensed, noisy places (aka clubs)
+ slightly claustrophobic


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