Please take care and be kind

I haven't been around very much but I just wanted to send everyone a warm hug and hope you're all okay. Please take care during this heavy time. Mental illness affects everyone, it does not discriminate. If you need help please I encourage you to seek out a friend or talk to someone. If you know someone who is struggling or just to be a friend it is meaningful to always check in and help them if you can. Please take care of yourselves and remember to be kind not just to others but to yourself.

Much love,



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you too take care, thanks for dropping by and left this blog update. hope you’re doing okay


STupiem #2
It's scary because we can't see it when it's coming, or can't recognize it's syndrome.

We are here if someone wants to talk, maybe it's easier to talk to someone who doesn't know you personally.
So PLEASE don't hesitate <3