song Yuji

ARMY_Gurl • Emma • 80%


the basics.

name » Song Yuji

nickname(s) »

Ma'am ; Some of the quieter, more polite, or more awkward contestants usually refer to her this way as a reaction to her age and her attitude

birthday » May 5, 1988

birthplace & hometown » Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

occupation » Personal Trainer


face claim » NS Yoon G (Solo)

backup face claim » Lee Sunmi (Solo)


appearance » Yuji is in fantastic shape. She's been working out since she was 15 so she's really well toned in every part of her body. Her hair is dyed light brown and she usually wears it in the ponytail but she can and will style it for formal occasions. She also usually only wears makeup for formal occasions as well since she doesn't see the need to look "all dolled up" unless you're trying to impress someone. She does do her hair and makeup a lot more often during the show, though she doesn't do them until after her morning workout. And yes, those are her natural s. Working out make them seems larger because of the extra muscle behind them.

style » Yuji is proud of her body and she's eager to show it off. Tank tops and shorts are a girls best friend as far as she's concerned, and her dresses almost always have some sheer fabric incorporated into them. She does try to wear clothing that is a bit loose so she can move easily in it in case she decides to take a spontaneous jog or start doing squats because she's bored, both of which are rather common occurences. She usually wears running shoes for the same reason, but she can handle high heels for formal events.

" So what? I'm still a rock star. "

" I wanna get in trouble, I wanna start a fight. "




Cooking: 4/10    Cleanliness: 4/10     Sportiness: 10/10  
 Creativity: 4/10   Intelligence: 7/10   Alcohol Tolerance: 5/10     Musicality: 1/10


traits »

(+) Confident, Intuitive, Friendly, Organized, Industrious

(-) Dissmissive, Mistrustful, Controlling, Presumptive, Oblivious

personality »

" I got a brand new attitude and I'm gonna wear it tonight. "

Yuji approaches life logically, and anything that doesn't fit into her common sense is dimissed as nonsensical. Not because she refuses to try and understand it, but simply because if it doesn't pertain to her she honestly doesn't care. Yuji is very self-confident in herself and what she wants out of life, and she keeps focused on what's important to her and on accomplishing her goals as efficiently and effectively as she can. That certainly isn't to say she's aloof or holds herself above others, as she's actually quite friendly and social. She's unconventionally bright, with her intellect shining in the realm of social interaction rather than more academic pursuits. She's a people reader and has great gut instinct when it comes to people in general. She's a great person to go to when confused about a situation involving another human, as she'll almost always have the perfect solution within a few minutes of hearing the situation explained. Her intuition regarding other humans is almost spooky in its uncanny accuracy.


Yuji quite frankly always assumes people have ulterior motives and proceeds with her choices based on that assumption. This can cause her on occasion to dismiss other people's concerns or judgements outright if they clash with her view of society, and while she is usually right she does sometimes get a bit over controlling once an inssue has been brougth to her. If she's made to care about something she will take full control of it, not trusting anyone else to get things done correctly, not even the person who initially brought the situation to her attention. So she takes total control and can bulldoze over people in her quest to do things efficiently and effectively. She does always get the job done, but anyone who was in her way on the way usually ends up a bit bruised, and for all her social cleverness Yuji tends to not notice when she herself is the one making faux pas.


" I'm alright; I'm just fine. "

One of Yuji's more personal facts that's really none of anyone's business is that she suffers from clinical depression. It's tough to tell with how ruthlessly organized and outgoing she is now, but it's a battle every morning to force herself up and into the day. She has worked up several ways to work around this particular issue since her parents first suspected it was a thing, none of which involve medication (she doesn't believe in "medicating away your problems"). During this journey of figuring herself out and determining how to work with herself and her demons was a very enlightening time for Yuji and formed much of who she is today. She learned that if she organizes tasks and to do lists for herself each night before going to bed and then working out for an hour to get her endorphins flowing to help combat her inner urges to sit down again and do nothing for the rest of the day. She keeps herself busy with people, places, and anything else she can in order to keep moving and keep ahead of her demons for the day. She'll deal with them when it's time to sleep.


She's also a diagnosed dyslexic, which her mother has speculated may contribute to her sixth sense about people. When she was very young she had trouble reading but was able to learn how thanks to an early diagnosis. Yuji's dyslexia now mostly causes her to process instructions and information differently than most people. This made it extremely difficult for her in school as she often didn't understand the teachers' explanations on different subjects. She always has to repeat information a few times and in different ways in order to help herself process it correctly. Once she has comprehended a situation or idea though, she generally remembers it since she's had to go over it so many times. She's getting better at recognizing information as it's presented but she does usually still need a minute or so to properly roll it around in her head just to make sure. Yuji doesn't like not being completely confident in the information she has so she's very careful about making sure she believes she understands things correctly.


