Tint thoughts

Hello everyone I'm back with another thoughts series this time with a girl group. Once again these are my personal thoughts and ideas, not facts. This group since they were a bit smaller and had less stuff to watch I didn't observe much.


The great leader Mei lol. I'm not sure what to say about Mei or Tint in general due to their lack of content. I think I watched 3 or 4 interviews that was the most that they had. Mei only really had one moment and most people would think it was adorable or normal, but I actually found it weird. In almost every interview she called Minnie cute. I know calling people cute and saying things are cute is such a huge thing in their culture but to me from what I observered it sounded a bit more personal with her. Like it's kind of obsessive to say that every interview and Minnie doesn't really need feedback each time she does cute actions.


It's going to sound like such a shipper thing but in the secret box episode I think Jamie made a joke then Sangmi and it was so corny that the girls pushed them to the back. But they just acted really weird and coupley back there for a second. In another interview Mei was introducing them and Jamie looked at her for a few seconds, and Sangmi picks up on it and is giving Mei death eyes.

Another moment happened and I'm not sure what to clarify it as. So Jamie had to introduce Mirim to the viewers of the show by explaining her personality. She mentioned how she loved her performance on Kpop Star and it made her fall in love with her ( as in admire). Mirim jokingly said really you love me, Jamie froze up she gave her a glare then kind of paused or it was the other way around.

Thanks for reading. I would love to hear your opinions, or if you have anything to add . I also don't mind criticism. Once again I don't post video links cause it would mess up this pretty page so I'll give you the title of the videos for you to search.


Pops in seoul tint secret box 2:00 ( jamie and sangmi)

Pops in seoul tint ( love at first sight) 3:29-3:33 (sangmi)

Pops in seoul wolf is stupid 6:15-6:21 (Mirim and jamie)

Mei moments in all three interviews either in middle or end


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