(전쟁이야) THIS IS WAR [NEW GIRLGROUP] // Application.


User’s Information;

AFF Username: asianderp

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/75985

Name/Nickname: Aj.


Character’s Information;

Name: Han Jiyoung.

Age: 14.

Birthdate: September 13, 1997

Ethnicity: Korean-Thai.

Hometown: Bangkok, Thailand.

Height: 166 cm.

Weight: 42 kg.

Blood Type: AB+


Ulzzang’s Name: Jung Hyeri.

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |5

Secondary Ulzzang's Name: Jung Bora.

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 


Personality: Jiyoung has a 4D personality. Sometimes, she's shy and sometimes, she's confident. She always thinks of others before herself and keeps them happy. She's a very energetic kind of person; a carefree, adventurous girl who's curious about everything. She's a bewildered fourteen-year-old who loves expressing herself and just being out there exploring the world on her own. She loves facing new challenges in her life and she believes she could do anything as long as she puts her heart into what she's doing. She's sometimes addressed as a dork, a nerd and socially-awakrd girl. When she gets angry, she's not like any kind of girl. She fights for what she thinks is right. She defends people from the people who misunderstands and who don't listen. She could accidentally say her personal thoughts about a topic or idea and she dances randomly even when there's no music played.  

Likes: Pie; Daydreaming; Bubble wrap and random things; Winnie the Pooh; Pandas; Biology and Chemistry.

Dislikes: Math; Getting exposed to sunlight or heat; Hates waiting for a long time; Dislikes arrogant and rude people.

Hobbies: Training for badminton; Reading; Eating.

Talents: She plays the bass guitar and the drums; Jiyoung can cook and bake pastries; Knows how to play volleyball and basketball.


- Jiyoung is a very sporty girl.

- She started playing the piano when she was three and eventually taught herself how to play the guitar. 

- Her grandparents are living in Berlin, Germany.

- She has a great passion in acting and photography.



Happy: She usually is hyper and weird around her friends but nice when with other people. If she's happy, she wouldn't stop smiling and eventually tells everyone (even to people she's not close to) how life can be so awesome. In other words, she embarrasses herself sometimes and doesn't even care. 

Angry: She would fight for what's right. She's an intelligent person and would do everything to get her way. She would ignore everyone even her friends.

Sad: She usually stays quiet. Sometimes, she would ask her best friend to accompany her to her favorite place and just let out all the sadness out. Then, asks for advice. 

Nervous: She would stutter out words and her eyes would just bulge out randomly. She would sometimes bury her head in her hands and just shake her head.

Bored: She goes to eat something and just continue eating without even caring. When she's extremely bored, she would doodle on all her notebooks and waste all the ink in her pen. Sometimes, when she's bored, she would just daydream in class and wouldn't care about what the teacher's blabbing about.

Scared: She usually puts a blanket over her, looking like a ghost. She would shake like there's no tomorrow and when someone would go talk to her or say something to her, she would scream her lungs out. 



Family Background: Jiyoung grew up in a family of athletic and talented people. Her family was strict and overprotective. Ever since she was a little girl, she loves to act. As she grew up she became wild and rebellious because of her parents' past strictness on her. She decided to audition for their school drama team without her parents knowing and she got in. At first they were mad, of course because Jiyoung didn’t tell them about it but saw her passion for it and her passion as well for singing. Her parents accepted it already and supported her all the way. Her father was an architect who loved photography and gardening besides his work. Jiyoung's mother was a volleyball player. She works in her husband's business. 

Character's Background: Jiyoung is an only child and since she's the youngest in both of her families, she's the favourite! She is sorrounded by love in bother of her families. She went to study in Germany for two years and lived with her grandparents. And, of course, being the youngest, she's spoiled but her parents doesn't like her getting spoiled by her family since they don't want their one and only daughter to grow up demanding things from people. She idolizes her mother for being so caring, loving and sweet to everyone.



