My Harry Potter Life

Natalie Alice Longbottom
Name:Natalie Anya Longbottom
Year: Seventh year
Go Go Gryffindor! 
Blood Status: Pure blood
Height: Five feet six inches. 
Weight: 145

Frank Longbottom, Father
Alice Longbottom, Mother
Neville Longbottom, Twin Brother
Augusta Longbottom, Grandmother

Bff: Luna, Ginny, Victoria ( other answer) Isabella ( Other answer ) Ellie ( other answer )
BF: Draco Malfoy
Enemies: Pansy, Most Slytherins, Elena Sinclair ( Other answer )
Older guys

The Dark Lord
The war
Most Slytherins ( One exception to this )
The LeStranges. 


Natalie was born on July 30th 1980 to Frank and Alice Longbottem and ten minutes behind Neville. As a pure-blood wizard, she was likely related to other wizarding families such as the Weasleys, Crouches, and the Blacks. Natalie's parents were members of the Order of the Phoenix and in these roles, defied Lord Voldemort at least three times. Natalie was one of three infants referred to in a prophecy made by Sybill Trelawney about the person with the power to defeat the Dark Lord. But as we all know, Harry Potter was the one chosen to defeat the dark lord. 

Soon after this, A hand full of Deatheaters attacked the Longbottems and tortured Frank and Alice to the point of insanity with the Cruciatus Curse. The Death eaters were sent Azkaban and Frank and Alice Longbottem were sent to Saint Mungo's for the rest of their lives not being able to recognize their own children. Natalie and Neville were raised by their paternal grandmother. When Natalie was five, she feel in love with dancing and has been doing it ever since. Natalie and her grandmother have a long running joke that Natalie was dancing before she could walk. 

Growing up, Natalie and Neville couldn't have been more different. Natalie started to show signs of having magical abilities really early. Where as the Longbottems feared Neville would be a squib. As a child< Natalie was always confident in whatever she did. This hasn't changed since at all. When the Longbottem twins started school, it was the first time Natalie ever felt shy. her and her brother were sorted into Gyffindor. 

Somehow, Nat got mixed up in Neville's drama. After a quiddith game Crabbe and Goyle got into a fight with her brother. This is the year she met Gregory Goyle. Natalie acknowledges him in privet but out in public, Natalie ignores him. 

Natalie joined Dumbledore's army in her fifth year but she stay back when Harry and the others went to the Ministry of Magic to help the remaining members of Dumbledors Army contend with Umbridge. 

Who knows what this year holds though. 

Wood: Willow
Core: Hippogriff Talon 
Length: 10 inches
Flexibility: Swishy, nice wand for charm work
Patronus: Dragon
Pet: A white and brown cat named Jack

What everyone thinks:

Harry:  She's so hard headed. Maybe that's why Malfoy likes her. 
Ron: H-O-T Hard to believe she's related to Neville at all
Hermione: She's okay.... Ron fancies her.
Ginny: Love her! 
Neville: I love my sister. If Malfoy hurts her, I'm going to kill him
Luna: She's wonderful. She keeps Malfoy in line. He hasn't called me " Looney Lovegood " since they started dating.
Cho: Don't talk to her much...
Draco: I love her! She's my girl! 
Crabb and Goyal: -Nomnomnom-

Pansy: I hate her!!!! She took Draco from mw!

Ellie: She's fun to be around
Victoria: Only Gyffindor worth my time

Elena: Hate her. She thinks she's all that because she's a dancer. YUCK!
Isabella: Love her. 

Future: Natalie stayed and fought at Hogwarts. She got a couple scaring battle wounds. She's proud to show them off now. Her and Draco are reunited after a couple weeks and settle down. They start a family a couple years down the road. The first child they have is a girl named Alyssa. She is a daddy's girl and loves to dance at her mothers side. When Alyssa is four, Natalie and Draco have two more children, twins by the names of Scorpius and Ryan. Ryan is heavy into sports while Scorpius prefers to study his charm work.  Natalie opens a dance academy and Draco goes to work in teh ministry like his father. 

Wedding Dress :[polyvore]

Favorite outfit: [polyvore]


Scorpius and Ryan:


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