Kim eunjung

ARMY_Gurl • Emma • 80%


the basics.

name » Kim Eunjung

nickname(s) »

Geul-Eunjung ; A play on her name and the word "shadow" since she fades into the background very easily

birthday » December 15, 1993

birthplace & hometown » Boseong, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

occupation » Waitress


face claim » Bang Minah (Girl's Day)

backup face claim » Park Chorong (APink)


appearance » Eunjung's hair is naturally a dark brown color; she would never dare dye her hair or get a piercing. God made her how she is and it would be very disrespectful to change anything about herself. At least that's what her pastor says, and she took it to heart. She uses no styling products and only very little makeup. She even cuts her own hair, but she doesn't do this very often since she likes having long hair.

style » Very conservative. Eunjung dresses in skirts and blouses that leave everything to the imagination. Her clothes are usually rather mutely colored so she doesn't stand out. She isn't a big fan of accessories or jewlery of any kind. The only extra thing she carries is her purse which is stuffed full of everything she could possible need (it's a very large purse). She's known to always have tissues, candy, cough drops, or any number of feminine items on her at all times that she's happy to hand out to anyone who asks for them.

" Sometime life just slips in through the back door, and carves out a person, and makes you believe it's all true. "


" If I'm honest, I know, I would give it all back for a chance to start over, and rewrite an ending or two "




Cooking: 8/10    Cleanliness: 7/10     Sportiness: 4/10  
 Creativity: 6/10   Intelligence: 4/10   Alcohol Tolerance: 0/10     Musicality: 6/10


traits »

(+) Caring, Genuine, People-Oriented, Determined, Good Self-Control

(-) Insecure, Compulsive Liar, Prideful, Overly Dependent, Overly Detail-Oriented

personality »

" She's imperfect, but she tries. "

Eunjung wants to do everything, and she wants to get it done right. She's the sort to fret endlessly about every detail that could possibly go wrong, often to the point of causing disaster herself. She's just as likely to trip over her own concerns as she is to save someone else from screwing up but goodness does she try her hardest to make sure the second result is far more common than the first. She's acutely aware of her every flaw, real and imagined, and she does absolutely everything in her power to make up for them. She wants nothing more than to help everyone around her be happy and though her skills are limited and her social abilities are even fewer she still tries; it's possibly her greatest defining characteristic. Eunjung simply does not give up on people, no matter how bleak a situation seems, and even if you give up on yourself she's not giving up on you and you can gosh darn well deal with it! And yes, she does know that her help is not always appreciated, or even very helpful, but she's just not good at sitting aside and doing nothing if there seems even the slightest chance she could help. She's highly guilt driven and will crack easily under pressure or manipulation if it's suggested she might be inadvertantly hurting, or at the least not helping, someone.


" She is good, but she lies. "

Her acute awareness of her own perceived failings have caused Eunjung to develop a rather unfortunate compulsion; that is, she will fabricate the truth if she thinks it will make a situation better. She never lies maliciously, or to make herself look good, but rather as a part of her desperate bids to assist anyone and everyone in every possible situation. She believes that most people simply won't let her help if they realize how worthless she truly is, so she'll thoughtlessly mumble out helf-truths and white lies if she thinks they'll help. And she always thinks they'll help. She's not one for large webs of falsehoods or crazy hijinks, but she's more than comfortable with little white lies, to the point where she often falls back to them far more instinctively than the truth. She genuinely comes from a good place with her misdirections but naturally they don't always turn out well when uncovered, and she usually suffers the greatest fallout from these discoveries. But she still impulsively lies, finding that the backlash is easier to handle than people knowing the truth.


" She is hard on herself. "

Eunjung has no real sense of self worth. As far as she's only useful when helping others, so her entire self-perception is built around the opinions of others. And as a recent teenager and college drop out opinions are not particularly high at the moment. If she's not attached to or liked by someone important than she's not important. Simple as that. Her desperation for public approval fuels most of her actions and choices. She never thinks she's good enough, she can always do something more to make more people like her. She stretches herself thin trying to impress everyone, because if she can't then what is she really worth? She views every one of her traits as something that needs to be fixed - she needs to be fixed because she's never good enough, never lives up to the standards drilled into her by her demons, fostered by her upbringing and solidified by heartbreak. She has to be perfect, in her own eyes and in the eyes of the world. Her perception is perpetually skewed by how she thinks her actions are being perceived, and there are times it has scared her into total inaction, freezing up in terror with no idea which choice is the right one and losing both in the process.


