A Game To Make You Feel better!! 😘

Hey guys! Having a happy Monday? Hopefully you don't have the Monday Blues!! Back with V again and to all those people who feel really upset over stuff like annoying siblings, money problems or even moodswings, here's something to cheer you up!

I've made up this little game to make you feel a hint better!

1. You can play with at least two people or more, if you don't have friends at the moment, play with your sibling (even if they are annoying) or parents.

2. Write a compliment about each other on a piece of paper, fold it up and hide it somewhere in the room.

3. Create a map to show them where the compliment paper is and they will too do the same, then the both of you will try to find it.

4. When you recieve the paper, thank the person and you should instantly feel a tiny bit people.

This should help you feel better! This is a game I made myself from my heart and I dearly hope it will make you feel better! Thank me below in the comments and tell me how your game went! 

XOXO Vmystery


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