Greetings to Readers with Ask about myself :D

Hi, my readers :D Decided to finally post my first ever blog post with some info and interesting things about myself. :DD Btw, doing something like this takes a whole lot a courage and determination from me soo~ hope you enjoy! It took me years before I finally posted my first ever story just so you know... :| If you have any questions for me, PM me or comment and I'll get to you. ;)

I'm writing Lookism inspired story recently (on a request) and hopefully will be able to get to IKILY and update sometime on the Christmas holidays (hopefully since I have exams sooo...). Anyway the reason it got so delayed was me getting distracted by other things (watching, reading and also translating...) and partly writer's block, that passed but now I got stuck in "How do I progress the relationship..." One obstacle after another... Damnit! :D

I have to say something, too, regarding comments and whatnot... TBH, comments pressure me into writing (since I don't like letting ppl wait forever, I know that feeling) so whatever comment is greatly appreciated! xD But I understand if you're not the type to do so, lmao, since I'm the same. ;D

Also Happy belated brirthday to Minho and Jinki! <3


This is stolen ( :) ) from Harunachan so go check her SHINee stories!

Basic -


1. Name?: Petra


2. Birthdate?: 24 February, 1996


3. Current Location: Frýdlant n/O, Czech republic


4. Eye Color: Dark brown


5. Hair Color: Brown


6. Height: 168 cm (maybe...)


7. Zodiac Sign: Pisces


8. Ethnicity: Czech


9. Single or Taken?: Single


Have You ever.. -


10. Drank?: Yeah, but hate the taste so just a taste :D


11. Smoked?: Noo


12. Skinny Dipped?: Nah


13. a 9 volt battery?: Why would you? oO


14. Made a prank phone call?: Noo


15. Been in a beauty pageant?: No


16. Thrown up in public?: Nah


17. Worn a crown?: From paper? Yeah


18. the back of a CD to try to get it to work?: Umm, no


19. Been on a blind date?: No


20. Caught a fish?: Never fished...


21. Been in love?: No...


22. Thought your cousin was hot?: Nah


23. Slept past noon?: Yup :D


24. Taken a shower with the opposite ?: No


25. Danced in front of your mirror?: Umm, not really mirror just reflecting glass xD


26. Been dumped?: Couldn't since never dated... :D


27. Been arrested?: Noo


28. Made out with a stranger?: No, too shy for sth like that :P


29. Seen someone die?: Seen litterally? No


30. Kissed a picture?: Umm, I guess...?


31. Slept in the opposite 's bed?: Nah


32. Made a snow angel?: Yeah :D


33. Cheated while playing a game?: I guess? Can't recall xD


34. Felt an earthquake?: No, thankfully there are not where I live


35. Touched a snake?: Umm, maybe...?


36. Sang karaoke?: Noo


37. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?: Probably...


38. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?: Yup :)


39. Kissed in the rain?: Nah


40. Sung in the shower?: Yeah, who doesn't? :D


41. Sat on a roof top?: Nah, don't have flats anywhere, lol


42. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?: Noo


43. Broken a bone?: No, knocking on wood


44. Laughed so hard you cried?: Yeah, that happens a lot with my parents :D They are like two standup comedians, sometimes I wish I could film what they do and say and share it :DD Have to say, the best was when my dad was making fun of my lil bro who was complaining that he wouldn't date a girl with such a high voice (or sth) and dad was like "Oh, so you're gay? You're gonna date guys instead?" and bro was annoyed and dad "What? I don't mind..." in a teasing kinda way but still... (btw, don't take it word for word, my mind is blurry :D)


45. out from drinking?: Nay


46. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?: Umm, no...?



This or that -


47. Blind or deaf?: Deaf, since I still would be able to see, so watch with subs and read things...


48. Horror or comedy?: Comedy, I always welcome a good laugh :D Horror is something I avoid like the plague (tho I do sometimes watch or read something horrorish but then I can't sleep peacefully sooo I'd rather not if I have to get up or me alone at home, shivers)


49. Bungee jumping or sky diving?: Haard, probably bungee jumping?


50. Sunny or rainy?: Aaaah, which one... Sunny


51. Chocolate or Vanilla?: Choco * lips*


52. Night or day?: Night (that's the time all my creativity awakens, :D)


53. Looks or personality?: Personality but the looks at least decent...


54. Coffee or tea?: Tea, I don't drink coffee


55. Hot or cold?: Cold, I can at least wear more but hot, how do you do that? Skin yourself? :D



Do You.. -


56. Smoke?: Nah, hate the smoke (Why would you walk while smoking...?)


57. Drink?: Noo, just maybe some beer but that's rare, too :D


58. Do drugs?: Nah, why?


59. Fall in love easily?: Umm, no? No idea, tbh...


60. Like thunderstorms?: Naaah, hate them, thankfully there weren't recently any (or if were then when I was dead asleep :D)