" She is broken, and won't ask for help. "

Eunjung's insecurities are paired with a strong sense of pride and a sort of twisted independence that has left her a mess, constantly at war with herself and locking her in a perpetual downward spiral of guilt and self-hate that she refuses to admit she needs help escaping. In fact she can barely admit she's in the spiral at all, even on her best days when she might just believe she's done something well and might be that perfect little girl she's expected to be. She doesn't want to burden anyone, so she locks her negative thoughts and emotions up tight inside her chest and push them away whenever they threaten to become to much. She cries alone in her room at night in vain bids to release the ever increasing pressure in her heart from the constant self-denial of human contact and love. She doesn't deserve it yet as far as she can see, so she won't let herself indulge. Only perfect little girls are allowed to have happy little lives, and she's not there. Not yet. But she will be. Hopefully. One day. Just as soon as she irons out all her kinks, and squashes that small part of her that dares to voice discontent with her situation, that dares to suggest that maybe she could be her own person. That voice has not been given any leeway to grow since she was very small, and she knows that it needs to be gone entirely and then she'll be happy. That's what she learned so it must be true. Her mother wouldn't lie.


" She is messy, but she's kind.

She is lonely most of the time.

She is all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie. "


" It's not simple to say; most days, I don't recognize me. "

Eunjung's life is a very simple schedule that she follows to the letter just as her mother taught her. Wake up, make breakfast for her father and grandparents, have something herself if there's time, and then get to work, or church if it's a Sunday. It's been this schedule for nearly five years, ever since her mother passed away and left her as the matriarch of the family. Her father makes the money, and she keeps the house until she can find a willing and suitable husband to take her on. She doesn't mind the work honestly, she loves her family and it's her duty to take care of them as the youngest adult. She gets a little lost in the routine though, floundering if things fall too far distant from what she's become accustomed to as her every day normal. She clings to the familiar threads of what's left of her childhood, following the same traditions and habits that he has her whole life to try and find some semblance of her youth in her current existence.


" These shoes and this apron, that place and it's patrons, have taken more than I gave them. "

She works as a waitress in the same small coffee shop her mother worked at for her entire life. Eunjung was given the job after her mother's abrupt passing, and she dropped out of school in order to take it. They needed the paycheck to help support her father's aging parents, who starting living with them a few months before her mother's accident. And it wasn't like Eunjung needed to complete her bachelor's of education - she was just going to be a wife after all, and work at the restaurant like her mother. She'd always known that. It just started a little earlier than expected was all. She works full time, 40 hours a week, and it's exhausting work, always being on her feet and having to please every customer as best she can. She's good at her job of course, her whole life is based around pleasing others, but it's draining and she often locks herself in her room at night after getting her grandparents into bed and made sure there's a plate of dinner waiting in the microwave for her father when he returns from the office. She likes using this time to write short, simple songs that she sings herself to sleep with. They're nothing ground breaking; she's never have proper lessons in singing or song writing after all but the hobby is mostly something to release her frustrations at night. They're usually rather sad songs reflecting on her mother or her own sense of failure and she often gets herself crying, which also helps her get to sleep after her long days.


" It's not easy to know; I'm not anything like I used to be. "

When she was younger, Eunjung was very close with her mother. In fact, she was known as "Haebyul's little shadow" by most people who knew the family as she was almost always attached to her mother's side. Haebyul raised her daughter to be a good Christian and to always show reverence to authority. She taught her to cook and clean, how to take care of a house and be a good wife. Eunjung thought the world of her mother, who balanced her husband, her ailing parents, her daughter, and her job with efficiency and ease. Eunjung wanted to be her when she got older, and she put her mother on a pedestal, the paragon of what she had to be when she grew up. She didn't see the empty wine bottles piling up. She didn't hear the arguments over Haebyul quitting her job when her parents passed away because there was no need for it any longer. She didn't know about the late nights her father worked and how he wasn't really working. She didn't know her mother knew that. She just knew dancing in the kitchen as they cooked dinner, singing along to the radio in the car even though neither of them could remember all the lyrics. She remembers her mother's smile, tired and worn but bright as it shone down on her after she'd done something well. These are the memories she holds close at night as she cries herself to sleep, wishing somehow her mother's car hadn't swerved. That she was still there to tell Eunjung how to live. Because she's never had to do it by herself before.


