I am trying to write again

Thank you darlings for still writing nice messages to me. I'm very grateful.

The past year, I've completed studies, accepted a job, moved to a new city, and am living alone.

I also need to come out with the truth - I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and I've tried to fight it for long because I come from a middle-class family and don't have the option to give up on working and earning. I also have had symptoms of chronic depression and recently, finally, against my parents' wishes got to a doctor for real diagnosis. TBH, even I don't really think I'm ill in respectable/proper terms and cannot believe why without any physical cause or heavy mental trauma I should be so ill. I'm fighting to get better and do appear normal in my daily life interactions. 

So, I cannot promise to complete my fics - but I'll do my best to! I cannot promise to update regularly but I promise I'll try.

How are you all? Are any of you doing Nanowrimo?


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Omg we had no idea... Hope you will have good health and everything will workout for you... Eventhough I love your writing, taking care of your health comes first... So take your time with the fics.. <3 will pray for your good health.
Please take care of yourself!! After reading this, I really hope you're doing well~ TBH, I really love reading your story : )))) I will always look forward for your stories in the future. FIGHTING!! ^^9