RK characters has bloggers

Yes. This is what i decided to make my second blog about.


 This is what i think rurouni kenshin characterswould be making as bloggers

So let’s talk about what their blogs would be like.

Kenshin: made a blog because Kaoru forced him to, has the generic starter theme with no icon or header image and one text post which reads, “Hi. :) I’m new. I will try to update regularly.”

Kaoru: has a blog with a gorgeous theme, carefully tags every single post, reblogs fandom and sj things, recs her fave ff, posts selfies, wants you to have a good day every day, gets anons asking for advice about love and life, everyone calls her their mom

Yahiko: runs a gaming blog, loves filming minecraft tutorials, has a weekly “let’s play…” show on yt, trying hard to make a name for himself but isn’t hugely popular…….yet

Megumi: runs a beauty blog with makeup tutorials, has anon turned off, got internet famous and has her own line of beauty products named after her

Sano: has the generic starter theme, reblogs everything under the sun but mostly memes and , tags absolutely nothing, @’s Katsu in every single ask game, vague blogs about his friends, complains openly about Saito, gets anon hate and laughs at it, once sent an ask to Kaoru like, “how do u kno if teh person u likeactually likes u back????” and forgot to go on anon

Saito: appears to have one main account with a plain custom theme, barely updates but will reblog sj and news posts, sometimes reblogs pictures of wolves, keeps his askbox closed, never reveals his age, likes every negative post Sano writes about him. actually runs multiple accounts under different email addresses to mess with everyone

Katsu: runs a super popular art blog, lives on fanart commissions, his most popular art post is a painting of Hiko that was commissioned by the man himself, ignores Sano every time he tags him in something

Hiko: has an elaborate theme with his selfies plastered all over it, posts selfies all day on his blog and instagram, has hundreds of thousands of followers, expects the anon love he receives but is extremely salty over anon hate (eyes emoji @ saito)

Cho: straight up 420 blog, sends Sano hate off anon. runs a secondary anime blog claiming to be a different identity, absolutely writes self-insert ff, accidentally reblogs things to the wrong blog and doesn’t notice until it’s too late, everyone knows about his secondary blog lol

Misao: runs multiple blogs with bright and elaborate themes: an aesthetic blog, a jpop blog, a general anime blog, and a personal blog where she reblogs literally everything from Aoshi. Writes ff, tags Aoshi too many times, gets really REALLY pissed off when “anons” (*coughcough*) claim they’re the one who loves Aoshi most

Aoshi: has the darkest theme that ever themed with emo music you can’t turn off, posts links to more emo music from old bands, reblogs fashion and ridiculous memes, has an activity feed filled with Misao’s url, turned his askbox off completely (wonder why)

Yumi: runs a super popular fashion blog, posts makeup tutorials and beauty hauls, makes hella money from promoing merch, posts selfies that get thousands of notes

Shishio: posts conspiracy theories and weird politics, hijacks posts to start arguments, tags hate


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