== Blog #61: Help with Writer's Block

Okay I don't have necessarily writer's block but I have a lot of ideas for a story but those ideas don't happen till later on in the story. And I don't know how to get to those parts. If I were just to add them in now, the story would move to fast and be bleh you know? So does anyone have any ideas on how to help?





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Sami is on the dot there. For me, if its a part of a story that I'm excited about then I write it out fully (like a confession scene), and then I just keep it ready and waiting for when its the time to use it in the story. And that's my incentive to keep writing, to get to that part, and it helps.

Its also great to keep a timeline of the most important parts of your story, and those bits of scenes you're thinking about, add it to the timeline. It'll make keeping track of your story so much simpler.

Good luck!!!
K drama*
Cause if you have a lot to express it'll come rushing out and may not always be in the right order .visualize it maybe like a manga or Kerala what would they do
Hmm I'm no writer but maybe try writing a summary including all the stuff you want to throw in .limit it to like 400 words and try your hardest to get it all in there it won't write all the chapters but it'll make sure you have everything in there and in the right order.