The stuga

A/N: All my story's take place in a alternate reality where the characters act this way. --- Winthrop stopped and gazed into space. Oh no. It was happening; couldn't help thinking about Paul again. tried not too. Desperate to avoid the thoughts that could not be, no, - would not be- held back. But like dozens of unstoppable goons they came creeping forward till they filled brain; Pauls smile shined like tin foil, as impressive as a mountine, it filled the farmhouse and Winthrop was helplessly but willingly absorbed into them. Pauls eyes were like gala apples.If you rolled them they would go quite far. Pauls legs were like a diplodocus. Straight and tight. Pauls chest was like a Harpiess. Powerful and impossible to ignore. How could Winthrop not be helpless in the face of that?. Winthrop snapped out of it. But the thoughts of Paul would be back. Would be able to resist next time? --- It was a typical day in Suga.... before the trouble started.... --- Interlude: Winthrop was finding it really hard to concentrate at this movement thoughts kept trying to think of Paul. Despite what was happening, it was hard to focus! ---- On a cold september, after his great adventures, Paul was wondering what to do that week. He had picked up his life from where he left it and wanted to make something from it. Then all the sudden a strange woman appeared on Paul's doorstep. She was hiden beneath a long cloak and had long brown nails on her fingers. Her dirty hair fluished down from beneath the cloak and she had glowing eyes! "You are not who you think you are!" said the strange woman. "What do you mean?" said Paul "You are not who you think you are," she said again with a mysterious crackling voice like a bad radio transmission. "I still don't understand you?" said Paul. "Here, take this," she said and gave Paul an alarmclock. "Take this and give it to your parents or guardian, they will know what to do with it!" And with that she disappeared before Paul's eyes! Paul was confused but thought that he had to do something. But rather than going to his parents or guardian, Paul decided to show it to Jack. "Oh no," said Jack, "you must forget about this!" "Why?" enquired Paul, "what do you know?!" "I... I can't tell you. My dear Paul, I didn't think it would be this soon!" "What?!" yelled Paul, "are you keeping things away from me?!" "It's .... it's for your own good! You cannot know this!" said Jack and before Paul could do anything, Jack had escaped his grasp. "No! Dammit! When will I ever know the truth?!" Paul was feeling depressed. One of his best friends abandoned and betrayed him. It hurt. So Paul wanted to find Sarah. After their adventure, Paul and Sarah had been spending a lot of time together. Paul kind of started to like her. So Paul went to Sarah and told the whole story. She listened to Paul without saying a single word. Then she said: "WTF, this is sooo big" And Paul said: I know! Do you know a way to find out what is happening? Why is everyone hiding things from me?!" Sarah sighed and said: "You have always been special, Paul and not just to me." "How do you know that?" Sarah looked at the teddy Bear that Paul had received and said: "it kind of looks like the Stoga, doesn't it?" "could be...but it might not be...but, yeah,certainly it might be" "Whatever it is, I can recognise it quite well. And I think," Sarah said, "that perhaps the mysterious woman wanted you to find something inside of you. "Inside? Like my heart?" "No, don't be silly, like a mamory. Think about it, if your parents lied to you and now Jack doesn't want to talk to you about your background, perhaps there is a hidden memory in your head!" Sarah's logic was flawless. So Paul had to try it! So Paul concentrated on the object. immeditately he felt drawn into it. It stated ouit as a vague, fuzzy thing like when you wear glasses and there is a lot of moisture in the air and you see a TV on the horizon. But then it turned out that there was a secret memory, hidden beneath the vail layer of self-loving in his head. And within that memory, a burning figure appeared. It was Winthrop! In hell... Paul was confused. He didn't think that memory would be in there, and yet it was there, burning like the heart of a newborn star and the centre of the earth. Fortunately Jack worked at a newspaper nowadays and he used the database of the newspaper to find out home turf of Winthrop's ruffians. Their search led to a night club in the