" Although it's true, I was never attention's sweet center. "

Beyond her mother Eunjung wasn't close with anyone growing up. Although her mother's parents lived with them from when she was five to when she was ten, and then her father's parents moved in a decade later, her mother was really the only person she got along well with. She of course is always very polite to her grandparents and father, as well as everyone else she meets, but she was a rather shy child who preferred hiding behind her mother's skirts to playing with the other children. She was very much the shadow everyone said she was and she never quite became comfortable with being the center of attention. She enjoys being a supporting character, even in her own life, since that's what she's always been and all she thinks she's capable of being. Now with her mother gone Eunjung has no confidant who can give her all the answers, and she's lost on how to react to life.


" And you're not what I asked for. "

The show was her grandmother's idea. Kim Joohyun spends her retirement days parked in front of the television watching trashy reality TV and berating her husband for things he did years ago. She happened across Bachelor's Paradise Season One and became addicted. It was all she spoke about for months, stating that none of the girls were truly good enough for the men and that they could use a good influence like Eunjung to show them what a woman is supposed to do. Naturally, when she saw a commercial for auditions for season two she signed her granddaughter up while Eunjung was at work. Eunjung was privately horrified by what her grandmother had done, but who was she to say no? She would just have to figure out how to handle the cameras and utter lack of privacy. And the strangers. Perhaps she won't even make the show; after all it was quite popular and surely there will be far more worthwhile contestants than herself. If it all happens just right she can get out of this awkwardness without upsetting her grandmother. She just needs to be herself. She's not good enough to put on TV after all. Hopefully.


Baking (her favorite things to make are cookies since they can be easily shared)

Birds (she wants one as a pet one day) (would definitely call them birbs if she spoke English)

Ballads (the more overdramatic and emotional the better)

Romantic Dramas (she just likes overdramatic stuff)

Karaoke (she likes singing)

dislikes »

Being the center of attention

Metal music/Screamo/Dubstep (she's really not a clubber)

Short skirts or tight tops (shes super conservative and not confident in her body)

Anything relating to athletics (she's a huge wimp)

Large dogs (small and medium ones are fine but big ones make her nervous)

strong points»

She is an excellent cook, but particularly she likes baking

She is ready for anything with her purse stuffed full of emergency supplies

She's excellent at cleaning up as well, and she enjoys doing it so she'll start cleaning without prompting

Her singing isn't great but she gets super emotional during sad songs so that sometimes balances it out

Will never ever share a secret (she's very proud of this)

weak points»

She's terrible at making decisions for herself and prefers when other people tell her what to do

She gets really worked up over all the ways things can go wrong and has a hard time relaxing and just having fun

Not great at talking to strangers

She can't run more than a minute before completely falling apart

She's very prone to peer pressure

She's never had a drink in her life; her tolerance is absolutely nonexisetent but she has no idea


trivia »

She stress bakes and will probably have new batches of cookies for the other contestants every morning since this is a very stressful experience for her

Eunjung can stay standing for long periods of time but running or any attempt at real physical excercise will leave her winded very quicklyShe can make just about any type of cookie requested

If she spots a camera pointed at her she'll turn away from it and not show her face (extreme camera shyness)

Her songs tend to sound a lot like other songs since she's not really creative enough to come up with completely unique melodies

The one place you do not mess with Kim Eunjung is in her kitchen; it is her domain and she darn well knows what she doing so please do not intrude on her realm of solitude!

She doesn't swear; she's almost literally incapable of it and blushes if someone else cusses

She actually doesn't completely know what the premise of the show is, just that people supposedly fall in love on it; her grandmother isn't good at explaining things and she was too busy to watch the show herself


home is where your heart is.