" I gave my all. "

For most of her childhood Yuji was rather typical, aside from her dyslexia which was diagnosed when she was eight years old. She struggled in school, but with tutors and her supportive if very busy parents she got by well enough. She was an only child so what little time her parents did have around working at the hospital went entirely to her. She wasn't exactly spoiled since both her parents highly encouraged independence and working hard to earn your keep, though she acknowledges that she did have a privledged childhood. Despite this she often found herself bogged down and apathetic about just about everything. Her parents became quite worried when her attitude began affecting her schooling and social life, two things that had always been rather typical but began suffering in earnest as she reached her teen years. Her mother consulted a psychologist friend of hers and the friend suggested that Yuji might benefit from finding something to increase her endorphins with. This led to her father suggesting the then fifteen year old Yuji could start working out with him in the mornings. Yuji was highly reluctant at first, but by the end of her first session with a hired trainer she had fallen in love. Throughout high school Yuji kept at her workout routine, going to the gym four times a week and maintaining both a cardio and a stregth program, alternating between the two as the week went on. During her senior year of high school she began studying to earn her training permit so she could work as a personal trainer over the summer and at university as well.


" I'm having more fun. "

Yuji ended up falling in love with being a personal trainer, and halfway through the summer she informed her parents she intended to continue training full time and only go to school part time in the fall. Her parents were a bit hesitant but ultimately believed she should do what made her happiest. So she stuck with her job and took night classes at a smaller university, majoring in exercise science. While there she met a young man by the name of Oh Jongwoon in one of her classes, which was just an elective for him, and they had an instant spark. He worked out as much as she did and they went on several dates that consisted solely of teaching each other new excercises and trying each others' routines. And Yuji fell in love again. They dated for four years, and in that time they both graduated from their bachelors, and Jongwoon started studying to be a full-time surgeon. On their fourth anniversary, Yuji surprised him with a proposal, and whil he was a little put off by her being the one to propose he knew how forward and independent she is so he was happy to accept. They began planning the wedding, and during that time Jongwoon started his residency at the same hospital Yuji's parents worked at. The two had less time to see each other after that due to both of them keeping odd hours, but Yuji was happy. Then her mother caught Jongwoon making out with one of the other residents during a late shift and she naturally went straight to her daughter. Six years after they started dating Yuji threw the ring at Jongwoon's face and told him to have his things out of her apartment before she got home from seeing her last client.


" And now that we're done, I'm gonna show you, tonight, I'm alright. "

Suddenly single for the first time since she was 23 Yuji found herself at something of a crossroads. She wanted to shake her life up a bit, hit the reset button as it was. Although externally she was holding up as well as ever - her depression coping techniques proved very effective against heartbreak as well - she was beyond heartbroken over the events. Her morning workouts seemed empty and she no longer had cute suportive texts to read and respond to during breaks between clients. It ate away at her internally as she continued living life like nothing was wrong and constantly hearing praises about how well she was handling the entire situation. Something was going to snap and it came to a head when Yuji saw an advertisement for Bachelor's Paradise Season 2. She hadn't really watched the first season but it was sometimes playing on the TVs at the gym she works at, and she had put it on as background noise a few times while cooking or doing her own workout. She remembered how ridiculous it was, how the contestants travelled around the world and how there were really no strings attached; once you left the show you could go back to your normal life unaffected if you kept your head. Easy, uncomplicated fun. And it was just what Yuji decided she needed to properly release her pent up frustrations and hurt.


Working out (she particularly enjoys working her biceps, laterals, and triceps, hence her ability to do pullups)

Rock music

Real crime shows

Being in charge

Fish (as in, eating fish. If a dish has fish in it she'll probably love it)

dislikes »

Greasy foods (they don't agree with her stomach)

When people say her pull up abilities are nothing special (usually guys who don't realize how much harder it is for girls to do pull ups. They get a lecture on the biological differencese between the male and female body)

Being tickled (she's extremely ticklish and she will elbow you in the gut if you try to take advantage of this)

Maybe it's awful but she can't stand overweight people ( body positivity, take care of yourself dammit! There is no excuse for laziness!)

Reptiles (they make her uncomfortable for no real reason)

strong points»

She can do fifteen pull ups and she's always trying to increase her number; she's quite strong

Knows her limit with alcohol and quite enjoys being the 'sober' one at parties (though she does have her one or two drinks; a buzz is nice)

You can't dent her sense of self-worth; it is lined in titanium and years of self-actualization

Can figure out how to handle just about any social situation given time; has a sixth sense for people reading

She is currently working on earning her certification to become a physical therapist and is nearly finished so she is capable of attending to injuries such as torn muslces; she can also make a splint and set bones, though she'd reccommend going to a proper hospital if you break something

weak points»

She may like music but she couldn't keep the beat if you tapped her foot for her honestly

She usually doesn't get explanations on the first go and has to take time to wrap her head around them which can waste time, especially during time sensitive challenges

Not... great at teamwork; tends to assume everyone else has no idea what they're doing (takes complete control of everything and doesn't let the others have any input)

Can get overconfident and doesn't accept critique easily; in general not one for emotional bonding or vulnerability

Gets a bit competitive when it comes to things she considers herself skilled in; she all but can't admit if another woman outshines her in something she considers 'her territory' (ie. strength, figuring out whether someone likes someone else, ect.)

trivia »

She calls every other contestant on the show 'kid' since she's the oldest one there (if she isn't then she'd just refer to the younger ones as kid and the older ones by name)