darkiest and stormiest part of Suga. Paul was a little hesitant to go. It was rather scary and it was dark and stomy in that secting of Suga. But the courage in him was greater than his fear because with his Flying he should be able to accomplish anything, right, Paul thought to himself. And Jack would join Paul. So not to fall out of fashion they both donned their most gothyest clothing. Paul had to admit that Jack looked kind of y in that outfit of his. But Paul didn't dare to comment on that (Paul had only just discovered he was bi, and was a little angxious over that. He wans't sure if his othre friends would accept that!. Paul instead poored down his soul into his make-up. He bore gorgeous blood-rose coloured finger nails with black streaking zig-zags and gave Jack matching treatment. Jack lovely eyes met Paul's and for a moment they were both swimming in a pool made of a gorgeous combination of their eyes colours. It was romance they knew, but they didn't know whether it was a forbidden one or not! Then they went off and defeated Winthrop. It must be here somewhere, but I have no idea where it could be", wondered Paul At that moment, Sean fell down some steps near a cave network. At the bottom was Winthrop`s new cave network! As they entered, it was strangely and creepily abandoned. "Come on" said Paul ..and then they went on their way! "Lets take the ventalation shaft!" "Thats a good plan, so we can sneak to the roof undetected" So they got into the ventilation shaft. They traveled upto the roof, ver the ducks, thus avoiding the security systems because they are smart. We are here, said Paul crawling out the duck, and putting his shirt on. --- And then, at the worst possible moment. It happened. Again. Winthrop gazed at Paul. It was impossible to resist this time. Like a hot air-balloon Winthrop was pulled towards Paul. It was a like blockade in a war. It was a like a chainsaw piercing through heart. It was a like magnets. There was No resisting. No mercy. No longer anything else mattered. Paul looked shocked and then...and then...not shocked. He had known all along. Of course. How could Winthrop have been so stupid? Those long looks at eachother,the times they gazed at the stars together, the candle lit dinners. It wasn't just friendship. It never was. It was more and Paul had known all along. "I knew" Paul said. "oh" Winthrop said, realizing all this for the first time. But there was more...Paul wasn't pulling away. He was pushing tighter. Holding Winthrop like a wild spectacled bear. At some point their clothes came off. They got ripped in the process of the pashioning didn't care. This is what had needed for so long. too long. January. maybe more. But this was now now. Winthrop and Paul together at last! They canoddled like lovers and just kissed.. Afterwards they looked at eachother longingly. But they knew they must leave. They didn't want anyone to see. Winthrop took one last look at Paul. "Goodbye my snuggly one" "Love you too, my one and only Winthrop" And then they departed. --- "So you have come" said a voice booming from the sky A shuttlecraft appeared above them. Winthrop laughed at them from it. "Ha Ha Ha Ha" "I could gun you all down from here with my throwing knifes, but I would rather do this...personal style." he leaped down and landed at the far side of the rooftop "Ready?" he said, still laughing. Paul removed his shirt and flexed his abs. "Yes. I am ready. " With that they leaped at eachother, metaphorical guns blazzing (which were littoral spike bayonets). "I kill you dead" Winthrop head butted Paul in the chest Paul fell backwards in pain punching a few times before crashing to the ground. "Ha Ha Ha Ha" laughed Winthrop "You could never have defeated me, so why did you even try?" "I had too, for all that is good and just in the world." "Well now you will die. Goodbye." Winthrop leaned over Paul holding a large rock. "Quick Paul use this!" said Tremaine ,chucking a nearby microphone towards Paul. Paul grabbed it and chucked it towards Winthrop hard, knocking him the edge of the tall castle they were on! "Goodbye, Winthrop have a nice fall!" "ARrrrrgggg" "We are safe now, he fell to certain doom." Sean and Jack got out from the bush where they were cuddleing. "Thank you, you saved us all" "Dont mention it." So they left the tower and went home. They lived happily ever after and had lots of kids. The End



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