LOVE INTERESTS » Hyungwon, Hoseok, Kihyun

the reason you applied » Her grandmother signed her up, and Eunjung couldn't say no. So here she is.


strategy » Eunjung doesn't really want to be on the show so she doesn't have a real strategy. She's just going to be herself and hope for the best. Or at least hope that her elimination isn't embarrassing so her grandmother (who is definitely watching) won't berate her for the rest of her life for being a disgrace.


The bachelors »

  • jooheon » Jooheon... kind of scares her if she's honest. He's just so loud and boisterous and his lewd jokes make her super uncomfortable. She does try to be nice to him but he's the sort who would just blow right past her without noticing. And she is quite okay with that.
  • changkyun » Changkyun doesn't scare Eunjung as much as Jooheon does, but he's still a little too loud for her to feel totally comfortable around. As with everyone she's polite as ever with him but as with Jooheon he tends to overlook her since they have nothing in common.
  • hyungwon » Eunjung definitley develops a crush on Hyungwon. From his initial shyness to his charming nature, she is just drawn to him. He doesn't scare her the way some of the other bachelors do so she's a little more comfortable talking to him. If he initiates the conversation of course. She's still an absolute social mess when it comes to boys.
  • hyunwoo » Eunjung's grandfather is a big sports fan so she's vaguely aware of wo Hyunwoo is. That makes approaching him even harder, so generally she just doesn't. She's polite as ever if they are in a room together, but she's clearly awkward.
  • minhyuk » If Eunjung is a little awkward around Hyunwoo she's a blushing mess around Minhyuk. She's a fan of a few of the dramas he's been in so she definitely knows who he is. She tries her best to be as polite as she is with everyone else, but around her fan crush she has a much harder time of it.
  • hoseok » Eunjung likes Hoseok. Hoseok is safe and doesn't mind that she's terrible at small talk. Hoseok lets her sit quietly and hum to herself, or he's content to sit to the side while she bustles around the kitchen making her fifth batch of cookies without asking her if everything is okay. Of all the bachelors Hoseok is her favorite and if she were to pick one to openly admit to liking he would be the one. And it wouldn't be a lie.
  • kihyun » At first Eunjung reacts the same way to Kihyun as she does with Hyunwoo. However once she's become comfortable in the kitchen she starts to be a little more firm with people when she's cooking, and eventually she works up the courage to stay and finish her cooking even when Kihyun arrives in the kitchen (when she wasn't yet comfortable in the kitchen she'd turn off her stove, dump whatever wasn't finish, and awkwardly excuse herself so she wasn't in his way). And after some time cooking side by side she dares to make a suggestion on something he's making. (Whether or not this ends up with them getting closer or her retracting back into her shell and avoiding him entirely depends on how well the exchange goes)

this is paradise.


"So...this is season 2 of Bachelor's Paradise. Interesting how people are still torturing themselves with applying for this show. Please, introduce yourself."

  • "Um, hello. My name is Kim Eunjung"

"Why do you think you need this program to find love? Is there a reason you couldn't find love on your own?"

  • "U-um, well, I- I suppose I'm very busy these days so it's been difficult to meet new people."

"Why should we choose you and not someone else?"

  • "O-oh. Um. I-I don't know. I wouldn't want to prevent someone else from finding love..."

"What do you think about people who gain a lot of money?"

  • "That they work very hard?"

"Any hopes or dreams for the future?"

  • "I just want to be a good wife for someone."

"Oh right... did you watch season 1?"

  • "I actually didn't..."

"Okay, that's it... why are you looking at me like that? You want to tell me something else?"

  • "Ah, no! No I'm terribly sorry, I'll leave now."

last words.

comments/suggestions » Haha, well, there's my first attempt at making a character using one of these sheets instead of just my own head! She's very heavily inspired by the amazing song "She Used To Be Mine" by Sara Bareilles which is where all the song lyrics come from~ I do indeed hope she turned out nicely but certainly inform me of any way I can improve upon her and I'll be happy to oblidge! I also realize upon looking back that even if she were to make the show she likely wouldn't last for very long, but oh well. I had plenty of fun making her! ^-^

scene requests » Well since this is season two I think you know far better than I what will work best for the show!

password » Kyuhyun


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