So I'm done with my bull

So, its been over 2 years since I started my project on making a fic about my two favorite things, Basketball and SNSD. A lot has happened since I started it. I got into a serious relationship not long after the start of the fic, I got distracted and had a wonderful 12 months with her before a messy end. I decided to start writing where I left off to distract myself. Unfortunately, I finished a few chapters, then college applications and senior year of high school hit me. Again, I was distracted. However the main reason I never have posted again since the original release of the first chapter is because I always restart the new chapters EVERYTIME I come back to writing. I'm done with that. I'm done with the distractions and done with the restarts. College has given me too much time. Work for classes is little to nonexistent and the time I can spend on other things has grown. I take part in clubs and hang out with friends, yet I'm still stuck with a lot of idle time. Here I am on my bed and on my phone with nothing much to do this break besides catch up with familiar faces. I want to write again. Simple. I'm gonna finish what I started and I'm not gonna just stop there. This fandom may not have as many readers as the others, but y'all are dedicated and I am too.


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