(전쟁이야) THIS IS WAR: Application :)


User’s Information;

AFF Username: TabzzVee

Profile Link: Click Here :)

Activity: 10-11 haha

Name/Nickname: Tabzz or Tab works


Character’s Information;

Name: Choi NaSuk [pronounced Nah-Sook] Nickname is Sukkie [pronounced Soo-Key]

Age: 18

Birthdate: December 23, 1995 

Ethnicity: Half Filipino/Half Korean

Hometown: Manila, Philippines but currently living in Seoul

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Blood Type: AB


Ulzzang’s Name: Seul Ki


Link under each picture :)

Link one ^^

Link two ^^

Link three ^^

Link four ^^

Link five ^^

Link six ^^

Link seven ^^

Link eight ^^

Secondary Ulzzang's Name: Lee Youn Ju aka Mikki


Link one ^^

Link two ^^

Link three ^^

Link four ^^

Link five ^^


Sukkie is a bubbly, cheerful, happy girl but don't underestimate her for someone who isn't tough! If you do this girl will hurt you faster then you can realize it. This girl has brains, looks, and she's tough to the core! Her weakness?? She tends to lash out on people when she's mad so when she's angry you better steer clear! Sukkie has had a 4.0 her whole life and if her GPA is lower then a 4.0 she would cry her heart out. After school she's usually tutoring someone or skimming through her homework. Her friends always envy her because she never studies. She has photographic memory so all she has to do is look at her homework or textbook and she's done!

Sukkie can be quite a flirt but she knows what types of guys she likes best. They have to be quiet yet likes to joke around, or cute and innocent but if you asked her what the one trait they must have is it would be that they have to be loyal to her no matter what happens. If a guy even thinks about flirting with another girl of cheating on Sukkie that boy will pay for it and Sukkie makes sure of it. The thing that annoys Sukkie's friends about her is that she can be a real drama queen but they can always depend on her to get something done. She's always everyone's noona, dongsaeng, or unnie cause she's like the "perfect sister". If she's with her dongsaengs she always spoils them and if  she's with her oppas or unnies she's always the cute innocent little sister. You can always count of Sukkie to show you a good time. This girl knows where the hottest parties are, the funniest hang outs, and what everyone's doing. She also knows the latest gossip, what's cool, and the most in styles of clothes.



~ Domo

~ Pandas

~ Dogs

~ Snow

~ Fashion

~ Pepero sticks [Pocky]

~ Boba [tapioca peals]

~ Lotte World

~ Parties



~ Cats

~ Being alone

~ Silence unless watching a movie or thinking

~ Horror movies

~ Horror houses

~ Roller coasters

~ Mazes

~ People who think they're always right

~ Players and s



~ Dancing

~ Singing

~ Writing songs

~ Basketball

~ Photography

~ Karate and hapkido

~ Shopping

~ Swimming


~ Piano, Violin, guitar

~ Cooking

~ Model for Polyvore, Yesstyle, and others



~ Claustrophobic

~ Scared of heights

~ If not talking to someone she WILL be listening to her ipod

~ Likes guys that are either completely loud or somewhat quiet but a little of a prakster. The guy must look innocent too

~ Scared that if she goes into a maze or horror house she'll never escape



Happy: When Sukkie is happy it seems like she'll never stop smiling! She could smile and giggle forever! When Sukkie is happy EVERYONE wants to be around her because her personality and her laugh is so contagious!

Angry: When Sukkie is angry she'll lash out on anybody who doesn't leave her the hell alone! The only person she's never been angry at is her brother and her best friends. When she's mad she'll usually go running, punch a lifeless object, or dance till she can't move anymore.

Sad: Sukkie has a problem with crying. She thinks it's a weakness if anyone sees her cry so if she knows she's going to cry she usually runs out of the room. If Sukkie is depressed she doesn't tell anyone anything. She's never been good with dealing with sadness.

Nervous: If Sukkie is nervous she won't stop puffing her cheeks or talking about nonsense! When she's nervous it seems like she'll never sit still!

HYPER: This girl is INSANE when she's hyper! It takes a lot more then several pieces of candy to get this girl hyper though but when she does she'll litterally bounce off the walls!



Family Background:

Sukkie was born in Manila, Philippines. She never knew her parents because ever since she remembers she was in an adoption center. When she was 5 she was adopted by the Choi family. The family was on vacation and the mom really really wanted a daughter. It just so happened that they adopted Sukkie! They brought her with them to Seoul where they currently lived and her last name became Choi.

 Character's Background:

Sukkie always loved to dance and sing. When Sukkie turned 8 and Jungmin turned 10 the parents decided to enroll them in dance and voice lessons. Jungmin wasn't that much into voice lessons but the family learned he was a natural at rapping. Sukkie and Jungmin would put videos online of her singing while Jungmin rapped, and them doing dances they choreographed. They even wrote songs together!

Family Members;


Choi Yun-Kyum ~ January 12 ~ Famous Lawyer ~ Yun-Kyum is quiet but friendly. He was never loud and was always soft spoken but that doesn't make him a bad dad. He's rarely home since he travels around the world to defend people since he's a top notch lawyer. The only time you ever have to be scared of him is when he's mad. Failure isn't an option for him so when he's on the job he's fierce and scary. He'll personally go out of his way to support his kids if they ever perform though.