Family Members;

Dad: Han Hyungsun // June 7, 1979 // Architect // Hyungsun is a strict father to Jiyoung. He would sometimes fool around with her but most of the times, he's the serious type. He loves his job as an architect but other than that, he likes to garden. He has the same passion for photography as his daughter. Hyungsun is very supportive of everything Jiyoung does. Since he doesn't like drama, he first hated the fact that Jiyoung had an extreme passion for drama. He has big dreams for his little girl such as her being an architect just like him.

Mom: Tasanee Angsakul // April 4, 1980 // Volleyball coach // Jiyoung actually goes to her for advice. Tasanee is a very sensitive mother who loves and cares for everyone especially when it comes to her family. She is a native in Bangkok, Thailand. She may seem strict but she has a very soft side of her. She actually knew her daughter's passion for acting but didn't know about her auditions and recitals.

Siblings: Jiyoung is an only child, she doesn't have siblings. 


Best Friend: Jung Jinah // April 24, 1997 // Breakdancer // Jinah is a very awkward girl but when you get close to her, she will be comfortable with you. Her thoughts are out-of-this-world. She doesn't talk much and usually spaces out. She has a 4D and a blank personality. She is random at times like when a group is talking about chocolates she's gonna blurt out facts about fishes. She trips on her own feet when running. Some people think she is weird and a mentally disabled person but when you get close to her, she is a fun person to be with.

Friends: Zelo of B.A.P; Oh Hayoung of A-Pink; Jo Kwangmin of Boyfriend.



Jo Youngmin // April 24, 1995 // Youngmin is a very awkward person but he'll be comfortable with you when you get closer. He's mysterious sometimes and sometimes, weird. He and Jiyoung are actually close because of Kwangmin, his twin brother. He may act tough but he's just a kid at heart. Youngmin and Jiyoung are actually in an awkward and a complicated situation right now since they don't know that their feelings for each other are actually mutual. For now, they're stuck in the Friendzone. // Complicated relationship.

No Minwoo // July 31, 1995 // Minwoo and Jiyoung are sworn enemies. From the very first glimpse of Jiyoung, he knew they wouldn't get along. He's very mean and violent sometimes and he's the most popular kid in his school. It all started when Jiyoung walked in the cafe, ordered some coffee and due to her clumsy personality, she slipped and the coffee poured all over Minwoo. He was steaming from the hotness of the coffee and from anger. And, then on, they hated each other and that's it. Minwoo was very protective over the Jo Twins, even if he's younger. He never really liked Jiyoung for his Youngmin hyung, he thinks that Jiyoung is a real troublemaker that would just play with his hyung but as times passes by, he realizes that his hyung is very happy when with her and might actually fall in love one day. Though, he still hated her, he supported his hyung. // Sworn enemies.

Gong Chanshik // August 14, 1993 // Jiyoung's older brother. Technically, their families are just really tight so he considers Jiyoung as his own sister. They're very close and they like goofing around together. Gongchan's mood / attitude would always change without anybody knowing except for Jiyoung. First he would be happy then, he'd be sad then angry and happy again. Just like that. People thinks he is mentally disabled but the truth is, that's just what he is. Weird. // Friends.



How'd you get into A Entertainment?: At the airport from Berlin, Germany, she was singing and dancing (even if she wasn't that good) throughout the trip. Then, this guy from A Entertainment gave her his calling card and asked her if she was interested, she'd give him a call. Days passed and Jiyoung decided to call him. She auditioned the week she gave him the call and she got accepted. 

Position: Maknae; Vocals.

Persona: Adorkable maknae; Panda -- since she's been receiving comments about her being cute and cuddly and lazy sometimes; she's not racist

Favorite Sunbaenim: Wan sunbaenim.

Why? Because he's extremely adorable and super duper cute. I also chose him as my favorite since he's tall. 

Stage Name: Aj.

Extras: Please consider my application, I worked really hard for it, heh :3 But, it's okay if you didn't choose it~^^ Fighting!!~


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