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To our honorable guests, parents and my fellow graduating students of Parochial School of Catanauan. Good Afternoon!

This speech is made to say welcome. By definition it would mean to receive somebody in a friendly way. I believe it is needless to say that you are all welcomed here, or else, they would have locked the door and not let anybody in.

Kidding aside, I was given the task of welcoming everyone to one of the last stepping stones Parochial School of Catanauan has give us, the graduates. For years, this school, alongside with our parents, mentors, and peers, have been pushing us up unto this one last hurdle, and now we've reached the end. As the tourists have been brought to the mountain on car and in the end will be asked to continue on foot; such is what this celebration will be- the solemn rite of passing from one point of our life to another.

And so, I shall welcome you, each and everyone of you to the last day of drama, action comedy, and all the possible genre of our high school life; the exodus from dependence to independence; from childishness to maturity.

And so, for one last time, I shall do the task assigned to me, which is, of course to say,

Welcome. Good Afternoon and Thank you.



Oh Pauline, I hope you'll be able to utilize this. Sorry of its a little short.  


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