She can and will lecture people on how to work out properly, and why working out is so important, and she'll try to get anyone who seems even slightly interested to come work out with her in the mornings

Uses swears in their literal sense without any intention of being disparaging; words only have power if you give them that power (ie. uses '' to literally talk about casual because it's shorter than saying 'sleeping together' or 'ually involved with no feelings attached')

Functions much better in warmer weather rather than cold; suffers rather noticably from 'winter blahs'

Her biggest dream is to one day open her own public gym

The worst part of her broken engagement is that she still had no idea when things started going wrong, or why Jongwoon would feel the need to cheat at all; she doesn't blame hersel at all but she's frustrated that she didn't notice her own relationship apparently falling apart

As a child she had a very hard time reading, but eventually she learned how with assitance from numerous tutors and teachers; she still has to go slowly when reading things but she doens't have nearly as much trouble as she once did, and her innate way of seeing the world atypically on first glace is something she finds to be more help than harm these days



home is where your heart is.



LOVE INTERESTS » Jooheon, Hyunwoo, Minhyuk

the reason you applied » Yuji wanted to do something completely new to shake things up after her fiancé cheated on her, and the show happened to be conveniently timed to allow her to do just that.


strategy » Her strategy as it were is to be her usual charming self and flirt relentlessly with whomever seems to be having the most fun at any given time. She does want to stay in for longer than one episode though so she'll try to prioritize her three bachelors to make sure at least one of them gives her a rose.


The bachelors »

  • jooheon » Jooheon is loud and amusing and immediately caught Yuji's eye when the bachelors were introduced. She sees him as someone she can definitely let loose with and do something crazy and different from her usual, which is exactly why she interviewed for the show in the first place after all.
  • changkyun » Yuji does find Changkyun fun but he's a little young for her tastes so she friedzoned him very quickly after meeting him. But she's happy to hang out with him and have perfectly platonic fun.
  • hyungwon » He's a little too much like Jongwoon for her to consider him anything other than a work friend, but Yuji likes Hyungwon well enough. He's polite though so she likes him well enough and will spend time with him if he's the only one around.
  • hyunwoo » Hyunwoo is the first (and possibly only) of the bachelors that Yuji comes to consider a friend. This stems from their mutual appreciation for working out, as they both have rather intense programs due to their respective jobs. They start out as morning workout buddies and they inevitably get to talking during their morning sessions. It starts out as basic small talk but as they get used to each other it naturally flows into some more personal topics. Yuji never pushes him unless she feels it's needed and he responds in kind, resulting in a mutual respect that causes morning workouts to be Yuji's favorite time of the day. As much as she thought she craved something different, it's familiarity that wins out in the end.
  • minhyuk » If she's honest, Yuji knows she's only interested in Minhyuk because he would be the ultimate revenge . Jongwoon slept with a fellow resident? Well she bedded a famous actor! Minhyuk is a means to an end and if Yui can get into his room she'll probably lose interest in all honesty. Harsh but true.
  • hoseok » Yuji gets the need for privacy, and she's content to let Hoseok keep his. She'll initiate small talk if he's around and no one else is but she'll never push for information. Because of this they never really get past the initial aquaintance stage.
  • kihyun » Yuji can appreciate Kihyun's passion for cooking, as she sees her own passion for exercise reflected there. She's likely to ask him about his restaurant and the logistics of maintaining a business as preparation for her own future business endeavours. She has quite a bit of respect for him.

this is paradise.


"So...this is season 2 of Bachelor's Paradise. Interesting how people are still torturing themselves with applying for this show. Please, introduce yourself."

  • "Name's Song Yuji, nice to meet you."

"Why do you think you need this program to find love? Is there a reason you couldn't find love on your own?"

  • "Heh. Look kid, you seem like the type to appreciate honesty so I'll level with you. I'm not here for love; I think I've had enough of it for the time being. I just want a good time and maybe a revenge while I'm here."

"Why should we choose you and not someone else?"

  • "Last season looked like it could use an adult to keep all the kids in line."

"What do you think about people who gain a lot of money?"

  • "Eh, I could care less as long as they aren't in my way. Money makes the world go round but as long as I can support myself and my gym I'm content."

"Any hopes or dreams for the future?"

  • "I'm going to open my own gym one day. I don't care what obstacles are put in my way, one day Aphrodite will be open to the public. ... It's a working title, I know I've got a while yet before I can make this dream a reality."

"Oh right... did you watch season 1?"

  • "Eh, I saw bits and pieces. This isn't realy the sort of television I watch intently, it's more background noise for my workouts."

"Okay, that's it... why are you looking at me like that? You want to tell me something else?"

  • "You should work out more kid, your arms look like toothpicks."

last words.

comments/suggestions » So where "She Used To Be Mine" was sort of a descriptive song for Eunjung, "So What" is more of a theme song for Yuji. And I like to picture Yuji with P!nk's body type actually so that hopefully helps picture he a bit better. There aren't really any famous Korean women I could find who look that way.

scene requests » As before I'm certain your plans will far outshine any I could conceive of ^-^

password » Uji


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