
Okay for anyone out there that knows anything about F.Cuz, have they completely disbanded, or did they get a new name? I've been seeing everywhere on the internet that they disbanded, and then a few of them saying they are an independent group. So, I'd like to know what is going on with F.Cuz.






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Hi! I saw that you ask about F.CUZ, and I have some answers for you. As you know, last year, they announced that they were going to disband after their contract ended, and I was so, so sad (especially since it was supposed to by on September 30, Kan's birthday and a day before MY birthday).
Anyway, I know that the media went crazy with it, speaking the news that they had disbanded all over the Internet, and making me very anry, once I found our the truth. The false info has hurt their fanbase, unfortunately. So here is the real answer.
No, they are not disbanded, and are doing concerts in Japan right now. They have a Japanese company, but as far as I know, they don't have any Korean backing yet. They are finally 5 again, since the other two are back, and Jinon is back to dancing, since his back is doing much better. I really hope they can find a Korean company, but the bitter reality is that they might never have a Korean comeback, sadly.
So, there it is. They are fine, finally united, and active in Japan.
BTW, you about gave me a heart attack when I saw your blog name, and I was afraid to open it, given their bad history. Lol!

Here is their official Twitter and it has,some pictures and videos that might help you.