61. Dance in the rain?: Naaah, don't like getting wet


62. Wish on stars?: Did once? Don't really watch stars that much...


63. Believe in fate?: Umm, I guess lol, was to take two entrance exams but forgot about one and passed the other effortlessly :D So no dilemma on which to choose, haha, I was thanful :D


64. Believe in love at first sight?: I'd say, yeah...


65. Have tattoos?: Nah, no idea if I'll get or not... but not opposed to it, also not really that fond of the idea... (If I do, it would be sth SHINee related, tbh :D)



Can you.. -


66. Cook?: Something simple...


67. Whistle?: Yeah, but not with fingers


68. Curl your tongue?: Yup


69. Touch your nose with your tongue?: Nah


70. Speak another language?: Yeah, English, Korean (somehow), maybe some Japanese (learned, gave up, but hope to pick it up again later on :D)



And more -


71. Favourite word?: Umm, don't know of any...


72. Favourite flower?: Don't have one...


73. Favourite colour?: Uhh, Pearl Aqua? Without SHINee influence, pink or purple?


74. What color is your underwear right now?: Grey :D


75. Would you ever get plastic surgery?: Uhh, nah unless needed it for treatment(?) purposes


76. What is your favorite Holiday?: Summer holiday since it's the longest one (in uni over three months yo :D)


77. What is your worst habit?: Scratching things I shouldn't (like wounds...)



Opposite -


78. Hair colour?: ... doesn't matter... ?


79. Eye colour?: Blue?


80. First thing you notice about them?: Probably legs? oO Btw, recently got hands , thank you twitter... :D




Confession Challenge.

[] Talked back to a teacher.
[] Been kicked out of a class.
[] Worn your pajamas to school.
[this may have happened... :)] Had your tooth fall out during school.
[ooh yea, in uni] Gotten yourself lost in your school.
[] Broken the dress code in your school.
[X] Completely and utterly failed a test.
[] Left your class without asking anybody.
[X] Missed a whole week of school for something stupid.
[] Thrown up your lunch in school.

[] Argue with your parents a lot.
[X] Argue with your brother[s] a lot.
[] Argue with your sister[s] a lot.
[] Do your own laundry.
[X] Cook dinner once in a while.
[lol, when watching things :D] Are loud and obnoxious at home.
[X] Wear pajamas when you are not going to go anywhere
[X] You sleep in very long.
[X] All you do is watch television/go on the internet.
[] Your parents are divorced.
[] Your family makes you cry a lot.
[] One or both of your grandparents live with you.
[] You can’t stand being with your parents.

[] You currently dislike one or more of your friends.
[] You are jealous of one or more of your friends.
[well, since primary, does that count?] You have known a friend your whole life.
[] Your friends are all taller than you.
[] You have been ditched by a friend.
[X] You have memorized a friend's phone number.
[X] You have lost/forgotten a friends phone number.
[X] You have been to most of your friends houses.
[] You love most of your friends.

[did until recently] You bite your nails.
[] You have an odd obsession with knives.
[] You cannot sleep with the door closed.
[it blocks the light :D] You cannot sleep with the door open
[X] There is at least one sound you cannot stand.
[] You write stories about mad cannibalistic serial killers
[] You are good at telling lies.
[] You currently like/love someone.
[] You want to kill one of your exs.
[] You can’t stay committed for an unusually long time
[] You get bored of your crush/bf/gf easily.
[] A crush/bf/gf has called you self-centered before.
[] Your ex has dumped you for another girl.

[] You hate George Bush.
[] Abortion is horrible and should be illegal.
[X] Gay marriage is fine by you. 
[] Boys make better friends than girls do. 
[] Pink is an ugly color.
[X] Needles aren’t so horrible.
[] Human flesh tastes like fine aged veal.
[X] You have plenty of secrets.

[X] Fallen up the stairs. [The most epic fall :D, my glasses fell of and the bagpack got thrown over my head, my BFF withnessed it and was done with me :D]
[] Had your shoelaces tied together.
[may have happened] Had a nail fall off.
[] Captured, Manipulated, or Destroyed a soul. 
[] Slapped someone across the face.
[] Killed someone. 
[maybe for half a day?] Worn something inside out for a whole day


Aaaand it's doneee :D That took sooo long, whew... Anyway, I hope it made you laugh at some points (ahh, so embarrassing :D) and you learned something about meee~ :D Like I wrote up there, if you want to know more (have questions, something like this that you want me to fill in), feel free to PM me or write a comment here :D


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