Choi SaeHee ~ March 4 ~ Chef ~ SaeHee is loud and doesn't quite act like a mom. She likes to party and have fun so you'd think she's 20 when she's really in her fourties. Her family always encouraged her to live her dream of being a chef so she finally opened a restaurant called Chat Sum Gol which is now one of the top restaurants in Seoul. She's always busy with the restaurant and can never make it if the kids have to perform so she spoils them with gifts and money to make it up to them since they're rich.


Choi Jungmin ~ March 2, 1993 (20) ~ Model ~  Jungmin is like the dad. He can be quiet and his opinion is never really heard. Most of the time he's not afraid to admit that he can be a dork unless if he's trying to impress a girl. That boy can turn 360 into every girls dream guy but Sukkie doesn't let any girl near him unless she knows that they won't break his heart. Pretty protective huh? Pretty much Sukkie's complete opposite brother even though she's adopted. But Jungmin has always been like a real oppa to her and he refuses to let anyone say that they're not real siblings. He's always looking out for Sukkie and when the whole family is together, which is quite rare, it's as if Sukkie was always apart of the family.

Ulzzang for Jungmin: Lee Do Hyeong

Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4

Best Friend:

Kim KiBum aka Key ~ September 23 ~ SHINee ~ Key and be a diva pretty much all the time! s get annoyed with him because he's always nagging him but they don't know that he nags them because that's the only way he feels he can get their attention. It's quite hard to get used to his personality but eventually he becomes likable. ~ Best Friends


Lee Byunghun aka L Joe ~ November 23 ~ Teen Top ~ L Joe is known as a "bad boy" and kind of a "rebel" but he's actually really sweet. The only thing is that he snaps at people real easy but over all he's really kind and likes meeting new people ~ Close friends and has a crush on Sukkie but she doesn't know

 No Minwoo ~ July 31 ~ Boyfriend ~ Minwoo is innocent and sweet! He's always trying to act like his hyungs but he can never stop being so innocent and cute. His leader ship skills show a lot when he's dancing. He never fails to impress Sukkie with his dancing moves. Everytime he sees Sukkie he tries to become better friends with her but he always seems to be clumsy or accidently messes everything up and make it awkward. ~ Awkward friends and likes Sukkie

Yoon Bo Mi ~ August 13 ~ A Pink ~ Bo Mi is laid back and pretty much goes with the flow. She's always there for Sukkie since she's Sukkie's unnie and she doesn't mind getting her out of trouble when she has too. Bo Mi isn't much for parties but goes when Sukkie drags her to one. ~ Close Friends practically sisters


Lee Chi Hoon ~ April 30 ~ Ulzzang (Yes her best friend is an ulzzang) ~ Chi Hoon and Sukkie met at a photoshoot. At first Sukkie was excited because she had always done photo shoots by herself but then she was just irritated because Chi Hoon wouldn't shut up about how good looking he is. Sukkie was trying all her flirting techniques on him but he would barely notice her. Finally she shouted "Hello?!? Am i invisible?! You should probably be paying attention to me since i'm cuter out of the two of us?! I know you're handsome and cute but could you shut up about it?!" Everyone at the photo shoot was quite excpet Chi Hoon who was chuckling. He thought it was amazing how a girl could be so honest and he blushed when she called him handsome and cute. He finally shut up and started paying attention to her and they became friends. ~ Chi Hoon can be quite full of himself. That boy is fine and he knows it. He knows it so much that he doesn't shut up about it! People get annoyed with him all the time but he doesn't let it get to him. Chi Hoon is smart, funny, and very loyal to the girl he's in love with that he would never cheat on her. ~ Sukkie and Chi Hoon have been dating since March 15, 2010

Links of Lee Chi Hoon and Sukkie (Ulzzang Lee Youn Ju aka Mikki)

Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4, Link 5


How'd you get into A Entertainment?:

Sukkie and Jungmin put videos of themselves online ever since they were little. Their videos were becoming viral and it made them so excited. While Sukkie was at a photo shoot a man in a suit gave her his card and told her that he'd seen her videos online. He said to call him if she ever wanted to audition for A Entertainment. After the photoshoot she ran home and called the man. It turned out that he was the head CEO of A Entertainment and he had heard her singing during the photo shoot break! She set up an audition for the following week. Sukkie played the piano while singing a song she wrote called Promise Me and did her own choreography of Big Bang's song We Belong Together. During her song she forgot some of the notes while playing the piano and she ended up tripping during the dance! After the audition she ran home and cried her heart out while trying to explain everything to Jungmin. The next day they called her and told her that the CEO wanted to talk to her. She went over to the A Entertainment and building and the man said that they would love it if she would join A Entertainment. Shocker huh?

Position: Lead Dancer, Sub vocal, Choreographer/Song writer

[you can pick but just not rapper please cause Sukkie isn't that type of girl]

Persona: The Innocent Sister

Favorite Sunbaenim: Eli Sunbaenim

He's super cute! And plus Sukkie always loves becoming friends with quiet guys ^^

Stage Name: Sukkie

Extras: You can choose which ever ulzzang you like better! But if you are going to make Lee Chi Hoon her boyfriend i suggest you use Lee Youn Ju aka Mikki since they have real pictures together.


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