
Day 14: Most favorite inspirational quote: Well he always gives life lessons but these are the ones I recall the best as they are the ones that managed to cause a pinch in my heart:
"The more you feel like giving up, the more you can't do that"
"Everything that is beautiful was once blank in the beginning" -HZT, Sept 2013
"Never stop dreaming. There is nothing impossible for me in this world"
“Life that doesn’t sail smoothly is the real life, life in which one is fighting against the harsh winds and waves is the most glorious life, no matter how the ending is.” -HZT, Nov 2009
"I like to continually surpass my limits" HZT - 2017
"I feel the path I have chosen is right. This is life, you can't always stay put. If you don't muster the courage to move forward, you'll never know what you can achieve.”
“Apart from my family, I’m the guy who has nothing but his dream.” -Sep 2010


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