H.I.A.T.U.S + message to everyone

yup. You've read that right. I'm going to go on HIATUS.

well, maybe not 100% totally off AFF. I'll still be occasionally logging in whenever I feel so sleepy in the mornings (like 2 am or such).

I really need to focus more on my studies, and I'm cutting off all sorts of possible distractions like cellphones, TV, internet. But I'll still be replying to your wallposts whenever I have time! I'll super totally back at around...March or April? 

I don't know, but I feel as if my subjects are getting more and more demanding and I really feel as if this year, I've been having a mediocre performance. If I want to survive, I know I've got to exert more effort and do really REALLY well :)

So, I want to tell you all ADVANCED HAPPY VALENTINES DAY (though I'm pretty sure I'll be posting Happy Valentine's Day on your walls during February 14) and I love you guys! My stay here in AFF is very much fun and happy with you around :) And I hope you'll all have a GREAT Valentines Day, but I'm pretty sure I won't be spending it with a 'special someone' though since I haven't got a boyfriend (ha! LOL)...except of course, when mentally date with my KPOP biases during that day. haha




to all my fellow college/university friends: let's survive our courses with flying colors and show the world what we're made of! I know that being a college/university student means to 80% forclose our futures to those specific courses of ours, but I still believe that we can do much MUCH more than what we expect of ourselves. Grades are very important, but securing our identities are important as well. When the world tells us that we can't do this and that because it's impossible or because our courses don't just coincide with that ultimate dream of ours, we just have to tell the world TWO words: "Watch me"


to high school students (especially graduating ones): study hard, but have fun on the way as well. High School is the best time in the world to be with your friends and families, enhance your skills and talents, and find yourself. You may be confused on what you want to be, but I swear, just pray and listen to your inner self; find out the things that make you happy and mold you into better people and pursue that dream. No matter how difficult, it is not impossible! I'll always be here to support you guys and cheer for you in whatever endeavors you try to reach :)


yay! I'm sorry for talking like your moms or your guidance councilors! haha. I just want to leave you all inspiring messages (if that was helpful enough) before I go






Shana Mereilla


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good luck darl~
Good luck dear!!
I know, me too im getting busier..
Life is getting in the way =.=
and I hope u'll reach the grades ure hoping for :)
I will miss u as well *BIG HUGS* and saranghae ♥♥♥♥
Awwn, I'll miss you T.T
Well Study hard ! fighting !!
Thanks for the Inspiring messages :D
I'll be graduating "Middle" school this year (Lol) but your message really helped heh xD
Darn, just when I was starting to talk to you more XD
Good luck! Stay on track~~
Senk you for za inspiring messages :) Can I please copy and paste it then print it, as my wallpaper in my room? It's too inspiring XD
Again ... )';
Oh well, I wish you the best, dear shana <3
awwww that means we will gonna rarely talk to each other again :C
wish you all the best!
i know that you'll be a miss universe and a great doctor, eonnie ♥