Fanfic Popularity Speculations

Hi guys!

You all read stories and write stories so I wanted to talk. I know the obvious answer but I wanted to talk to you guys about it. So I wrote stories that have over a thousand subscribers but the stories just arent good LOL. I'll be the first one to admit that. Machine is not good and neither is Milk Tea. The writing and plots are cheesy and just downright lousy. But theyre IMMENSELY popular. Strange right? It's because of the pairings, fandom and groups.

I wrote a story that I was like, totally proud of and it was nowhere near as popular as Machine. I thought it was weird but I realized that it was because the pairing and group I chose just wasn't popular.


I kinda thought that was sad but I understand. But to see if I'm actually right, I'm thinking of tweaking that story and posting it as an EXO one. What do you think? I want to see if people actually like my writing or if they only like seeing EXO. I'm hoping for both but :/ who knows.

I'm also petty as LOLOL


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I love your writing, not because its exo. You are amazing writer. I found machine because it eas featured one day and to this day i have read it 5 times. I'm about to start on the 6th. It made me feel a lot of emotions and im not even a huge exo fan but you made me love these characters so much.
Wait, would you be writing Milk Tea as an exo one? And I know you're already rewriting Machine
so i had this kind of conversation with someone just yesterday because i plan to write too,
precisely about fanfic popularity and its fanbases.
and yes, it's indeed the groups, fanbase and pairings that affects most.
but when you write what you love with the characters or pairings you favor,
you'll love and enjoy writing it, thus it will be a good story.
imo, people will enjoy your stories if you also enjoy writing it,
i, as a reader, personally think i love a story that the author enjoys writing.
and i, when i write, personally think i enjoy writing (get even more descriptive and more creative) when i write about characters/pairings/groups that i favor.
if you change the pairings or groups because you wanted to gain more recognition (or because they have larger fanbases),
it's your choice but consider asking yourself: will you enjoy writing it? will it make you happy?
nevertheless, wishing you all the best with the stories, regardless of your decision! :D
The pairing does play an important role in the popularity of a story, but this is nothing new. People usually won't invest into a story if it features they notps or a pairing they could care less about. It is the price we must pay as fanfiction writers since people could care less about the personalities at first glance (let's be honest, most stories about idols are ocs with an idol faceclaim) and more about who is representing the characters, who the actors are.
Do hope your story will get the praise it deserves!